緩和ケア、ホスピスケア:relief care, or hospice care





This may be a rough idea, but if I were to call all of New York my second hometown, the Lower East Side of Manhattan, many areas of Brooklyn, Ridgewood & Kew Gardens, Woodside and Sunnyside in Queens would definitely be a branch of my second hometown. A friend from Sunnyside is now preparing to depart.

What she most wanted to experience in the past several years was the chaos and falsehoods, fabrications and biased reporting, whether it was a pandemic or a conflict, I think. I know that she would have cut it with her sharp view point. However, by the time O and I headed to Arizona in 2018, she had already begun to remove the memory device in her brain.

For many years, we ran what we called “entity sessions” a long time ago. I am surprised to find that each session was similar to what we would now call quantum theory.

People who are heading out on the eternal journey seem to be very frank and independent. At the same time, none of the body’s cells go against the soul’s decisions. That clarity. Therefore, I will not let emotions control me and just say thank you to her. Thank you, your presence has been staying within my heart-world.

Ben’s Magical & Magnetical East Coast Tour! : ベンの魔法の東海岸ツアー!

ミシガンからオハイオ、そしてアップステートニューヨーク、ニューヨークシティさらにフィラデルフィアやワシントンDC, オハイオ経由でミシガン帰還、と4月7日〜4月22日までベン・ミラーのマルチフォニックギター演奏・ワークショップの旅は続行中。4月13日(@ the Millenium)と14日(@ Main Drag Music) はブルックリン。ただ一言。『とっても楽しかった。』    ベン・ミラー ← クリック

at Main Drag Music

Ben Miller’s multiphonic guitar performance and workshop tour continues from April 7th to April 22nd, started from Michigan to Ohio, then upstate New York, New York City, Philadelphia, Washington DC, and Ohio before returning to Michigan. During Brooklyn on April 13th (@ the Millenium) and 14th (@ Main Drag Music). Just one word, ” It was so much fun! ” Ben Miller <— click

Norman Westberg/ x-Swan
Amy & Ben & Sanae

ジュディのアートショー:SPRING FEVER! The Art of Judi Harvest



Judi Harvest. I went to see an exhibition with friends of Judi’s recent works. Her keen eye consistently looks at the earth and the ecological environment, and she transforms fascinating subjects such as Buddha, bees, bats, plants, and fruits into canvases, glasswork, and sculptures. It takes us to the depths also giving us a deeper understanding.

Judy has built a bee garden in Murano (province of Venice/Italy), which is famous for its glass industry, and now bees are flying around among the flowers. Last summer, Orin’s ashes were scattered at the base of a large pomegranate tree in her garden. I’m very grateful.

with Judi
with T-chan & A.Y-san

和子さんの誕生日パーティ、花岡さんのイベント、ホンタ良かったね!、活元など:Kazuko’s Birthday party, Hanaoka-san’s great event, Honta is lucky boy!, Katsugen etc




Since Kazuko’s birthday coincided with her art show, the gallery’s owner, Gwenolee, held a cute, homely Birthday party at the Zurcher Gallery. Also, during a lecture given by Shigeru Hanaoka, who came from Japan to participate in the 311 Anti-nuke group show, and is a multi-talented writer, publisher, and musician, I jumped in to sing and ended up sweating profusely afterwards. Zurcher Gallery <— click

Recently, I was happy that a long time friend of mine, Y-san, who is a sculptor, liked our used car and took it over. I am very grateful to R-san and his son for taking care of our used car, Honta, for an entire year and maintaining and inspecting it.

The other day, I attended Katsugen-kai (Noguchi-Seitai) for the first time in a while, which I attended until I moved to Arizona in 2018. Exactly there was a blank period of almost 6 years! I was surprised. It was a good opportunity to wipe out the stress energy that I had built up, and it’s great to continue again. 

夏さん、どうぞ安らかにお眠りくださいね:Natsu-san, please return home in peace, with love and light



人を大気現象外に連れだす巫女、シャーマン?あたしらの情念を視覚化して、そして解体してゆく。未来、と呼ばれる概念が、今ここ、に時空方向を定める。夏さんは日本の雛祭りの日に旅立たれた。世界を人形のように抱きしめ、自ら、を限りなく手放し、ポツンと突っ立つ永遠の少女のようにも思えた彼女に、ふさわしい日ではなかったろうか。  ありがとうございました、そして 合掌

Nakajima-Natsu <–click  中嶋夏 _舞踏  <–クリック VangelineTheater <– click/クリック

Butoh dancer Natsu Nakajima. When she was alive, she said that everything changed when she met Tatsumi Hijikata, but for me, meeting Natsu-san changed everything. A wonderful encounter that took place over 30 years ago. Of course, it is true that my orbital axis has gradually become realize, deep, and clearer due to various encounters and events at important points in my world before and after that. However, I am extremely happy to have met Natsu-san in this life.

Until then, there was a stereotype that Butoh was a male dancer, but she became the first woman to dance in public. Her accomplishments are immeasurable, as she has spread Butoh not only around the world, but also taught it at the same time.

A shaman, a shrine maiden who takes people out of the atmosphere? Visualizing our passions and then dismantling them. A concept called the future determines the direction of space and time in the here and now. Natsu-san departed on the day of Japan’s Doll’s Festival (Hina-matsuri). Wasn’t this the perfect day for her, who seemed like an eternal girl who held the world like a doll, let go of herself, and stood alone forever? Thank you very much.    rest in peace

ベン, どうもありがとう: Thank you very much, Ben


It was November of the year before last, and we were still in upstate Newburgh. On a slightly warm late fall day, we walked along the promenade along the Hudson River, which was our usual route. If we move, we won’t be able to come here as much as we do now, so we naturally recorded these areas on video! We started taking pictures with each one’s cell phone. My shot was very blurry, but as expected, Orin’s shot was accurate. What was also interesting was that the setting sun made the shadow of Orin, who was taking the video, stand out, as if someone mysterious was walking along the riverbank. . This seemed to have an unexpected video scene effect on Orin as well.


Orin would be leaving a few months later…since then I almost didn’t get anything done, however in the late fall of last year, almost a year after that day, I finally…! I was able to finish editing. I asked Benjamin who is our friend and composer to create the soundtrack. He and Orin have often experimented with modern electronic music collaborations that are truly rich, delicate, dramatic, and sharp in video and sound. I’m proud of them both. Let me do uploading the video soon.

1月も、気付けば色々と満載:In January, I noticed that I was doing a lot of things.


I attended Frank’s art and music class for the first time in a while. Background music was the Motown sound, it was fun.


お友達の滞在していたホテル窓越しから。アッパーマンハッタンはこの日も小雨混じりだった:Through the window of the hotel where my friends were staying. It was a light rainy day in Upper Manhattan.


Since J-chan is moving, his ventriloquist puppet will be evacuating with me for a while. This doll’s name is apparently Charlie. While I’m with him, I call him “Ojiya/Grandpa" or “Ossan”. Orin might be smiling bitterly.

号外!『多文化都市ニューヨークを生きる』出版記念講演会のビデオ編集が終了!: Video editing for the publication commemorative lecture has been completed!

神舘美会子さんと和田良三さん、お二人の楽しくも深い話は何度聞いても笑いを誘われ、同時に考えさせられる。今年中に編集をなんとか終了させました!皆様のお時間のおありの時、訪問してくださるととってもうれしいです。こちらです。 『多文化都市ニューヨークを生きる』 <—ここをクリックしてご覧ください。ありがとうございます。 *this video is only in Japanese.

月命日も9回目それこれ:It’s also the 9th anniversary of O’s death


On Thanksgiving, I, with Y-chan who came from Las Vegas and T-chan to visit K-san in the hospital. Afterwards, we unexpectedly had a delicious dinner party at the loft of jewelry designer S-san. We talked about cooking(S-san is also a master of creative cooking person ever!), the history of tea ceremony, environmental issues, old days and nowadays NYC, a world problems/phenomena and more..

オリンちゃんに、と、YちゃんTちゃんから頂いた可愛いお花たち:Cute flowers I received from Y-chan and T-chan to offer to Orin-chan.

大橋純子さんのこと:About Ms. Junko Ohashi




I have already written about her on this blog, so I will refrain from repeating it, but Ms. Ohashi suddenly passed away on November 9th (Japan time) due to recurrence of esophageal cancer. I have two e-mail exchanges in my possession. At the time, Orin and I were living in the suburbs of New York, and we were renting a spacious floor, so if Ms. Ohashi ever came to New York, we thought we’d let her stay at our house. I was just spinning my dreams.

Ms. Ohashi and Elis Regina, also Frida Kahlo, Ana Mendieta, and Lou Andreas-Salome, all are overlap. They are truly charming, absolutely smart, and has the ability to strive for personal growth, challenge herself to surpass her limits, and has the flexibility and straightness of steel to laugh away at sadness.
And Billie Holiday wraps them in her arms and singing a lullaby. I can see that kind of scenery.

That is to say. Ms. Ohashi had everything in common with them. I pray that my favorite diva will have a peaceful journey. Thank you, blessings and prayers.