気を良くして次は乳酸発酵キャベツを : I’m feeling better so the next will be a sauerkraut,



Fermented cabbage was actually traumatic to me. In early February 2021, which I will never forget, my heartfelt hand-made fermented cabbage failed! Reluctantly composted. I went out to the garden before it got dark, saying that I should throw away things during the daytime the next day. (very strange feeling “must do now! hurry!) Remove the snow and compost the smelly cabbage. And I flipped over. **Emergency transport and femoral head replacement surgery.

One year and nine months has left. Encouraged by the great success of brown rice lactic acid bacteria, I tried to make fermented cabbage again. Well, let’s increase mitochondria with a fun life and delicious ingredients.


ホンタ、遅々として進まず:Honta, slow progress




Time flies since the rear-end collision the other day. The rear-end accident report at the police station has not been completed at all, and it is still waiting because it cannot be repaired without permission.

As for Honta, he was relaxing in our landlady’s garden as usual, and his body wrapped with the dead leaves all over him. Now all leaves flew away so that he shows his shining roof. Appears to be dozing off.

It’s like an old guard dog that I’ve lived with for a long time, a kind of lovable feeling I have now. We are so sorry, Honta got hurt. We occasionally fights over the idea that Orin won’t need a car when we move to New York. Well,,,

玄米乳酸菌 その後.:brown rice lactic acid bacteria and then.





10月22日の下ごしらえからちょうど 7日たった。飲み頃でしょうかね?

  1. Lightly wash one cup of brown rice. Put the brown rice and half a liter of water in a container and leave it in the sun for a day. 2. The next day, add 1.5 liters of water and 15 grams of salt into “1”. Leave in a sunny place for a day. 3. Add 45 grams of sugar to “2” and wait 3-5 days for fermentation to complete. That’s it.

** Shake well once a day to stir, then open the lid and let air in.

When the liquid has decreased by about half, add the same amount of water used to soak the rice, add about 1% of salt and about 3% of sugar, and continue culturing in the same way. However, if it smells putrid, unfortunately it has been mixed with various bacteria, so say goodbye and start over. If things goes well, you can culture one after another based on the first lactic acid bacteria solution. (Sure, up to you)

There are many recipes and many ways to make it, but I chose this simple method. For water, I used filter water, pink salt, and organic sugarcane for sugar. Brown rice is ordinary rice that you can buy normally.

Just 7 days have passed since the preparations on October 22nd. Is it time to drink?

玄米乳酸菌:brown rice lactic acid bacteria




I have heard about the wonderful effects of malted rice and lactobacilli for a long time, and my friends have been making healthy foods using them with their own ideas. Miso and soy sauce, of course.

Over the past few years, I have heard a lot about the experiences of people who have had severe side effects after getting a corona vaccine, starting with a high fever. I think detox is finally becoming an urgent issue. Matsuba (pine tree leaf) tea, which has been loved since ancient times, is one of them.

Unexpectedly, I wanted to support Orin’s detox and intermittent fasting, so after a long time (!!) I decided to make brown rice lactic acid bacteria drink.

ホンタ、追突の憂き目に!: Honta, suffering from a rear-end collision !







October 18th (Tuesday), was the day of Orin’s PET scan and MRI examination. The results of this day will determine the future treatment policy. He/We usually walk for 25 minutes, but this time, Orin drove our “Honta” to the bus stop for New York City. However, about an hour later, I received a phone call telling me that he had got rear-ended accident while turning left on the main street. (It’s too late, if he let me know earlier, I’ll have to report it to the police immediately) The reason for the delay in contacting me was that he had to be on time for the bus, and that he had to send a damage report to the insurance company first while on the bus.

To make a long story short, the other party were 3, a mother who was in a hurry to send her children to school. So Orin let them escape, deciding that if he called the police, he would miss the bus. Yes, surely, this mother did not submit a report to the police.

Anyway Orin has to be checked for whiplash, etc., so I waited for him to come home and asked him go to a nearby general hospital. He went to the ER late at night. No anomalies since then.

On the 19th, we went to the police station in Newburgh and handed over all the evidence and photographs for questioning. Our “Honta” (named like this) has a minimum insurance coverage, so any repair costs are not covered, and since the accident was originally a rear-end collision, we have no choice but to make a claim to the other party’s insurance. How many days will it take.

Orin is still a criticism of the car society. There are as many car deaths in a year as the total number of soldiers who died in the Vietnam War. Or the odds of dying from cancer are lower than car accidents. I don’t like to put statistics on paper. Whether by accident, war, natural death, or disease, the dignity of people and living things goes beyond the numbers/tricks of statistics to convince them.

But of course! It’s true that if I hadn’t had hip replacement surgery, I wouldn’t have had a reason to own a car.

アレコレ:this and that


The middle of September, M-chan who lives in Tokyo, was visiting in NYC and also came to visit our Newburgh City. When she studied art & computer programing, I was her roommate and we lived few years together in Brooklyn. From that time to now, her great character of having a consistent core and a good listener personality has not changed at all, I was so excited and talked about many things during this spent a time with her.


This is a very recent event. I don’t know how to say it, like a haiku that expresses all kinds of information in a minimum of words, I’ve been wanting to take photos and videos where a single snapshot tells everything.





ミック・ジャガー、とか、プリンス:Mick Jagger and/or Prince R. Nelson

つい最近、オリンの腹腔穿刺 (腹水を抜く)のため病院に出向いた。簡単とはいえ手術でもあるし、二人ともいささか緊張した、のも つかの間、颯爽と現れた若き看護師、どう見てもミックジャガーの再来。その立ち居振る舞い、所作、顔の表情や喋り方。(私は彼の映画『パフォーマンス』を何回も見たほどで、若い頃の彼はなかなか素敵だったし、かっこよかった) 思いがけずミックが現れたことで(笑)二人の緊張は吹っ飛んでしまったのです。


若き日のプリンスが目の前に!? 端正でセクシーで野生的な顔。ほっそりした肢体を黒っぽいシャツとパンツで覆い、ギターを背負っている。スニーカーだったのね、ハイヒールを履いていない彼ではあったが まさに何もかもが紛れのないプリンス! 一瞬、目が合いかけたと同時に、この男性は人混みに紛れてしまった。。。



Just recently, because of Orin has to take IR Paracentesis (abdominal drain ascites), we went to the hospital. It was a simple operation, but both of us were a little nervous. However in a moment, a young nurse appeared, looking gallantly, exactly “The return of Mick Jagger”. His demeanor, gestures, facial expressions and the way he spoke. (I saw Mick’s movie, Performance many times, and he was pretty cool when he was younger.) The unexpected appearance of Mick (laughs) blew our tension away.

Also, this was a while ago. As usual, I accompany Orin to the hospital and went on the subway alone to do some shopping. “Bleecker Station” was quite busy, probably because of the time of day. It wasn’t my station, so I just watched the people coming and going on the platform. OMG! Prince! ! !

The young Prince R. Nelson is right in front of me! ? A neat, sexy and wild face. He wears a dark shirt and black pants covering his slender limbs, and carries a guitar on his back. He was in sneakers, (he wasn’t wearing high heels) but he was the undisputed Prince in everything! For a moment, our eyes almost met, and at the same time, this young man disappeared into the crowd. . .

Imitation of others. The similarity in appearance and body shape means that due to their physical structure, the tone of their voices will probably be similar, perhaps their thought circuits and, in some cases, their lives are similar, too?

Even if I don’t look alike, for example, if I always think of Prince, I’ll eventually become closer to Prince R. Nelson (his aura). I hope so ~~~.

Stamford, NY. etc : スタンフォード、あれこれ


In the mountains of the Catskills, there are some fun little towns. Woodstock, Stanford, etc. Our friends were going to participate in the flea market, so we went to Stanford, which is a two-hour drive from Newburgh.


We must go out to the Community Garden mainly for watering. Nasturtium is dying. 3 kinds of tomatoes are just growing, so today’s harvest is here.