プリンス、健在なり:Prince is alive and well

ブルックリンの南端、海に向かう方がよほど近い場所に住んでいるので、マンハッタンに仕事で出るには、ともあれ早起き必須。どうかすると地下鉄を何度も乗り換え。しかも大抵は何かしらの故障や路線改修工事に巻き込まれる率が高く、行くも帰るも2時間ずつは見ている。で、早朝の日曜日、仕事先に向かうイースト・ハウストン通りで、懐かしのプリンスに遭遇! 我が最愛のオリンが、『ほら、早苗くん!見てごらん、プリンスがいるよ。僕もそうだよ、いつも居るんだよ』と言葉をかけてくれた気がする。あたしの心にすこーし余裕を持たせてくれたのかなあ。

I live in the south of Brooklyn, closer to the ocean, so I have to get up early to get to Manhattan for work. On the way, I always have to changed subways many times. What’s more, the rate of being involved in some kind of breakdown or route repair work is as always occuring , so I should put a mind how much hours need to take? Yes, a couple of hours in normal. Well, early in the Sunday morning, on East Houston Street, I ran into Prince!

My beloved Orin said telepathically, “Look, Sanae-kun! Look, there’s Prince. I’m the same, I’ll always be there next you.” I wonder if his spirit gave me a little peace of mind/leeway.


Well, on the 25th, which is also Orin’s death anniversary of the month, I met Prince again on the road! This is a fun hand-painted prince as you can see. I heard that this woman’s artist friend drew it. I was allowed to take a picture. Very nice feeling!