キュレーターは越光桂子さん、ポスター制作はトニー・サハラさん : Curated by Keiko Koshimitsu, Poster by Tony Sahara
“Untitled; the endless dance but hopefully not” by Orin Buck : 『無題;終わりの無いダンス、そうならないことを願うけど』 オリン・バック“The City Lights or in the Starry Night” by Sanae M. Buck:『都会の燈、または星降る夜』 バック・早苗
All of us participating artists, who are thinking about our homeland, have finished hanging our hearts together. Thank you to Rabbit House for providing the venue and to Mr. Hanaoka from Japan. N.W-san, please join us next year.
It was November of the year before last, and we were still in upstate Newburgh. On a slightly warm late fall day, we walked along the promenade along the Hudson River, which was our usual route. If we move, we won’t be able to come here as much as we do now, so we naturally recorded these areas on video! We started taking pictures with each one’s cell phone. My shot was very blurry, but as expected, Orin’s shot was accurate. What was also interesting was that the setting sun made the shadow of Orin, who was taking the video, stand out, as if someone mysterious was walking along the riverbank. . This seemed to have an unexpected video scene effect on Orin as well.
Orin would be leaving a few months later…since then I almost didn’t get anything done, however in the late fall of last year, almost a year after that day, I finally…! I was able to finish editing. I asked Benjamin who is our friend and composer to create the soundtrack. He and Orin have often experimented with modern electronic music collaborations that are truly rich, delicate, dramatic, and sharp in video and sound. I’m proud of them both. Let me do uploading the video soon.
In keeping with Orin’s wishes when he was in this world, the first anniversary of his death was completed quite easily. I felt that the Williamsburg Art & Historical Center where his last small works were on display was appropriate. I brought a drawing of a geranium flower, which he loved while he was alive, and two stuffed animals that he always took with them on drives.
Early morning messages from my sisters-in-law who are far away in Texas and Arizona. Furthermore, I received many warm messages from friends. I was also able to say hello to Yuko, the founder of the WAH Center, and Terry, the director. Orin lives in the world of everyone’s hearts, or rather, he is being kept alive by them. What a blessing!
With everyone’s support, I was able to get through this past year. Beyond words, it seems that a real shift began in the rest of my life. . I’m deeply moved. Appreciation, thank you very much.
This year marks the 25th anniversary since the founding of Wah Salon Show. Mary Westling and Orin Buck, both of two has been involved in the establishment from the beginning so in curator’s favor, their artworks are also on special display. If we are talking about the number 25 alone, it is also the date of Orin’s departure. Moreover, on February 25th, during the exhibition period, also marks the first anniversary of Orin’s death, and I cannot express my gratitude enough for this meaningful coincidence.
Since J-chan is moving, his ventriloquist puppet will be evacuating with me for a while. This doll’s name is apparently Charlie. While I’m with him, I call him “Ojiya/Grandpa" or “Ossan”. Orin might be smiling bitterly.
Earthquake in Noto Peninsula, one week has passed.
As the shaking continues and the fires have not stopped, snowfall, bitter cold, and infrastructure shutdowns, how can we be close to those who have passed away, those who are missing, and all those affected by the disaster?
Until late February, the first anniversary of Orin’s death, I divided it into four parts and applied it. Really! Right now, it’s absolutely the “conclusion” period! Superconsciousness = Love = Light, Gratitude and Blessings.
“Beauty looking back” by Moronobu Hishikawa :”見返り美人 の図 ” 菱川師宣 She’s looking back, but her feet are facing forward. It symbolically represents who I am now : この図で、女性は後ろを振り返っているが彼女の両足は前を向いている。意味するところは、象徴的に今のあたしの心模様と立ち位置を表している。“the love embrace of the universe the earth mexico myself diego and senor xolotl” by Frida Kahlo:”宇宙の愛の抱擁 地球 メキシコ 私自身 ディエゴとセニョール ショロートル” フリーダ・カーロ画
This year 2023, has flown by like never before. And from the very beginning, they kicked me and slammed me down. And in this years end, I am gradually becoming aware of the “light, love, and superconsciousness” called “ORIN” with gratitude. No more to delay. (of course no excuse) There are things to do, and let me do them one by one. After I’ll be done, let me quickly leave. Until the first one year anniversary of Orin’s death must be a tough climb, so I came here determined to do my best. First of all, my first step has begun.
I don’t know how long I’ll be in New York City, so I have to start filming my Flatbush Avenue.
My image of the rest of my life is riding a merry-go-round, scattering blessings and good fortune with big smile. I pray for the happiness and Blessing of all living things and the gratitude of being kept alive. thank you very much.
我が家の玄関:entrance of our houseお友達の家のクリスマスツリー:Christmas tree at a friend’s house桑の葉茶は凄いって:White mulberry leaf tea is amazingご馳走になりました!面白いお話もたくさんきくことができた:With a great foods I was able to hear many interesting stories from friends.
神舘美会子さんと和田良三さん、お二人の楽しくも深い話は何度聞いても笑いを誘われ、同時に考えさせられる。今年中に編集をなんとか終了させました!皆様のお時間のおありの時、訪問してくださるととってもうれしいです。こちらです。 『多文化都市ニューヨークを生きる』 <—ここをクリックしてご覧ください。ありがとうございます。 *this video is only in Japanese.