神舘美会子さんと和田良三さん、お二人の楽しくも深い話は何度聞いても笑いを誘われ、同時に考えさせられる。今年中に編集をなんとか終了させました!皆様のお時間のおありの時、訪問してくださるととってもうれしいです。こちらです。 『多文化都市ニューヨークを生きる』 <—ここをクリックしてご覧ください。ありがとうございます。 *this video is only in Japanese.
Category: Fantastic People & Friends
月命日も9回目それこれ:It’s also the 9th anniversary of O’s death
On Thanksgiving, I, with Y-chan who came from Las Vegas and T-chan to visit K-san in the hospital. Afterwards, we unexpectedly had a delicious dinner party at the loft of jewelry designer S-san. We talked about cooking(S-san is also a master of creative cooking person ever!), the history of tea ceremony, environmental issues, old days and nowadays NYC, a world problems/phenomena and more..

大橋純子さんのこと:About Ms. Junko Ohashi
I have already written about her on this blog, so I will refrain from repeating it, but Ms. Ohashi suddenly passed away on November 9th (Japan time) due to recurrence of esophageal cancer. I have two e-mail exchanges in my possession. At the time, Orin and I were living in the suburbs of New York, and we were renting a spacious floor, so if Ms. Ohashi ever came to New York, we thought we’d let her stay at our house. I was just spinning my dreams.
Ms. Ohashi and Elis Regina, also Frida Kahlo, Ana Mendieta, and Lou Andreas-Salome, all are overlap. They are truly charming, absolutely smart, and has the ability to strive for personal growth, challenge herself to surpass her limits, and has the flexibility and straightness of steel to laugh away at sadness.
And Billie Holiday wraps them in her arms and singing a lullaby. I can see that kind of scenery.
That is to say. Ms. Ohashi had everything in common with them. I pray that my favorite diva will have a peaceful journey. Thank you, blessings and prayers.

写真は口程にものを云う:The photo speaks as much as a mouth
日系人会主催の敬老会。その日担当のエイドさんの代理で、Kさんをお連れした。昼食弁当は特別に著名なシェフが作られたそうで味はピカイチ。やん、食べるのが勿体ない。こうした視覚的にも芸術の域に匹敵する繊細さは、あたしたちの誇るべき食文化なんですね。さて、雨上がりの夕方、お友達のカップルと共に近所のブルックリンカレッジのキャンパスの散策。由緒あるカレッジ図書館にも入って、その充実ぶりに堪能した。そういえば、所用で思わず、生前のオリンが足繁く通ったガン病院の前を通った。何とも言えない想い、、ジワーって涙が出たよ。 さて、イーストビレッジの病院に入院されているKさんの部屋の窓から、素晴らしい虹を見た。帰りがけ、幾人もの人から、あのでっかい虹を見たか?って呼び止められた。虹の良いところは、こんな風に人々の顔を上に向けさせてくれることだね. (微笑)
The lunch box at the Respect for the Aged Party hosted by “JAA/Japanese American Association of New York” was amazing! I thought, “Ah, what a waste” to eat it. Japanese food culture is simply delicate & artistic. Well, one early evening after the rain, I & friends couple went for a walk around the nearby Brooklyn College campus. The inside of the historic college library was once again well-stocked. By the way, the other day, I passed by the New York University Cancer Center, where Orin attended before his death, for the first time in a while. Tears welled up a little. . Now, I went to visit K at the hospital in East Village. We could see a wonderful rainbow from her hospital room. On the way home, I was stopped by several people asked me, “Did you see that amazing rainbow earlier?” The good thing about rainbows is that it makes people look up. (smile)

10月13日は, 神舘美会子(みたち・みえこ)さんとリョウ和田さんの出版記念講演会がJAAで開催された。(このブログでも紹介したお二人共著の『多文化都市ニューヨークを生きる』)たくさん素敵な人々が集まってくださり、異なる視座からの奥の深いスピーチ、同時に視聴者からの質問で時間はあっという間に過ぎていった。ビデオアップまで少々お待ちください。
On October 13th, a publication commemorative lecture by Mieko Mitachi and Ryo wada was held at JAA. (“Living in a Multicultural City of New York” co-authored by the two, which was introduced on this blog) A lot of nice people came together, and the time passed quickly with deep speeches from different perspectives and questions from the audience. Please wait a moment until the video is uploaded.

オリン大喜び、えみちゃんありがとう:Orin is very happy, thank you Emi-chan
えみちゃんが車で、あたしをロバート・モセス・ステートパークに連れて行ってくれた! 海で泳いでバーベキューも、と楽しい計画。途中、ファーマーズマーケットで野菜も仕入れ、いえいー!
ところで、出がけの一瞬に不思議なことがあった。ご存知のように、シートベルトは当然ある重量のかかった座席のセンサーがそれを認知し、ベルト装着を促す警告灯〜警告音を発する、のですが誰もいない後部座席なのよ。。これじゃあ、あたし達は出発できない!? それで、空っぽの座席のシートベルトを試しに装着した途端、全てOK。オリンにも所縁のあるロングビーチ〜ジョンズビーチ〜ファイアー・アイランド、オリンは絶対に同行したかったのだろう。えみちゃん共々納得。
Emi-chan took me to Robert Moses State Park by car! A fun plan to swim in the sea and have a BBQ. On the way, we bought some fresh vegetables at the farmers market, which was great! Yey!
By the way, a strange thing happened in the moment we set out. As you know, seat belts naturally have a sensor on the seat that has a certain weight on them, which recognizes this and emits a warning light or sound to remind you to fasten your belt. But there was no one in the back seat. . If this happens, we can’t leave! ? So, as soon as I tried putting on the seat belt on an empty seat. Everything was fine. Orin definitely wanted to accompany him to Long Beach, Jones Beach, and Fire Island, which he also has connections to. Emi and I both agree.
Surprising high waves due to a hurricane heading north off the coast! Scatter Orin’s ashes, in the moment, the raging waves carry Orin away. I have sprinkled his ashes on the beach several times so far, but now I have completely finished one of my tasks. The entire ocean has become Orin. I would like to thank Emi-chan with all of my heart for giving me(and Orin) such a wonderful day.

引越しを決めたり、9月中旬のお出かけとか:Deciding to move and/or going out in mid-September
By a strange coincidence and timing, I decided to move to Kew Gardens in Queens after 4 years.
This happened a few hours after I vowed to Orin’s soul to move to a place where the sun shines.
The basement I’m in now was probably needed to organize Orin’s equipment, and it was spacious.
Now that it’s almost clear, let’s move on! I guess he pushed me on the back.

This is the 5th anniversary of the death of Sakura Suzuki, who taught Noguchi Chiropractic and Katsugen here in New York. On September 13th, there was no rain and it was a calm day, reflecting her humble, gentle personality.

8月下旬からこっちを、写真日記風にしてみた:From the end of August until now, I made this a photo diary style

have a reunion.

月命日も6回目:6th month of anniversary of death
Orin spent his final days in this hospital where he was rushed to emergency. Since then, I surely stop by here on my way home from the library and find out how my emotion has been moving. Orin is no more, his soul/energy wave has become a single superconscious. And because he is wrapping me up, so that is why I can move forward with peace of mind.

Delicious foods from Matt and Liz, mostly harvested from their own garden. The flowers are blooming beautifully too.

6月下旬を写真日記風にしてみた:I made the end of June like a photo diary.

“1st COSMIC GOSPEL” by Fist of Kindness : フィスト・オブ・カインドネス ”第一回 コズミックゴスペル”
オリンと知り合った2007年、彼は既にミュージックバンドを結成していた。その名を”フィスト・オブ・カインドネス(優しさのゲンコツ)” という。カントリーロックのスタイルを取り入れ演奏活動に明け暮れていた。あの頃のオリンは本当に生き生きしていたし、それなりにまだ体力もあったアタシは、オリンの重たいベースを担いではポートオーソリティに近いミュージックスタジオでのリハに参加したっけな。この期間に何度かメンバーは入れ替わったが、2016年主要メンバーの二人がノースキャロライナに引っ越すことになり、それは事実上のグループ解散でもあった。
今回、ゲイリーとマーク の編集を元に、これまでの集大成と言える一枚のCDが完成した。ありがとうございました。
When I met Orin in 2007, he had already formed a music band. It’s called “Fist of Kindness”. They adopted the style of country rock and devoted themselves to performance activities. At that time, Orin was really lively, and I still had some physical strength, so I carried Orin’s heavy bass and participated in rehearsals at a music studio near Port Authority Bus Terminal. The members changed several times during this period, but in 2016, two of the main members moved to North Carolina, which was also the de facto dissolution of the group.
I think this fact was hard for Orin. He really loved the group, playing and recording.
Orin resumed his art activities to fill the void. For the next 6-7 years, we moved between Arizona and Upstate New York while returning to music with himself. We should move to New York City first, and then do more music collabs with everyone! Orin was so excited that he was going to do his best in art too.
This time, based on the editing of Gary Heidt and Mark Tulk, a single CD that can be said to be the culmination of the past has been completed. thank you very much.