あと幾つ寝るとお正月?:How many more days until New Year’s?


11月下旬は、病院に面会、Eちゃん達とブルックリンのヒストリカルハウス探訪、オリンの月命日は21回!, Jとカリンバ練習、M &Cさんお宅にて感謝祭を過ごしました。また、懐かしく嬉しい、あたしの(嘘っこの)娘と孫ちゃん!!(気持ちはあたしのファミリー)に久々にゆっくり会いましたよー。

Usually, when Halloween passed and Thanksgiving came around, in my head, it’s already goodbye for this year, but I’m starting to feel a distance from everything. Well, I guess it’s becoming clearer that if I keep being conscious of the here and now, I’ll reach the end of my life sooner or later.

Totchan and me. He is big boy now!

Ben’s Homemade Bobby Pin Thumb Piano : ベンの、手作りヘアピン親指ピアノ

Here is a video that musician & composer Benjamin Miller just posted his unique and artistic original handmade thumb piano(a kind of Kalimba) video. homemade thumb piano <– click

ベンが、かつて手作りしたと言う”カリンバ” の、ビデオリンクを送ってくれた。見てください〜。カリンバは、別名 ”親指ピアノ” って言われており、堂々たる楽器です。   親指ピアノ   ←ークリック


最近の創作詩:recent creative poem #3 (topic/ Flashlight)


月明かりのもと、また星明かりのもと、いつものように市街戦。                      暗闇の中、サーチライトの点滅、地球を取り囲む衛星は すでに爆撃地の所在をマークする。         地球っていうのは実は平らなんだよ、と信ずる彼らにとって、フラッシュライトの忙しい動きすら 彼らの目には仮想現実. あたかも魅惑的な星屑、彗星、あるいは流れ星のように見えるのだろうね?                     そして, それから 太陽光のもと, とてつもない破壊の全貌が明らかになる。


Under the moonlight and under the starlight, it’s a scary warfare as usual.

In the darkness, searchlights flash, and satellites surrounding the Earth have already marked the location of the bombing sites.

To carefree people, do the hustle and bustle flashlights look like fascinating stardust, comets, or shooting stars?

And then, under the sunlight, the whole picture of the enormous destruction is revealed.

最近の創作詩:recent creative poem #2 (topic/ no cellular phone today)


「ちょっと!なんでまだキープしてんの、僕のセルラー?」わたしの心の世界にすむあなたが尋ねる。    「だって、あんたが居なくなってしまったから、せめてあんたの分身だったセルラーを身近に持っていたいのよ。」                                                「僕が身体を持っていた時、」とあなたは話す、もちろんテレパシーで。 「僕はあらゆる I T機器使いまくりだったよ。仕事とは言え、、あの頃、きみはいつも『今日はセルラーは無しよ。せめて散歩中の時だけでも』って言ってたよね、『楽しいことをやろうよ』って言ってたよね、、」                       ふ〜む、 あなたの健康を守ろうと、小うるさく、電磁波機器から遠ざかれって言い続けたわたしも、もういない。  その代わり、中性子とか陽子とかクオークとか、そんなふうに量子に還元されたあなたの魂、宙空の電磁波交流、こうしたテレパシー的会話は、いささか奇想天外すぎるかも?

One of my grieving processes : Telepathy

“Hey! Why are you still keeping my cellular phone?” he asks, living in my mind. “Because you’re gone, I want to at least have your cell phone close by.”

“When I had a body,” he says telepathically, of course. “I used all kinds of IT devices. Even for work,” “You always told me『No celler today! Especially when we’re taking a walk 』”, he continues, “You always said『 Let’s do something fun! 』”.

Hmm, I’m no longer the person who nagged him to stay away from electromagnetic devices to protect his health.

Instead, having a telepathic conversations with his soul, reduced to quantum like neutrons, protons, and quarks, is just too fantastic…. Too out of the blue, right?


晩秋のブルックリン植物園をKと訪れた。ほぼ紅葉の始まった園内で、いく種類かのバラが陽光に顔を向け、健気に咲き揃っていたのが印象的だった。 先日は祥子マッサージ。本当にありがたい。砂糖断ちをしてからの心身の変化や近況報告などで楽しく会話が弾んだ。それとですね、思ったより長引いたが右肋骨の打撲もほぼ回復してきたし、久々に活元体操に出かけた。ほぼ3ヶ月、右側をかばってきたのでとてつもない歪みに我ながら驚きました。あ, それとですね、ドキュメンタリーフィルム・スクリーニング。残念ながらやんごとなき所用のため早めに失礼せざるを得ず、ミスしました。。

I visited the Brooklyn Botanical Garden with K in late autumn. In the garden, where the leaves have almost started to turn red, it was striking to see several kinds of roses blooming bravely, facing the sunlight. The other day, I had a massage therapy at Shoko’ studio. I’m really grateful. We had a fun conversation about the changes in my mind and body since I stopped eating sugar (or sugary snacks, sweets) and about recent updates. Also, although it took longer than I thought, the bruise on my right rib has almost healed, and I went out Katsugen exercises for the first time in a while. I had been protecting my right side for almost three months, so I was surprised at how much it was distorted. Oh, I missed to watch *the documentary film screening, hopefully I will be able to see it someday.


*”Pale Blue Dot When You Smile..” / This film explores the essence of life and soul through the reflection of water, borrowing insights from Shintoism and scientific studies.

最近の創作詩:recent creative poem #1

詩人+アーティスト+環境活動家のフランクの主宰する詩のクラスを受講しており, 毎回トピックをもとに皆が各々の詩を展開する。今回は『階段』。私なりに, 与えられた言葉のコンセプトを展開させ, 右脳と左脳のバランスを培う良い訓練だと思っている。

I am taking a poetry class led by Frank Craven, a poet, artist, musician, and environmental activist, and each time, everyone develops their own poem based on a topic. This time he gave us was “The Stairway”. In my own way, I think it is good training to develop the concept of given words and cultivate the balance between the right and left brain.



いま、階段のずーっと上の方から 何やら「未来」と呼ばれる可能性、いろんな現象が駆け下りてきて、         いま、 まさにあなたが階段を登ろうと片足を持ち上げたその瞬間、                    「未来」たちは、あっという間にあなたをすり抜け、                                                そして今、 全力疾走している彼らは「過去」に向かう階段を一気に飛び降り、                仄暗い深淵に消えていった。  



Right now, from the top of the stairs, various phenomena called “future” are rushing down,

Right now, the moment you lift one foot onto the step to climb the stairs, the “future” ones slip past you in an instant,

And now, they sprint down the stairs to the “past” and disappear into the dark abyss.

ちょっとドキドキ、カリンバ演奏:A little thrill, playing the kalimba @ gallery OneTwentyEight

いいえ、『演奏』なんて書いちゃいけません。お友達のアートオープニングで少し弾かさせていただいたの。初心者ですよ。教えを請うているJが都合で来られず、即興を含めて、”蝶々”、”ロンドン橋落ちた”、”ぶんぶんぶん蜂が飛ぶ”、”うさぎのダンス” 画廊オーナーの和子さんやYさんも歌って下さって、どうやら無事に過ぎました。この機会を与えて下さった全てに多大に感謝。

No, I shouldn’t write “performance”. I played a little at a friend’s art opening. I’m a beginner. J, who has been teaching kalimba to me, couldn’t come, so I improvised and played “Butterfly”, “London Bridge is Falling Down”, “The Bee Flies”, and “Dance of the Rabbit”. Kazuko, the owner of the gallery, and Y also sang, and it seems that the event went smoothly. I am so grateful to everyone for giving me this opportunity.

photo by S.O.G
こちらは、ユニオンスクエアでのイベント:the closing event for the LOV sculpture in Union SQ

オリン、ここに眠る。それこれ。:Orin rests here, and so on.

所用でジュディのアートスタジオに出かけた。昨年、彼女のイタリーのミツバチ園に、オリンの遺灰の一部を撒いていただくよう頼んだ。彼女は快く引き受けて、柘榴の木の根元に撒いてくださった。今年の様子では, 柘榴の木の周りは百花繚乱。彼女はたくさんの素敵な写真を見せてくれた。ミツバチが飛び交い、まさに平和と愛の園。どこかに行ってしまったオリンだけど (それに、もう個人じゃなくて超意識に戻っちゃたかなあ)きっとオリンは喜んでいる。そう思うアタシが有る。

I visited to Judi’s art studio. Last year, I asked her to spread some of Orin’s ashes in her bee garden in Italy. She kindly agreed and spread them at the base of a pomegranate tree. This year, the area around the pomegranate tree was full of blooming with many flowers. She showed many nice photos! Bees are flying around, A garden of peace and love. Orin has gone somewhere (and maybe he’s returned to superconsciousness, not individuality anymore), but I’m sure he’s happy. That’s what I feel.

Bee Garden in Murano/Italy. photo by Judi Harvest
At her studio. photo by Judi Harvest


October 25th is the 20th months of Orin’s death and his father’s biological birthday. I wonder if they’re getting along well? Also, I wonder if they’re being reborn as a family. In the evening, I went to a kalimba gathering and had a meaningful time. Also, on the 27th, I went to the opening of the WAH Center for the first time in a while. I dressed up a little like a Halloween costume.

楽しい一日、いつも楽しく、:Have a great day, always have fun,



M and L were opening a yard sale, sounded fun, so I went. It was a warm & sunny day, known as Indian Summer, with a clear blue sky and warm weather. The contrast with the fallen leaves on the street was a little otherworldly. Also, C had come to New York City, actually this is my first time to see her in 8 years (?!), There was no time or space, no past, no memories, just the encounter and joy of this here and now.

C said that she had a dream about Orin a few weeks ago. She woke up after chatting and hugging him. Orin lives in his friend’s world like this, even if it’s just a “dream world”. How grateful I am.

近所で有名なハロウィーンハウス:The famous Halloween house in the neighborhood

先行こう、先!:Let’s go ahead!

あたし自身を奮い立たせるのってなんだか頼もしい。先、と言っても未来軸のことでなくて今この瞬間なんですが、早い話, 大きい買い物をしました。ラップトップの中古よ, でも2020年版の結構良いバージョン。古い子たちはアップグレードができなくて, 編集や書き物やその他、何かと停滞してたの。トニさんにお世話になりました。ありがとうございます。

It’s somehow reassuring to motivate myself. By ahead, It doesn’t mean the future, but this moment, but to put it simply, I made a big purchase. A used laptop, but a pretty good version for 2020. The old ones couldn’t be upgraded, so I was kind of stuck with video editing and writing and other things. Tony-san helped me out alot. Thank you very much.

結婚記念日: Our Wedding Anniversary

10月3日はオリンちゃんとの結婚記念日。お祝いに生前の彼の好物でもあった、ほろ苦味のレッドワインを供える。前日はお友達に会って、お土産に天然塩をいただいたので、こちらもしっかりお供えしたよ。とても嬉しい。       合掌

October 3rd is my wedding anniversary with Orin-chan. To celebrate, I’m offering him some bitter red wine, which was his favorite taste. Also I met a friend the day before, and was given great natural salt as a gift, so I made a proper offering here. Really good feeling! rest in peace, love, light, and happiness