マーチの様子をhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuO15wARaHI友人がアップしてくれました.(please click to see/クリックしてご覧ください)
storm king art center
website with all artworks (please click to see/クリックしてご覧ください)
Too many sculptures! We should come back there again and again. Great & beautiful area!!
Kenji Miyazawa was born, 27 August, 1896 :1896年8月27日、宮沢賢治誕生.
Kenji Miyazawa. An extraordinary sensibility and an embody of animism. An eternal teacher who will continue to give a clear light in my life. Also Y.N who is my soul savior. They both have the same birthday, it means a lot to me. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenji_Miyazawa
宮沢賢治。類いまれな感性とアニミズムの具現者。私の生涯で、ひときわ澄み切った光を与え続けてくれる、永遠の師。また Y.N, わたしの魂の救済者。どちらも同じ誕生日というだけでも、私にはとてつもなく大きな意味を持つ。
Today, NYC Freedom Gathering
Today 18 August is Gilyak Amagasaki 91th Birthday / 今日8月18日は、大道芸人 ギリヤーク尼崎の91歳の誕生日です
東日本大震災の犠牲者追悼のため 最後の大道芸人、ギリヤーク尼ヶ崎が捧げた「祈りの踊り」https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23-LtrLFuhU
Japanese Last Street Performer, Gilyak Amagasaki performs “Dance of Requiem” for victims of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23-LtrLFuhU (click and watch)
The Legendary Woodstock Music Festival Forever!
Woodstock 1969, (Bethel, NY) began on Friday, August 15 and ended on Monday, August 18.
Everything has changed now, just like this; 2021 = 1984
Today, 76 years ago WW2 ended
Today I had a checkup of my hip replacement
I will take an X-ray again in half a year. I will do my best to do my daily exercise. Thank you very much to everyone at the hospital, clinic, physical therapy, Orin, and my friends, many of you who supported me during the most difficult times.
Today after the hospital….
We went to friend’s solo exhibition https://www.galleryonetwentyeight.org/ and then had a chat at a cafe.
Today, Monday, August 9, 2021, has a special meaning
On 9 August (Thursday) 1945, at 11:02 am the second atomic bomb “Fat man” was dropped on the Centre of Nagasaki, Japan.