いくつかの事情が重なり、某フィルムフェスティバルへの参加を見送って、その後YouTubeにはアップしておいたまま、何年も経ってしまったビデオ。 ”シャドウズ : 棚井文雄”, これは、写真家のコンセプト『陰り』に触発されて作った。
”シャドウズ;棚井文雄” <ーークリック ”ハドソン河岸を歩く影” ←ークリック
Due to a combination of circumstances, I decided not to participate in a certain film festival, instead, the video has been uploaded to YouTube for many years. “Shadows: Fumio Tanai”, This was inspired by the photographer’s concept of “Kageri (kageri means also Shadow/Shade) “.
Recently, I’ve started thinking about moving, and trying to get rid of movie files, huge amounts of photos, and scattered texts, but once I start looking through them, it’s hard to stop. And I forget immediately to stay HERE & NOW/ a time present, as if I’m drawn to memories of the past. . . However, the things I have made, planned, and left behind have not only faded and weathered, but they are now showing me hints and ideas. This was a surprising discovery for me.
Then, the time I stayed and were nostalgic suddenly turns into creative energy for the future.
“Shadows: Fumio Tanai” <– click “Shadows Walking Along the Hudson River” <– click