エリック からは、彼の作品をいただいたり, J. I ちゃんもチャイニーズフーズ持参で訪ねてくれたし、(アリゾナトリップの話が面白かった)E.K.Pさん、Micaちゃん、もう、皆さんが気にしてくれてテキストをくださったり。トキちゃんもゆかちゃんもありがとう。
Eric gave me his work, J.I. visited me with Chinese food (with interesting stories of their trip to Tucson/AZ). E.K.P. , Mica, toki, Yuka, and many sent me greeting by text message.
At Shoko Therapy Studio, I was able to meet Y.B, a mutual friend of mine. Her husband, M, gave me homemade soap and a cream! It’s nice to receive it, it’s a great thing with love. On this day, E.T and her husband Y.T helped me with my online account creation and address change, and it was a truly special day. Full of happiness.
マットとリズのシェアハウスで美味しい食事。A delicious meal at Matt and Liz’s share house.
And when it’s 11:00 at night, I can’t stay awake anymore. Every night I say, “Good night. O-san! ’ and woke up before 6:00 the next morning. Every morning, I change the water in Orin and chant the Heart Sutra whenever I feel like it. This is for everyone who passed away in my memory. I wish you all the best and happiness. Let’s live together with everyone today.
Luckily! the steel shelves that Orin had been using with heavy and complex computer system in many years, went to our good friend E & M’ house. Ms.E, I think her natural talent is to grow plants (and not only for the plants ). So did my mother, Orin’s mother, our previous landlady of Newburgh, and so was Orin. I’m really happy that things are going wonderful direction.
photo by Mattphoto by Lizphoto by Lizphoto by Lizphoto by Liz
” Dear everyone, thank you very much for coming to my husband Orin Buck Memorial today. Both Orin and I have been blessed with many warm friendships, and I am especially grateful to everyone who has encouraged and helped me since Orin passed away.
From 2007 to February 2023, life with Orin is as if riding a roller coaster that never stops. It can be said that it is full of ups and downs, we had fought many times. But each time we deepen our understanding, let’s be a team for the rest of our lives, we’ll be together until we die, we made tight commit. Orin always said “You know just you and me, right?”.
Now, after getting off the roller coaster because it suddenly stopped, I can take a bird’s-eye view of how we have traveled these years. Orin tolerated me endlessly. He accepted me unconditionally. We loved each one’ spirit Yes, each moment by moment.
Also I think Orin has served people amazingly in his lifetime. When people are in trouble, he wants to help them. His last words were, ” I wanted to work for people more! “
It was also our desire to return to New York City where music and art mates were waiting for us. Now, Orin, who had left his body and became the pure energy itself, must be happy and playing around freely. When I think about the stress he has been battling with his disease for the last four years, I’m filled with the feeling that I want him to be happy and free forever. (I know he is in the eternal dimension, far from the out of time, space and direction)
Since Orin passed away, something strange happens every day. His personality was also some playful parts, so I’m sure everyone will feel something.
My remarkable memories for example, Orin’s bass when I first met him, headphones that he always used be, his favorite jacket that came from his mother, a drawing of a crow that he knew I love, a sweatshirt that he designed in Michigan period, and a big pants because of his ascites. He immediately picked up suspenders that he always used habitually. I wanted to share these things with you.
Today is also Orin’s birthday. And just start “Higan”. In Japan, we call “Higan” is a Buddhist word and means the world of enlightenment. It is believed that the spirit of dead people can cross the river from the other world to this world. So I’m deeply moved.
Thank you very much. Sincerely yours, 19 March, 2023 Sanae M. Buck “
I wrote about a friend of mine who is a poet before, but she recently went to Jindai Botanical Gardens/Chofu-city, Tokyo to see this large konjac candlestick. It seems to be the second example in the world that flowers and leaves appear at the same time. She sent me a picture, thinking it might be a lucky charm. This is a lucky charm that jumped into my eyes when I opened my email a little while ago!
Well ~, actually my birthday was this 28th. I am deeply grateful for the messages and cards overflowing with love from everyone, the news to commemorate the publication, and the lucky charm images. Only the Appreciation.
Since becoming friends through G.J in 1999, we’ve met occasionally and laughed. For each of us, whether wanting to cry or the minds stop because too busy, still, our laughing brings a positive and powerful sense that everything might be alright. After good laughing, faith in myself returns naturally, also strongly. Cheers to T-chan & Y-chan’s music, dance, art, work and life!
This is the title of poetry book published by a friend (poet) in Tokyo on this fall. She sent it to me as a surprise, but apparently she accidentally sent it to my old address four years ago (Queens, Ridgewood). The address itself is correct, so there is a high chance that it will arrive, but if someone received it, of course I don’t live there and it would have been returned as the recipient unknown.
Fortunately, like a miracle, the landlord at the time found this collection of poems?? package?? that had been thrown away! It seems that no one was there because the house was being repaired, and the person who delivered it left it as it was. It could be a coincidence, or it could be a common occurrence. At the same time, my friend informed me that she was sorry that it did not arrive, and so she sent it to me again!
I’ve been feeling a lot of anxiety lately, so it was a very happy event.
彼女は素敵な素描も同封してくださった。She also enclosed nice drawings too.
From the top, going left to right: cherry blossoms, hawthorn, wild grapes, thoroughwort, toad-lily, spotted bellflower, fringed pink, burnet, and liverwort.