Bill Hutson’s memorial gathering. Also relate to a meaning of “to remember” : ビル・ハトソン、追悼のお茶会。付随して『記憶すること』の意味

何年振りかでG.Jからの電話。アートビジネス・パートナーのR.Aと連絡がつかず代理でちょっと同行してほしい、と。まあ高齢ゆえ遠出は確かに人の手を借りねばならないだろう。G.J の住むニュージャージーに向かう電車 ”ワールドトレードセンター駅” の様変わり!


After a long while, G.J suddenly called me and asked me to attend his old friend’s memorial. You know my position to G.J is just a pinch-hitter instead of R.A(lol). Such amazingly so much changed to WTC path train station area!!

Will 2001/911 remain in people’s remembrance, or will it fade into memories along with the truth? Later uber brought us to the upper Manhattan, Hudson River side area. New green, green, green, quite fresh leaves are appeared by their own natural instinct.

Bill Hutson <—– click



Keep remembrance the deceased. It imposes on itself this active act of having a subject. Inside the human brain, cells (small chambers) called the hippocampus are an orderly mixture of folders of amazing records and memories.

The other day, Mieko said “I try to remember the deceased close to me. Similarly, remembering people (and their histories) who died without being acknowledged by anyone, as if they had disappeared in accidents, incidents, wars, etc.” Mieko and I talked about the deep meaning of memories and remembrances. This deep meaning (also their differences) and consideration will be written another day.