NYジャパンソサエティで4月29日スタート、宮本和子展: Kazuko Miyamoto: To Perform a Line

Japan Society ; https://www.japansociety.org/arts-and-culture/exhibitions

Kazuko Miyamoto’ show overview ; https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=oD9dKy6CQW6&back=1


Kazuko Miyamoto, the owner of a long-established gallery in Lower Manhattan called Gallery onetwentyeight, is an artist and has an extraordinary generosity. She knew young Jimi Hendrix, also she has earned the most artworld credibility as an assistant to Sol LeWitt. At the same time Kazuko has continued to fascinate us with her extraordinary artistic versatility and musical talent. I’m/we’re so happy. Congratulations!

JAZZ: art of k&d/ April/2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVOtaMOim4o choujuugiga at gallery 128、March/2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igCIKdDhjII Kazuko’s closing performance by Yoshiko Chuma, March/2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2gdAkAPkoY Kazuko’s performance with Sanae December/2011 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVvsm2eRRbU Kazuko’s Umbrella Dance, https://youtu.be/-eQWQLYBCrA

4月26日、日本の唄姫大橋純子さん : Japanese diva JUNKO OHASHI

の、お誕生日です。おめでとうございます。大橋純子さんを、昨年末の『プリンスはハヌマンか?』のブログにサクッと書きました。類を見ない歌唱力、当時の日本の歌謡界という枠を超越していた圧倒的な存在感。折に触れ、彼女の響き渡る歌声が蘇ってくる。 大橋純子

It’s her birthday. Congratulations. At the end of last year, I mentioned her name a little on my blog “Is Prince a Hanuman?” Unparalleled singing ability, an overwhelming presence that transcended the boundaries of the Japanese song(entertainer) world at that time. Occasionally, her dignified singing voice revives.

Idel’s amazing dress! : イデールの素晴らしいドレス!

Mica who is my long term friend wrote to us that her twin sister Idel made such so fantastic dress! I too know how Idel’s sense of fashion art is great, so Mica’s art & photography sense too. This news made me happy as if it brings spring. Here her email goes;

“hey fam and friends
i can’t help being so mad clucky proud of my quietly brilliant little sissy ​Idel​ whipping up this complicated eloquent open tulle skirt for her friend c​huck’​s dance performance in one crazy week !!! yes she is haitian but she sure can be quick when it counts”



Shoko Akiyama Massage Therapy Studio : 秋山祥子マッサージセラピースタジオ




Last year, because of my broken bones and the treatment of side effects in Orin, it’s been a long time to get a massage, so we were happy to be able to go to Shoko’s massage therapy studio the other day. This time, Orin had lymphatic massage from her.

She spent many years studying body structure and how to encourage the natural healing power of all of us. Well, if our body is like architecture, it means knowing the basics of the house.

She clearly taught us how the interactions of bones, muscles, tendons, blood, lymph and various body tissues support the body. Thank you, Shoko-chan. website; Shoko Akiyama NYS Licensed Massage Therapist

笑う門には福来たる: Laughter is the key to happiness


About eight years ago or so, I talked with a friend who is also an artist and a calligrapher about a proverb with implications, and then I got proverb written by hand from her. Orin & I were happy just to look at it, so I stuck it in the mirror. I can’t find this important paper because we’re often moving. The luggage that can’t be carried is still in the warehouse in Arizona, so I hope it’s in it. In a picture of the Queen’s apartment where we used to live, I found its photo but the angle was not good! At the start of 2022, I am putting this proverb in the middle of my heart.

Yoshiko Chuma, Head in the Sand Dec 25 2021 : 中馬芳子 ”ヘッド・イン・ザ・サンド, 25 Dec, 21”

2021年12月25日、中馬芳子さんのお誕生日であり、恒例のシリーズ ”Head in the Sand” オンエアの日でもあったんです。クリックして、この日の、そしてこれまでの斬新なビデオシリーズをご覧くださいね。

Yoshiko Chuma/中馬芳子 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoshiko_Chuma

25 Dec, 2021, was dancer, choreographer and director of the performance art group “The School of Hard Knocks” Yoshiko Chuma’s birthday. People aired a video celebrating Yoshiko’s birthday and showing their thoughts on Christmas.

This is the link https://vimeo.com/660092537 and/or https://vimeo.com/660105519

Sound Healing etc : サウンドヒーリングや、ヒーリングクリームのこと

Our couple of healer/art/music friends, Frank & Michele was coming after a while. They said that from now on, sound vibration including so-called voice will be the “key” that leads all events to harmony. Also Michele had a dream suggesting this. Wonderful coincidence, more and more Orin and I are really enjoying making tones, sound, melody and music. At the same time Michele has been making “knit-bone” healing cream. One of the ingredients is “comfrey”, comfrey is known as knitbone. It has Alontin in it and helps to mend heal connective tissue and bones.

The end of 2019, after I broke my right wrist, this cream was so useful. The scars after the femur fracture surgery in February have also been cleaned up, and I am grateful to be able to use my wrist and hip. These two fractures of mine were due to a big fall on a frozen road and in the garden shortly after I moved, and I’m hoping for a cream to fix this sloppiness, well. The first thing to do is to learn how to walk on a frozen road.

久々に、ヒーラーの友人カップル, フランクとミシェルが遊びに来た。これからはいわゆる声(ボイス)含めてのサウンドバイブレーションが全ての事象を調和に導く”鍵” になる事、ミシェルは、それを示唆する夢を見たことなどを話してくれた。私もオリンも以前にも増して音・音階・音楽作りが面白くてならないこと、これらのタイミングなどを楽しく語り合った。また、ミシェルは骨の結合組織を繕う働きのあるコンフリーを成分に加えた、ニットボーンと命名しているクリームも作っている。骨折後の部位にこのクリームで優しくマッサージすると回復が早いとのこと。


28 November, 2021. Niizeki Hiromi First Anniversary / ニイゼキヒロミさんの、一周忌メモリアル展がありました。

Here is the link about her memorial show、 こちらが、ニイゼキヒロミ展のビデオリンクです。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJFlPSBCDuM

She is also a member of the Musashino Consortium, and their exhibition this May also featured her remembrance corner. 彼女は武蔵野コンソーシアムのメンバーでもありました。この5月の武蔵美展に、彼女のコーナーが設けられました。その時のビデオです。https://youtu.be/Pp1uPqC_uiE

時空を超えて、彼女の魅力的なシリーズだった ”ポケットプロジェクト” を続けているのじゃないかな。ヒロミさん、どうもありがとう!!Beyond a time and space, She will be surely continue of her strong and charming series “Pocket project”, Thank you, Hiromi!


過日、ノースキャロライナのグリーンズボロに向かう3分の1あたりの道中で、車の思わぬ故障!すったもんだの末に、地元の良き修理屋さんに助けていただいた。幸い、修理点検も終わったという知らせで、はるばると電車に乗り、バスに揺られて修理やさんに辿り着く、その道筋の角っこに “おもちゃの広場”屋さんがあった. まさに, 子供の心を忘れていない大人のための,おもちゃ屋さん. あるいは私たちのようなジジババの遊園地. レトロなものから今に至るまで, オリンは圧倒されっぱなし!この店のオーナーもまた, おもちゃに愛されている王様のようで不思議な威厳があった。

The other day, about one-third of the way to Greensboro in North Carolina, our car broke down unexpectedly! Finally, a good local repair shop helped us. After a while we got a call that the repair and inspection had been completed, then, we got on the train all the way and switched to the bus to reach the repair shop. There was a “Toys on the Square” shop at the corner of the road. It is as if this toy store is for adults who haven’t forgotten the hearts of children. Or an amusement park for grandpa & grandma. From the retro toys to the new toys, Orin was overwhelmed! The owner of this shop was also like a king loved by toys, and had a mysterious dignity.

Orin took tiny video of them / 店内です。すごい!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1E71FSffxC0

20 Nov, 2021. Sallie Elkordy First Anniversary : フリーダムラリーの今日、サリーさんの1周忌でもありました。

This is last year’s her memorial news; http://www.vaclib.org/news/Memorial-SallieElkordy.htm

A speculation article about her sudden death; https://newsinsideout.com/2020/11/was-judge-sallie-elkordy-the-target-of-a-targeted-assassination-by-5g-so-as-to-prevent-her-from-testifying-in-the-tribunal-trial-on-sunday-nov-29-2020/