It’s somehow reassuring to motivate myself. By ahead, It doesn’t mean the future, but this moment, but to put it simply, I made a big purchase. A used laptop, but a pretty good version for 2020. The old ones couldn’t be upgraded, so I was kind of stuck with video editing and writing and other things. Tony-san helped me out alot. Thank you very much.
October 3rd is my wedding anniversary with Orin-chan. To celebrate, I’m offering him some bitter red wine, which was his favorite taste. Also I met a friend the day before, and was given great natural salt as a gift, so I made a proper offering here. Really good feeling! rest in peace, love, light, and happiness
M-san came to visit with eel seaweed rolls, corn croquettes, and other things. When Orin was alive, he loved M-san’s cooking and would eat it all up in an instant. Since he was like that, of course we shared some foods with Orin first. When we glanced at the photo, Orin-chan was already full of smiles. No matter how you look at it, his face is flushed red and he is smiling?! Thank you very much, M-san. Gasshou/Rest in peace *I guess the monthly anniversary of his death came forward*
オリンちゃんの月命日に召し上がれ、ってスイーツ満載フォトが届いたよ。 有難う、Kさん!:I received a photo full of sweets to enjoy on the monthly anniversary of Orin-chan’s death. Thank you, K-san!
何て有り難きこと。見事な仏花をオリンにシェアして下さったSちゃん。これも大切なご縁なのですね:What a blessing. S-chan shared her beautiful flowers with Orin. This is also a precious spiritual connection. photo by S.T
Yuma-san requested that she needs to get a video of her performance that I made. I checked out this video for the first time in a while. Ah, how nostalgic! In particular, Orin’s piano soundtrack has been revived after seven years. No, let’s remove the concept of time and space. We are here now, experiencing the “Naka-Ima/just here & now” through video. metamorphosis vol. 2 <– click
Since plants don’t move around themselves, perhaps they use the animals and creatures(human) around them as extensions of themselves? For the past month and a half, I have been taking care of the plants on behalf of my friend. Yes, they are the main characters, so I humbly listen to their requests. Sunlight, direction, watering, care. At first, both of us were nervous (?), but we soon got comfortable with each other and it’s now fun to take care of them.
The other day, I went to visit my dear friend Y with kalimba. I played Japanese children’s songs and sang them in her ears. The forest outside the window was still a remnant of summer before the leaves turned red. The warm sunlight wrapped her.
フランクの”作詩”クラスに誘われた。皆が俳句に興味を持っていることが面白いなって思った。:I was invited to Frank’s “Poetry” class. It was nice that everyone there was interested in “haiku”.
I play with the tip of my thumb, barely at the base of my fingernail, and I’m not used to it, so I get blood every time I play the metal keys/tines. J shows me the tip of his finger, a “callus” (!) and tells me to make one. For the time being, I’ve decided to practice the basics and be able to play “Clair de Lune” (Debussy’s piano piece), “Kimi ga Yo” (Japanese national anthem), and, greedily, “Sunayama” (nursery song).
Bushkill Falls ← click. Also known as “Niagara Falls of Pennsylvania”, I had a very enjoyable experience with E-chan and D-chan who invited me to go. This is actually my first time so much enjoyed in the nature since I moved to NYC, I thoroughly enjoyed forest bathing and waterfall bathing. I’m very grateful to the two of them. Thank you very much. *All the waterfalls were not only beautiful but also I felt dignity.
折り紙コーナー:Origami corner展示『この空の下』:”Under This Sky: Manhattan Project”浄土真宗僧侶、中垣氏によるドキュメンタリーフィルム『卍 / マンジ』上映:Film Screening of the documentary “Manji” by Rev. Dr. K. Nakagaki
My friend J.E. taught me the basics of how to playing the kalimba. The pleasant sound is similar to that of a music box. This simple instrument is also known as a “thumb piano.” Perhaps I was unconsciously searching for this sound vibration?! Last month, I attended Kevin’s kalimba meeting, and the moment I heard it, I thought, “That’s it! This tone and scale are essential for my ‘green funeral project’ !” I knew about the kalimba, but I never imagined it would be connected in this way.
Tさんトリオのガーデンイベント:T-san Trio’s garden event敬老会はウナギ弁当:Eel lunch box for the Respect for the Aged Day partyオリンの17回目の月命日、カリンバの上のオリンちゃん:On the day of the 17th monthly anniversary of Orin’s death, I put him on my kalimbaYちゃんの、ちぎり絵タイム、子供たちがたくさん集まって大盛況。Cちゃん、Yちゃんと共に:Y’s Paper-cutting time was a great success, with many children gathering. With C-chan and Y-chan.
Director Hideaki Ito comes a shocking documentary about the prevalence of radiation poisoning in the US—and the untold story of the mother who tried to expose it. In 1951, nuclear weapons testing began on the US mainland. Hundreds of miles away in St. Louis, Dr. Louise Reiss began collecting baby teeth from other mothers in her community. Through studying these teeth, Reiss found that American children—not just the so-called “Utah downwinders”—had been exposed to dangerous levels of radiation. Silent Fallout traces these stories and others, journeying from Salt Lake City, to Virginia, to Missouri, to the United Kingdom, and to Japan, exposing the government deception behind the bomb.