水木しげる ”製薬会社”1971/Shigeru Mizuki “Pharmaceutical company” ’71

*from the top left to the right~until 4th horizontal line*

father “Bon-ta, why don’t you take a rest?” son ”Dad, please go back to sleep first”  father ”What are you studying so hard? son ”I want to make the ultimate medicine” father “Ultimate medicine?” son ”If you take it, all illnesses will disappear from the entire world. It is such a medicine. Then, all that remains in humans is the natural death of senility.”  father ”Stupid person! If you invent such a thing, Japanese pharmaceutical companies will go bankrupt!” son ”Because, there are too many medicines that do not work now.”  father “Still, it is our noble mission to make medicine!” son ”Such …”  father ”For example, the side effects of drugs increase the number of illnesses, which leads to the development of new drugs and the development of our business.”  son ”Somehow the idea is different from mine.”  father ”Instead, think about creating a drug for our company to make a profit!”

水木しげる;Shigeru-Mizuki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shigeru_Mizuki

恐怖という想念の耐え難い重さ・The unbearable weight of the idea of fear





私たちが、”コロナという現象” から自由に、そして本来の個々人の免疫力を取り戻し、ワクチンを打った打たないというアパルトヘイトのような分断に翻弄されず、同時に個々人の生命を尊重し、個々人の愛と豊かさに戻るのは、まず、”恐怖” という想念の総体をじっくり考えるのが良いのかな。感染=恐怖=死 或いは、免疫力=健康=生、


At some point, I remembered my experience with my best friend in Sunnyside, Queens.

I and she had a short session (which I’ll write about later) and suddenly I fell asleep while chatting on that warm night. Then, whether it was a ridiculously large lump on the back of the eyelid, a swirl, or all of the energy, the tremendous lump seemed to come toward me, and I opened my eyes. She said, “Oh, sorry, Sanae-san. I thought you were starting to fall asleep, and I thought I’d be very careful and close the window behind you. Did I wake you up?”

Oh, Yes! The fact that people think about small things and move their actions in that direction means that invisible, incredible and tremendous energy is moving! !! She just thought she would close the window, and she just tried to do it very carefully. However even her tiny action/thoughts turned to absolutely unbelievably big energy!

People say, be careful of your thoughts and words. It will surely be realized in this three-dimensional world. From thoughts and words to anything, this world is made up of energetic waves. Therefore, by adding meaning and direction into your thoughts, tremendous power is created. The total energy creates a real object, means creates a robust wave body.

What can be done so that we are free from the “phenomenon of corona” and regain the original immunity of each individual, and are not at the mercy of apartheid-like divisions such as vaccination and non-vaccination, and at the same time respect the lives of individuals. To return to the love and abundance of our origin, it is better to think carefully about the whole idea of “fear”. Infection = fear = death, or, get back your immunity = get right back your health = get back your true life,

Whatever, and whichever our thoughts create reality. .. .. ..

臨死体験・My near death experience

昨年の2月ヒョイっと足を滑らせ、あろうことか、私の左足の大腿骨がめちゃめちゃに!手術前、激痛でモルヒネも効かず, 何とか全身麻酔から目覚めると、私は晴れてサイボーグになっていた。

手術を挟んだ1週間ほどは、ありとあらゆることが満載で、メモを読み返してもその順番がつかめない。ので、この臨死体験(なのか夢現つか)の日にちは不明ではあるが、確か, 病院から戻ったその夜だったかもしれない(?)。

— 私はどうも死んでいて、土の中に横たわっている。私の横も上も下も、ぎっしりと、私のようなたくさんの死体が積み重なっている。なんだか、こんな状況が面白くて居心地も良く、確か笑ったと思う。それを、もう一人の私が、至近距離から観察している。ほどなく、ブルドーザーがやってきて、私たちの身体を一気に攪拌し混ぜこぜにし始めた。そうだ、私たちはコンポストになるのだ!堆肥になるのね〜。

— 目が覚めてしばらくボーと、このなんとも形容できない嬉しさ, のようなものが終日続いた。オリンも私も、樹木葬を選んでおり、土に還るってこういう感覚と喜びなんだろうか、と思った。これまでも、このような臨死体験ぽいのやら幽体離脱やらを何度か体験しており、これからの残された時間で, 私なりにそれらの意味することを解明して行こう。

In February of last year, I slipped on the ice, and my left leg’s femur was broken! Before the operation, I was in severe pain and morphine did not work, and when I woke up from general anesthesia, I found I was a cyborg.

From the time of the accident, for about a week, everything in my head was so messy, and even if I read the memo again, I couldn’t figure out what is what. So, the date of this near-death experience (or a kind of dreaming) is unknown, but it may have been the night when I returned from the hospital (?).

— I’m dead and lying in the soil. A lot of corpses like me are piled up next to me, above and below. Somehow, this situation was interesting and comfortable, and I think I laughed. Another person/I, is observing it from a close distance. Soon, a bulldozer came and began to stir and mix our bodies all at once. Yes, we will be compost!

—, I woke up, for a while something like this indescribable joy continued all day long. Both Orin and I chose tree burial, and I wondered if returning to the soil would be such a nice feeling and joy. I have experienced such near-death experiences and out-of-body experiences several times, and in the remaining time, I will try to clarify what they mean.

私は私を選びました : I chose me




3回目、セラピストの誘導を待たずして、私は深い催眠状態に入った。見えているそして感じ取れるイメージが, 脳内スクリーンに映し出された。どうも、宇宙船の窓から私は一つの胎児を眺めている、胎児はちょうど6ヶ月あたりで、同時に温かさや子宮内の感覚や情景が蘇った、私はこの胎児を選ぶ理由があった、それは唯一、この胎児の父親にあたる一人の人間を癒すため。同時に、激しい衝撃に近い感情がやってきた、「なんてこっちゃ!私の父親を癒すため、私は私を選んだのか?癒すどころか、私自身が最大限の侮辱や苦しさを味わされたではないのか?」



このビジョンは私にはショックすぎた、人間がその現実から逃避するためには、脳はあらゆるトリックを使う。忘却させたり都合よくまとめたり、いわゆる病気にさせたり辻褄を合わせたり。でも、私は何か、そうじゃない、という確信があった。実のところ、今に至るまで、”助けなきゃ、助けたい” というエンパス志向、そうした傾向が当然のように付いて回ってきた。自分を放っておいても人を助けたい、という気持ちがずっとずっと続いていた。



For some reason, I went to a hypnotherapist. I needed a so-called past life regression therapist that was popular mainly in New Age at that time. The therapist immediately told me: “I am a Jungian hypnotherapist in the normal way and have nothing to do with the elucidation of your previous life. So, I can introduce you to New Age friends.”

In one word, I chose her. I instinctively thought she could be trusted. I was afraid that under the hypnosis, it would surely take me to my core, my feud with my father, that a big lump that I never looked back on, however this therapy would be heading there? In fact, she said to me, “First, let’s go deeper into you, and then you can find especially the cause of the stumbling block in your male relationships.”

For convenience, I had four sessions, and the second time I cursed my father and surely I cried a lot (because when I woke up, I was littered with tissue paper that seemed to have wiped a lot of tears and runny nose).

The third time, without waiting for the therapist’s guidance, I went into deep hypnosis. The visible and perceptible image was projected on the intracerebral screen. Apparently, I’m looking at a fetus through the window of a spaceship, the fetus was just around 6 months old, and at the same time I felt like I was back in my mother’s womb, and I had a reason to choose this fetus for this life, I have to heal one human being, the father of this fetus. At the same time, feelings close to violent shock came, “What a hell! Did I choose me to heal my father? Far from healing, I myself experienced the utmost insult and suffering by him. OMG!”

(To my understanding, I, who is inside the spaceship, chose I, who is just fetus and will be born on the earth, also will be named SANAE. Anyway I was born prematurely.)

Simultaneously I heard a voice from deep inside me that seemed to say, “Everything is absolutely perfect, there is nothing to heal nor help, everything is as it is, and I chose me to learn the ultimate in trust in phenomenon.”

After awakening, I clearly conveyed this vision to the therapist. She was completely silent, neither denying nor affirming, but she asked only one question, “What do you want to do? Do you want to continue the session?”

This vision was too shocking to me, the brain uses every trick to escape from that reality. Forgetting, summarizing conveniently, pretending so-called illness, and/or to adjust the story to fit the situation. But I was convinced that it wasn’t just a delusion, it was very real to me. As a matter of fact, until now, my very big desire to follow the empathic tendency of “I have to help, I want to help” has naturally obeyed. I’ve always wanted to help people even if I don’t help myself or make time for myself.

I wasn’t in time for my father’s death, only my mother rushed to the hospital. Unconscious for weeks, my father, who was connected to a number of tubes and curled up like a small fetus, passed away. My mother said, “Surprisingly, Oto-san (she called her husband this) suddenly started talking! He said ‘My entire life was neither good nor bad’.” My mother also had a pretty psychic side, so surely her spirit comes into contact with the truth of existence through him?

I’m thinking of writing about the background of my father, who was an anarchist and had a personality disorder, and about an episode that I will never forget.

そういえば、まさに俯瞰的な夢を、、: Come to think of it, I had a dream about bird’s-eye view ,,




At the end of last year, a friend checked my horoscope and said that I have a bird’s eye view of what is happening. For example, it seems that it has such a viewpoint that it looks at itself (or something in the world) from the air.

After the new year, my first dream was something fun, but I can’t remember. However, when I was in my thirties, I had a dream of this “overhead view” itself. This dream is very meaningful to me, and I think it’s the 4th best symbolic dream so far.

~ ~ I look down on two parallel roads from a considerable altitude. No matter how you look at the dark road, it is covered with bushes and a dark forest continues. The other parallel road is bright and warm, regardless of the reflection of the sun. You can see that it is straight, spacious comfortable and enjoyable to walk on towards the final goal. Moreover, since these two roads are next to each other, it doesn’t matter which one you change to, but what’s wrong? I’m walking along this dark thorny road. ~~, then I woke up, what the hell is that! More than 30 years have passed, whenever I remember this dream thinking that I should move to a bright and straight road (although it is a scene in a dream). This time I remembered the dream by chance. I didn’t forget it, but I didn’t do it, right? So, now I have switched to the bright road.

笑う門には福来たる: Laughter is the key to happiness


About eight years ago or so, I talked with a friend who is also an artist and a calligrapher about a proverb with implications, and then I got proverb written by hand from her. Orin & I were happy just to look at it, so I stuck it in the mirror. I can’t find this important paper because we’re often moving. The luggage that can’t be carried is still in the warehouse in Arizona, so I hope it’s in it. In a picture of the Queen’s apartment where we used to live, I found its photo but the angle was not good! At the start of 2022, I am putting this proverb in the middle of my heart.

プリンスはハヌマンか?: Is Prince Hanuman?




プリンス/ Prince Rodgers Nelson  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_(musician)  ハヌマン/ Hanuman https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanuman

The Japanese musicians who I liked but suddenly became a fan of after decades were Hibari Misora, Shizuko Kasagi, Junko Ohashi and Shinji Harada. I was originally a Western enthusiast, so I love rock, soul, funk, avant-garde, noise and jazz. However, there was a “prince”…. I was avoiding him because at that time I thought he was too noisy and nasty. Recently, Orin asked me, “Haven’t you seen Purple Rain?”, so I reluctantly watched this legendary movie, and then I went straight to Prince. I wonder if I have been so crazy since Stevie Wonder when I was in my early twenties.

There is numerous information about Prince, so I don’t need to say much more about him.

In his later years, he was a charity activist, and he had a very sharp point of view, such as criticizing the chemtrails. For all his 57 years, he was an incarnation of something that transcends humans, he was a multimedia artist who maximized the visualization of all the beauty, ugliness, sexuality, and vibrations of these emotions in this three-dimensional world. When I thought he must be Saraswati, Bishnu, Krishna or Shiva, instantly I heard his (?) voice saying, “No, I’m Hanuman”.

Yoshiko Chuma, Head in the Sand Dec 25 2021 : 中馬芳子 ”ヘッド・イン・ザ・サンド, 25 Dec, 21”

2021年12月25日、中馬芳子さんのお誕生日であり、恒例のシリーズ ”Head in the Sand” オンエアの日でもあったんです。クリックして、この日の、そしてこれまでの斬新なビデオシリーズをご覧くださいね。

Yoshiko Chuma/中馬芳子 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoshiko_Chuma

25 Dec, 2021, was dancer, choreographer and director of the performance art group “The School of Hard Knocks” Yoshiko Chuma’s birthday. People aired a video celebrating Yoshiko’s birthday and showing their thoughts on Christmas.

This is the link https://vimeo.com/660092537 and/or https://vimeo.com/660105519

Sound Healing etc : サウンドヒーリングや、ヒーリングクリームのこと

Our couple of healer/art/music friends, Frank & Michele was coming after a while. They said that from now on, sound vibration including so-called voice will be the “key” that leads all events to harmony. Also Michele had a dream suggesting this. Wonderful coincidence, more and more Orin and I are really enjoying making tones, sound, melody and music. At the same time Michele has been making “knit-bone” healing cream. One of the ingredients is “comfrey”, comfrey is known as knitbone. It has Alontin in it and helps to mend heal connective tissue and bones.

The end of 2019, after I broke my right wrist, this cream was so useful. The scars after the femur fracture surgery in February have also been cleaned up, and I am grateful to be able to use my wrist and hip. These two fractures of mine were due to a big fall on a frozen road and in the garden shortly after I moved, and I’m hoping for a cream to fix this sloppiness, well. The first thing to do is to learn how to walk on a frozen road.

久々に、ヒーラーの友人カップル, フランクとミシェルが遊びに来た。これからはいわゆる声(ボイス)含めてのサウンドバイブレーションが全ての事象を調和に導く”鍵” になる事、ミシェルは、それを示唆する夢を見たことなどを話してくれた。私もオリンも以前にも増して音・音階・音楽作りが面白くてならないこと、これらのタイミングなどを楽しく語り合った。また、ミシェルは骨の結合組織を繕う働きのあるコンフリーを成分に加えた、ニットボーンと命名しているクリームも作っている。骨折後の部位にこのクリームで優しくマッサージすると回復が早いとのこと。


28 November, 2021. Niizeki Hiromi First Anniversary / ニイゼキヒロミさんの、一周忌メモリアル展がありました。

Here is the link about her memorial show、 こちらが、ニイゼキヒロミ展のビデオリンクです。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJFlPSBCDuM

She is also a member of the Musashino Consortium, and their exhibition this May also featured her remembrance corner. 彼女は武蔵野コンソーシアムのメンバーでもありました。この5月の武蔵美展に、彼女のコーナーが設けられました。その時のビデオです。https://youtu.be/Pp1uPqC_uiE

時空を超えて、彼女の魅力的なシリーズだった ”ポケットプロジェクト” を続けているのじゃないかな。ヒロミさん、どうもありがとう!!Beyond a time and space, She will be surely continue of her strong and charming series “Pocket project”, Thank you, Hiromi!