玉手箱奇談とかアートショーの搬入など:Tamatebako /small parcel strange story, and bringing artworks


On April 11th, I received a pleasant message from Saya from France saying that she had sent me a treasure box/tamatebako/small parcel. It’s an express delivery so it should arrive in about a week. That’s it. However, it became a lonely song of “Yoimachi-gusa/matsuyoi-gusa” saying something like no matter how much I wait, there is someone(small parcel) who never comes. Apparently, due to some mistake was occurred, my zip cord was incorrect, they say. (they changed 11210 to 11201 !) I simply thought that since the address and my name were correct, it should be forwarded to my zip# area. But sadly it turned out that there was no one matching the destination (wrong writing zip #), and a parcel was returned to France. . What is this? I’ll be leaving New York sooner or later, so maybe this happen was premonition to look ahead to the future?

今日は、エリック・ギンズバーグ (←詳細はこちら)主催の”フリッジアートショー”の搬入日。あたしはオブジェを2つと、3本のショートビデオを参加させた。(『無常』『ミミとルルの物語』『ハドソン川畔を歩く影』)会場は、シーポートエリアのホテル、明日から開催なので追ってまた。                             フリッジアートフェア・ビデオラウンジ ←参加者のビデオ作品が見れます。 

Today is the installation date for the Fridge Art Show hosted by Eric Ginsberg. (<– click to find its detail) I included two objects and three short videos. (“IMPERMANENCE” “A tale of Mimi and Lou-lou” and “Shadows Walking Along the Hudson River” ) The venue is a hotel in the Seaport area, and the event starts tomorrow, so check back soon.   Fridge Art Far Video Lounge <– you can watch participant’s videos

Fridge Art Fair logo by Eric Ginsberg

植物園二題:Botanical garden two themes


In late March, I had the opportunity to visit two botanical gardens in Queens and Brooklyn. One is the Queen’s Botanical Garden. Cherry blossom viewing at S-chan’s memorial tree. Although the garden was muddy everywhere due to the heavy rain the day before, the beautiful flowers blooming on the dignified branches are just like S-chan when she was alive. Apparently it’s a species called Somei-yoshino, and it blooms early in the spring.


植物たちと久しぶりに会話を楽しんだ。まあ、あたしの一方的な思い込みかもだけど、こちらに話しかけてくるのね。『あ、気がついた?!』とか『みんなが喜んでくれるからもっと咲いちゃう』とか (にっこり)。

The other is the Brooklyn Botanical Garden. Two couples of friends each invited me and told me that the tulips would bloom and/or the magnolias would be in full bloom and it would be wonderful. Due to time constraints and work commitments, I wasn’t able to meet up with all my friends, but I felt very grateful to be able to relax on the grass in the warm sunshine, walk around the garden, and sunbathing.

I enjoyed talking with the grasses/trees/ flowers for the first time in a while. Well, maybe it’s just my one-sided imagination, but it seems like they’re talking to me. “Ah, did you notice? ! ” or “Everyone is happy, so I will bloom even more” (smile) etc.

和子さんの誕生日パーティ、花岡さんのイベント、ホンタ良かったね!、活元など:Kazuko’s Birthday party, Hanaoka-san’s great event, Honta is lucky boy!, Katsugen etc




Since Kazuko’s birthday coincided with her art show, the gallery’s owner, Gwenolee, held a cute, homely Birthday party at the Zurcher Gallery. Also, during a lecture given by Shigeru Hanaoka, who came from Japan to participate in the 311 Anti-nuke group show, and is a multi-talented writer, publisher, and musician, I jumped in to sing and ended up sweating profusely afterwards. Zurcher Gallery <— click

Recently, I was happy that a long time friend of mine, Y-san, who is a sculptor, liked our used car and took it over. I am very grateful to R-san and his son for taking care of our used car, Honta, for an entire year and maintaining and inspecting it.

The other day, I attended Katsugen-kai (Noguchi-Seitai) for the first time in a while, which I attended until I moved to Arizona in 2018. Exactly there was a blank period of almost 6 years! I was surprised. It was a good opportunity to wipe out the stress energy that I had built up, and it’s great to continue again. 

能登半島の地震 : Earthquake

能登半島の地震,, 1週間が過ぎ, 今も揺れが続き火災が終わらぬ中, 降雪, 厳寒 そしてインフラ遮断, お亡くなりになられた方々, 行方不明の方々,, 被災された皆様にどのように寄り添うことが出来るのだろう. どうか祈らせてください.

Earthquake in Noto Peninsula, one week has passed.

As the shaking continues and the fires have not stopped, snowfall, bitter cold, and infrastructure shutdowns, how can we be close to those who have passed away, those who are missing, and all those affected by the disaster?

Please let me pray.

起承転結 / き、しょう、てん、けつ:introduction, development, twist, and conclusion


まだ、たくさんの人々の中に出かけるには抵抗がある。それでいいよねって自分の有様を受け入れているし、分かり合える大好きなお友達への感謝とともに、さらに身軽にすべく拍車がかかる。根強いパターンでもある ”助けなきゃあ、助けてあげたい” を再認識するちょっとしたことが起こり、猛反省で幕開けの新年でもあった。おかげでさらに身軽さへ移行、、やる必要のないことは決してやらない。その場にいなくて良い。気づかされた。


オリンの一周忌(二回忌)の2月下旬までを4つに分けて当てはめてみた。そうか!今、まさに”結”なのねー。 超意識=愛=光、感謝と祝福。

Until late February, the first anniversary of Orin’s death, I divided it into four parts and applied it.
Really! Right now, it’s absolutely the “conclusion” period! Superconsciousness = Love = Light, Gratitude and Blessings.

“Beauty looking back” by Moronobu Hishikawa :”見返り美人 の図 ” 菱川師宣
She’s looking back, but her feet are facing forward. It symbolically represents who I am now : この図で、女性は後ろを振り返っているが彼女の両足は前を向いている。意味するところは、象徴的に今のあたしの心模様と立ち位置を表している。
“the love embrace of the universe the earth mexico myself diego and senor xolotl” by Frida Kahlo:”宇宙の愛の抱擁 地球 メキシコ 私自身 ディエゴとセニョール ショロートル”  フリーダ・カーロ画

月命日も9回目それこれ:It’s also the 9th anniversary of O’s death


On Thanksgiving, I, with Y-chan who came from Las Vegas and T-chan to visit K-san in the hospital. Afterwards, we unexpectedly had a delicious dinner party at the loft of jewelry designer S-san. We talked about cooking(S-san is also a master of creative cooking person ever!), the history of tea ceremony, environmental issues, old days and nowadays NYC, a world problems/phenomena and more..

オリンちゃんに、と、YちゃんTちゃんから頂いた可愛いお花たち:Cute flowers I received from Y-chan and T-chan to offer to Orin-chan.

大橋純子さんのこと:About Ms. Junko Ohashi




I have already written about her on this blog, so I will refrain from repeating it, but Ms. Ohashi suddenly passed away on November 9th (Japan time) due to recurrence of esophageal cancer. I have two e-mail exchanges in my possession. At the time, Orin and I were living in the suburbs of New York, and we were renting a spacious floor, so if Ms. Ohashi ever came to New York, we thought we’d let her stay at our house. I was just spinning my dreams.

Ms. Ohashi and Elis Regina, also Frida Kahlo, Ana Mendieta, and Lou Andreas-Salome, all are overlap. They are truly charming, absolutely smart, and has the ability to strive for personal growth, challenge herself to surpass her limits, and has the flexibility and straightness of steel to laugh away at sadness.
And Billie Holiday wraps them in her arms and singing a lullaby. I can see that kind of scenery.

That is to say. Ms. Ohashi had everything in common with them. I pray that my favorite diva will have a peaceful journey. Thank you, blessings and prayers.

11月半ばまで:Until mid-November

ハロウイーン明けの上旬、近所の大学生たちがD Jと共に、カボチャ投げイベント開催。このままコンポストに蘇れば良いのだけど、、何だかな〜:After a several days of Halloween, local college students(with DJ) hold a pumpkin-throwing event. It would be nice if it could be revived as they are in the compost, but somehow…

大切なお友達Y Hさんを訪ねた。彼女は記憶の途切れた時間軸の世界にいる。あたしは、あたしの心の記憶に住む彼女に話しかける。彼女は笑う。友情を確認できるありがたさ。。

I visited my dear friend Y.H far from Manhattan. She is in a world where her memories are cut off. I talk to her who lives in the memories of my heart. I say somethings, she laughs. I’m grateful to be able to confirm our friendship.

整頓ブギ:tidy boogie woogie


Plans to move to Kew Gardens/Queens, fall through. However, I believe that sooner or later a good development will occur, so I will accelerate the cleaning process. I’m also considering moving to another state. I have no attachment to anything other than Orin’s art and computer-related things, and my writings. As I feel refreshed, gratitude and appreciation arise throughout this house.

写真は口程にものを云う:The photo speaks as much as a mouth

日系人会主催の敬老会。その日担当のエイドさんの代理で、Kさんをお連れした。昼食弁当は特別に著名なシェフが作られたそうで味はピカイチ。やん、食べるのが勿体ない。こうした視覚的にも芸術の域に匹敵する繊細さは、あたしたちの誇るべき食文化なんですね。さて、雨上がりの夕方、お友達のカップルと共に近所のブルックリンカレッジのキャンパスの散策。由緒あるカレッジ図書館にも入って、その充実ぶりに堪能した。そういえば、所用で思わず、生前のオリンが足繁く通ったガン病院の前を通った。何とも言えない想い、、ジワーって涙が出たよ。 さて、イーストビレッジの病院に入院されているKさんの部屋の窓から、素晴らしい虹を見た。帰りがけ、幾人もの人から、あのでっかい虹を見たか?って呼び止められた。虹の良いところは、こんな風に人々の顔を上に向けさせてくれることだね. (微笑)

The lunch box at the Respect for the Aged Party hosted by “JAA/Japanese American Association of New York” was amazing! I thought, “Ah, what a waste” to eat it. Japanese food culture is simply delicate & artistic. Well, one early evening after the rain, I & friends couple went for a walk around the nearby Brooklyn College campus. The inside of the historic college library was once again well-stocked. By the way, the other day, I passed by the New York University Cancer Center, where Orin attended before his death, for the first time in a while. Tears welled up a little. . Now, I went to visit K at the hospital in East Village. We could see a wonderful rainbow from her hospital room. On the way home, I was stopped by several people asked me, “Did you see that amazing rainbow earlier?” The good thing about rainbows is that it makes people look up. (smile)

10月13日は, 神舘美会子(みたち・みえこ)さんとリョウ和田さんの出版記念講演会がJAAで開催された。(このブログでも紹介したお二人共著の『多文化都市ニューヨークを生きる』)たくさん素敵な人々が集まってくださり、異なる視座からの奥の深いスピーチ、同時に視聴者からの質問で時間はあっという間に過ぎていった。ビデオアップまで少々お待ちください。

On October 13th, a publication commemorative lecture by Mieko Mitachi and Ryo wada was held at JAA. (“Living in a Multicultural City of New York” co-authored by the two, which was introduced on this blog) A lot of nice people came together, and the time passed quickly with deep speeches from different perspectives and questions from the audience. Please wait a moment until the video is uploaded.