彼が公民権を語る時、公民権もまた彼を語るのだ. Martin Luther King Jr’ 誕生日に寄せて: When he speaks of civil rights, civil rights also speaks of him. On his birthday

57 years have passed since the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. And even now, the deep divide between “those who tolerate discrimination” and “those who do not tolerate discrimination” continues. However, each and every one of us is certainly changing our consciousness. MLK Jr. has become a beautiful comet that will forever revolve in the time and space of our hearts with his unconditional love and passion.

Today, January 15, 2025, I would like to introduce some of his famous quotes that continue to shine without fading.


“We are not the makers of history. We are made by history.”

“The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty of the bad guys, but the silence of the good guys.”

“You can kill a dreamer, but you can’t kill a dream.”

“We face difficulties today and tomorrow, but I still have a dream. It is a dream that is deeply rooted in the American dream.”








2025年, 元日.『笑う門には福来たる』:2025, New Year’s Day. “Fortune comes in at the merry gate”

やーい、年明け初日は祥子マッサージを受けました。身体意識を尊重し傾聴し仲良くして、後どのくらいの余生かも分からんのですが、生かされていることに感謝。次いで128画廊オーナーに新年のご挨拶をMさんと共に。メールやテキスト、カードあれこれが飛び交い祝い合い、無事や近況を尋ね合い、こうした年明けの交流はアタシを奮い立たせ、心地良く暖かい波動で包んでくれる。 久々にKさんとCさんカップルが訪ねてくださったり。 Jさんの指導でカリンバの練習。ありがたき新年の幕開けです。

Yay, on the first day of the new year I received Shoko massage. I would like to listen carefully what my body consciousness says, although I don’t know how much longer I have left to live, but always respect and to have consideration to my body. M-san and I visited New Year’s greetings to the owner of 128 Gallery. Emails, texts, and cards were flying back and forth, congratulating each other, asking about safety and the latest developments, and these exchanges at the start of the new year inspire me and envelop me in comfortable. K-san & C-san, came to visit me for the first time in a while, and I practiced the kalimba under J’s guidance. A wonderful start to the new year.

お正月のお飾り”千両”、写真はSちゃんからです:New Year’s decoration “Senryo”, photo by S-chan

年末はどう?:How about the end of the year?

活元(整体)の今年最後のクラスに参加。もう引っ越しを考えてるのに部屋の模様替え。居る間はあたしが気分よく過ごしたいものね。多分この疲れ?でどうも風邪をひいたらしい。38.5度C、低体温のあたしにはありがたきショック療法、身体の全細胞を活性化→免疫力を蘇らせ→(ま、伏せっていたのですが)新年を迎えようって魂胆。そうだ、Tちゃんと スミさんの 突飛スタジオ(<-クリック) に出かけ、素敵な腕輪を購入。(溶岩が素材なので、何か地球と交信しているよう)Jにカリンバを教わったり、マットとリズのクリスマスディナーパーティに参加。

I attended the last class of the year at Katsugen (chiropractic). I’m thinking of moving, but I’m redecorating my room. I want to feel good while I’m here, anyway. Maybe it’s because of this fatigue? I caught a cold. My temperature was 38.5C degrees, and I was hypothermic, so this was a welcome shock therapy for me, activating all the cells in my body → reviving my immune system → (well, I’d been keeping it a secret laying down) my intention to welcome the new year. Oh, by the way, I went to Sumi-san’s Toppi Studio (<-click) with T-chan, and bought a nice bracelet. (It’s made of lava, so it seems to be communicating with the earth somehow.) I learned how to play the kalimba from J, and also attended Matt and Liz’s Christmas dinner party.

溶岩の腕輪。すごくマジカル:Lava bracelet. So magical
フランク、似顔絵に興じている:Frank is having fun drawing portrait.
Jからカリンバを譲ってもらった。こちらは軽量で響きも綺麗:J gave me a kalimba. It’s lightweight and has a beautiful sound.
クリスマスディナー。マットとリズ、ありがとう:Christmas dinner. Thank you Matt and Liz.

あと幾つ寝るとお正月?:How many more days until New Year’s?


11月下旬は、病院に面会、Eちゃん達とブルックリンのヒストリカルハウス探訪、オリンの月命日は21回!, Jとカリンバ練習、M &Cさんお宅にて感謝祭を過ごしました。また、懐かしく嬉しい、あたしの(嘘っこの)娘と孫ちゃん!!(気持ちはあたしのファミリー)に久々にゆっくり会いましたよー。

Usually, when Halloween passed and Thanksgiving came around, in my head, it’s already goodbye for this year, but I’m starting to feel a distance from everything. Well, I guess it’s becoming clearer that if I keep being conscious of the here and now, I’ll reach the end of my life sooner or later.

Totchan and me. He is big boy now!

オリン、ここに眠る。それこれ。:Orin rests here, and so on.

所用でジュディのアートスタジオに出かけた。昨年、彼女のイタリーのミツバチ園に、オリンの遺灰の一部を撒いていただくよう頼んだ。彼女は快く引き受けて、柘榴の木の根元に撒いてくださった。今年の様子では, 柘榴の木の周りは百花繚乱。彼女はたくさんの素敵な写真を見せてくれた。ミツバチが飛び交い、まさに平和と愛の園。どこかに行ってしまったオリンだけど (それに、もう個人じゃなくて超意識に戻っちゃたかなあ)きっとオリンは喜んでいる。そう思うアタシが有る。

I visited to Judi’s art studio. Last year, I asked her to spread some of Orin’s ashes in her bee garden in Italy. She kindly agreed and spread them at the base of a pomegranate tree. This year, the area around the pomegranate tree was full of blooming with many flowers. She showed many nice photos! Bees are flying around, A garden of peace and love. Orin has gone somewhere (and maybe he’s returned to superconsciousness, not individuality anymore), but I’m sure he’s happy. That’s what I feel.

Bee Garden in Murano/Italy. photo by Judi Harvest
At her studio. photo by Judi Harvest


October 25th is the 20th months of Orin’s death and his father’s biological birthday. I wonder if they’re getting along well? Also, I wonder if they’re being reborn as a family. In the evening, I went to a kalimba gathering and had a meaningful time. Also, on the 27th, I went to the opening of the WAH Center for the first time in a while. I dressed up a little like a Halloween costume.

楽しい一日、いつも楽しく、:Have a great day, always have fun,



M and L were opening a yard sale, sounded fun, so I went. It was a warm & sunny day, known as Indian Summer, with a clear blue sky and warm weather. The contrast with the fallen leaves on the street was a little otherworldly. Also, C had come to New York City, actually this is my first time to see her in 8 years (?!), There was no time or space, no past, no memories, just the encounter and joy of this here and now.

C said that she had a dream about Orin a few weeks ago. She woke up after chatting and hugging him. Orin lives in his friend’s world like this, even if it’s just a “dream world”. How grateful I am.

近所で有名なハロウィーンハウス:The famous Halloween house in the neighborhood

19回目の月命日は満面の笑顔:A big smile on the 19th monthly anniversary of his death

先日、Mさんがウナギ海苔巻きとコーンコロッケ、きゅうりのお漬物あれこれを携えて、遊びに来てくださった。生前のオリンはMさんのお料理が大好きで、みるみる食べ尽くす。そういうふうだったので、もちろん真っ先にお裾分け。ひょいっと写真を見ると、もうオリンちゃん満面の笑顔。どう見ても顔に赤みが射し笑っている?!  Mさん、どうもありがとうございます。 合掌   *月命日の前倒しになったかな*

M-san came to visit with eel seaweed rolls, corn croquettes, and other things. When Orin was alive, he loved M-san’s cooking and would eat it all up in an instant. Since he was like that, of course we shared some foods with Orin first. When we glanced at the photo, Orin-chan was already full of smiles. No matter how you look at it, his face is flushed red and he is smiling?! Thank you very much, M-san. Gasshou/Rest in peace    *I guess the monthly anniversary of his death came forward*

オリンちゃんの月命日に召し上がれ、ってスイーツ満載フォトが届いたよ。 有難う、Kさん!:I received a photo full of sweets to enjoy on the monthly anniversary of Orin-chan’s death. Thank you, K-san! 

何て有り難きこと。見事な仏花をオリンにシェアして下さったSちゃん。これも大切なご縁なのですね:What a blessing. S-chan shared her beautiful flowers with Orin. This is also a precious spiritual connection. photo by S.T

Yumaさんから、彼女のパフォーマンスを撮ったビデオが必要、との要望で久しぶりにこのビデオのチェックをした。あ〜懐かしい! ことに、オリンのピアノのサウンドトラックが7年越しに蘇る。いや、時空という概念を外そう。今此処があり『中今』をビデオ越しに体験している。 metamorphosis vol. 2 <–クリックしてご覧ください

Yuma-san requested that she needs to get a video of her performance that I made. I checked out this video for the first time in a while. Ah, how nostalgic! In particular, Orin’s piano soundtrack has been revived after seven years. No, let’s remove the concept of time and space. We are here now, experiencing the “Naka-Ima/just here & now” through video. metamorphosis vol. 2 <– click

Jと, カリンバの練習:Kalimba practice with J

弾くのは自分の親指の先端、かろうじて爪の生え際という微妙さもあり、不慣れなあたしは金属キーを弾くたびいとも簡単に血が出てしまうのですよ。Jは彼の指の先端を見せてくれる、『タコ』(!)これを作れ、と。しばらく、あたしは基本の練習と、”月の光”(ドビュッシーのピアノ曲) ”君が世”(日本国歌)もう一つ欲張って ”砂山” (童謡・唱歌)この三つをしっかり弾けるようにしたいと決めている。

I play with the tip of my thumb, barely at the base of my fingernail, and I’m not used to it, so I get blood every time I play the metal keys/tines. J shows me the tip of his finger, a “callus” (!) and tells me to make one. For the time being, I’ve decided to practice the basics and be able to play “Clair de Lune” (Debussy’s piano piece), “Kimi ga Yo” (Japanese national anthem), and, greedily, “Sunayama” (nursery song).

ブッシュキルの滝めぐり(ディングマンとレイモンドの滝も含めて):Bushkill Falls Tour including Dingmans Falls and Raimondskill Falls.

『ブッシュキルの滝』(←ここをクリック)』は、別名『ペンシルベニア(州)のナイアガラ』と呼ばれ, EちゃんDちゃんのお誘いで、ずいぶん楽しい体験をしました。ちょっとした森林や自然に入り込むのはニューバーグにいたころ以来かな、森林浴と滝浴をたっぷり吸収してきましたよ。お二人には感謝のみ。本当にどうもありがとうございました。*どの滝も美しいばかりでなく、威厳を感じました。

Bushkill Falls ← click. Also known as “Niagara Falls of Pennsylvania”, I had a very enjoyable experience with E-chan and D-chan who invited me to go. This is actually my first time so much enjoyed in the nature since I moved to NYC, I thoroughly enjoyed forest bathing and waterfall bathing. I’m very grateful to the two of them. Thank you very much. *All the waterfalls were not only beautiful but also I felt dignity.

このところ最も多忙な日々:The busiest days so far



旧友G Jが今はニュージャージーのかなり遠い病院に移り、彼のジャージーシティのスタジオの片付けやらあれこれを、皆と行っている。88歳というのは普通なのか高齢なのか地球年齢なのかマヤカシなのか。彼は今も病室でドローイングに余念がない。

I went to visit S-chan’s community garden in Harlem. I could feel the commitment of the garden members to the global environment. Like I (& Orin) was in Bisbee and Newberg, respect for the environment surrounding plants and making compost as a source of nutrients for plants are essential. I’m learning a lot of deep things that will help me with my own “tree funeral project.”

I had a pleasant chat with K.H-san, and decided to walk along the Chelsea High Line (a skyscraper garden in New York) for the first time in a while. There was greenery, greenery, flowers, plants and trees. Everyone was walking and laughing happily. That was good, everything was good.

My old friend G.J has now moved to a hospital in a rather faraway part of New Jersey, and we’re helping him tidy up his Jersey City studio and other things. Is 88 years old a normal age, an old age, an age of the earth, or an illusion? He’s still busy drawing in his hospital room.