最近の創作詩:recent creative poem #5 (topic/ Find a Time to Empty Mind)

Bird’s – eye view

I thought I have to find time to return to myself. When I did, I imagine myself higher in the sky, in space, looking down on the earth. No matter how I looked at it, I saw (me) that I was trapped by all kinds of energy, such as earthly ideas, thoughts, and unnecessary information, and was running around in confusion.

( So strange! I was being tossed around too much, and I am not living in the present,,)

So I look down on myself from a highest and deepest sky. Then I had become like tiny dots and disappeared, and in the flood of atomic light, my mind is not empty, but filled with warm and eternal love.


あたし、自分に戻る時間を見つけなきゃって思ったの。そうしたとき, あたしは天空高く宙空をゆったり羽を広げ、地上を俯瞰する鳥の気持ちになって あたし自身を眺めている、って想像する。どうもあたしは地上の観念,規則だの不要な情報 そうしたエネルギーに巻き込まれて 右往左往しているのを見つけたよ。


そこであたしはもっと上空に もっと深い宇宙空間に向かって, そこからあたしを俯瞰する。渦巻く想念からとおく, あたしは小さな点になり 静謐な青い光に満たされて 心は暖かく、あたしは永遠の愛に満たされる。

最近の創作詩:recent creative poem #4 (topic/ Older, Boulder, Shoulder)

The Template

The rugged, steep rocky mountains eventually weather and become rounded, and then transform into a single, flat, peaceful mountain or hills.

The way how these gentle hills became over the course of countless years is the template for everything.

— You remained young, but one day your physical shoulders became deformed and you began to breathe with difficulty.

Then you transform into a slightly older person, and you shed your no longer needed, weathered body and then, leave the world of templates behind.

最近の創作詩:recent creative poem #2 (topic/ no cellular phone today)


「ちょっと!なんでまだキープしてんの、僕のセルラー?」わたしの心の世界にすむあなたが尋ねる。    「だって、あんたが居なくなってしまったから、せめてあんたの分身だったセルラーを身近に持っていたいのよ。」                                                「僕が身体を持っていた時、」とあなたは話す、もちろんテレパシーで。 「僕はあらゆる I T機器使いまくりだったよ。仕事とは言え、、あの頃、きみはいつも『今日はセルラーは無しよ。せめて散歩中の時だけでも』って言ってたよね、『楽しいことをやろうよ』って言ってたよね、、」                       ふ〜む、 あなたの健康を守ろうと、小うるさく、電磁波機器から遠ざかれって言い続けたわたしも、もういない。  その代わり、中性子とか陽子とかクオークとか、そんなふうに量子に還元されたあなたの魂、宙空の電磁波交流、こうしたテレパシー的会話は、いささか奇想天外すぎるかも?

One of my grieving processes : Telepathy

“Hey! Why are you still keeping my cellular phone?” he asks, living in my mind. “Because you’re gone, I want to at least have your cell phone close by.”

“When I had a body,” he says telepathically, of course. “I used all kinds of IT devices. Even for work,” “You always told me『No celler today! Especially when we’re taking a walk 』”, he continues, “You always said『 Let’s do something fun! 』”.

Hmm, I’m no longer the person who nagged him to stay away from electromagnetic devices to protect his health.

Instead, having a telepathic conversations with his soul, reduced to quantum like neutrons, protons, and quarks, is just too fantastic…. Too out of the blue, right?


晩秋のブルックリン植物園をKと訪れた。ほぼ紅葉の始まった園内で、いく種類かのバラが陽光に顔を向け、健気に咲き揃っていたのが印象的だった。 先日は祥子マッサージ。本当にありがたい。砂糖断ちをしてからの心身の変化や近況報告などで楽しく会話が弾んだ。それとですね、思ったより長引いたが右肋骨の打撲もほぼ回復してきたし、久々に活元体操に出かけた。ほぼ3ヶ月、右側をかばってきたのでとてつもない歪みに我ながら驚きました。あ, それとですね、ドキュメンタリーフィルム・スクリーニング。残念ながらやんごとなき所用のため早めに失礼せざるを得ず、ミスしました。。

I visited the Brooklyn Botanical Garden with K in late autumn. In the garden, where the leaves have almost started to turn red, it was striking to see several kinds of roses blooming bravely, facing the sunlight. The other day, I had a massage therapy at Shoko’ studio. I’m really grateful. We had a fun conversation about the changes in my mind and body since I stopped eating sugar (or sugary snacks, sweets) and about recent updates. Also, although it took longer than I thought, the bruise on my right rib has almost healed, and I went out Katsugen exercises for the first time in a while. I had been protecting my right side for almost three months, so I was surprised at how much it was distorted. Oh, I missed to watch *the documentary film screening, hopefully I will be able to see it someday.


*”Pale Blue Dot When You Smile..” / This film explores the essence of life and soul through the reflection of water, borrowing insights from Shintoism and scientific studies.

楽しい一日、いつも楽しく、:Have a great day, always have fun,



M and L were opening a yard sale, sounded fun, so I went. It was a warm & sunny day, known as Indian Summer, with a clear blue sky and warm weather. The contrast with the fallen leaves on the street was a little otherworldly. Also, C had come to New York City, actually this is my first time to see her in 8 years (?!), There was no time or space, no past, no memories, just the encounter and joy of this here and now.

C said that she had a dream about Orin a few weeks ago. She woke up after chatting and hugging him. Orin lives in his friend’s world like this, even if it’s just a “dream world”. How grateful I am.

近所で有名なハロウィーンハウス:The famous Halloween house in the neighborhood

先行こう、先!:Let’s go ahead!

あたし自身を奮い立たせるのってなんだか頼もしい。先、と言っても未来軸のことでなくて今この瞬間なんですが、早い話, 大きい買い物をしました。ラップトップの中古よ, でも2020年版の結構良いバージョン。古い子たちはアップグレードができなくて, 編集や書き物やその他、何かと停滞してたの。トニさんにお世話になりました。ありがとうございます。

It’s somehow reassuring to motivate myself. By ahead, It doesn’t mean the future, but this moment, but to put it simply, I made a big purchase. A used laptop, but a pretty good version for 2020. The old ones couldn’t be upgraded, so I was kind of stuck with video editing and writing and other things. Tony-san helped me out alot. Thank you very much.

植物さんの世話、画廊でビデオ撮り、詩のクラスやお見舞いなど:Taking care of plants, taking video at the gallery, poetry class, visiting friend in the hospital, etc


Since plants don’t move around themselves, perhaps they use the animals and creatures(human) around them as extensions of themselves? For the past month and a half, I have been taking care of the plants on behalf of my friend. Yes, they are the main characters, so I humbly listen to their requests. Sunlight, direction, watering, care. At first, both of us were nervous (?), but we soon got comfortable with each other and it’s now fun to take care of them.


The other day, I went to visit my dear friend Y with kalimba. I played Japanese children’s songs and sang them in her ears. The forest outside the window was still a remnant of summer before the leaves turned red. The warm sunlight wrapped her.

フランクの”作詩”クラスに誘われた。皆が俳句に興味を持っていることが面白いなって思った。:I was invited to Frank’s “Poetry” class. It was nice that everyone there was interested in “haiku”.

”天照大御神”の掛け軸とか、Yさんの病院へ面会:A hanging scroll of “Amaterasu Omikami”, and a visit to Y-san’s hospital.


I inherited the scroll from J.I-chan by chance. Apparently it was a keepsake from his father’s family, who had been collecting calligraphy, paintings, and antiques for generations, but I thought I’d keep it forever. As I am currently(still) living in the basement, the ceiling is low, so the upper part had to be bent quite a bit to hang it. A fairly high ceiling is essential to hang a scroll of considerable length, and a large, sacred room/space where it can be hung comfortably is also a requirement. Is it really okay to just hang Amaterasu, the supreme deity of Japanese Shinto,(<- click) enshrined at Ise Grand Shrine and a symbol of the sun, light, love and truth, in this way?

The small space connected to the kitchen now feels like it has a different vibe. I’m really grateful.

7月の中旬にかけて、Y子さんのご家族が、日本から彼女の病院へ面会に来られた。ここニューヨークの暑さと湿度にはさぞかし驚いたのでは?と危惧したけれど、 ご家族いわく日本は(関東)とんでもなく暑さが続行中とのこと。皆、こうしてY子さん所縁の友人達も集まり、面会の後のディナーとお喋り、とっても有意義でした。

In mid-July, Y.H-san’ family came to visit her in the hospital from Japan. I was worried that A.H-san would be surprised by the heat and humidity here in New York, but her family said that Japan (Kanto region) is still experiencing extremely hot weather. Everyone, including Y’s friends, gathered together and had dinner and chatted after the visit, which was very meaningful.

レオナード・バーンステインとフジ子・ヘミング:Leonard Bernstein and Fuzjko Hemming

日本のお友達S.Tちゃんから、世界的に有名なピアニスト、ふじ子ヘミングの訃報を知らされたのはこの4月下旬であった。彼女の率直な生き様と信念、深い洞察と慈愛に満ちた人生の一つ一つが、鍵盤を通して音霊となり伝わってくる。彼女がその長い生涯で、思慕と尊敬を抱き続けたというレオナード・バーンスタインのお墓に詣でる一コマを、彼女のドキュメンタリーで見て以来、一度は訪れたいと思っていた。人は亡くなった後、墓地に眠っているとは思えないのだけれど、(あたしの独断)こんなふうに可愛らしい花を置いてゆく、人の絶えない様子は、ふじ子さんに代わってホッとさせられる。  ふじこさんのドキュメンタリイ ←クリック 

It was late April when I was informed of the death of the world-famous pianist Fuzjko/Fujiko Hemming by my friend in Japan. Her honest way of life and beliefs, her deep insight and loving life, each and every one of them, are transmitted to me as a sound spirit through the keyboard. Ever since I saw a scene in a documentary about her visiting the grave of Leonard Bernstein, whom she had loved and respected throughout her long life, I have wanted to visit the grave. I don’t think people should rest in a cemetery after they die, but (my own opinion) the constant stream of people leaving lovely flowers like this makes me feel relieved on behalf of Fuzjko/Fujiko.  Fuzjko’s interview <- click

お墓はマンハッタンを俯瞰できる高台にある:The grave is located on a hill overlooking Manhattan.

ちょっと古いけどシェアしたくなったビデオ “シャドウズ”と, オリンの遺作の影ビデオ: The video”Shadows : Fumio Tanai” which is a little old but I wanted to share, and Orin’s posthumous shadow video

いくつかの事情が重なり、某フィルムフェスティバルへの参加を見送って、その後YouTubeにはアップしておいたまま、何年も経ってしまったビデオ。 ”シャドウズ : 棚井文雄”, これは、写真家のコンセプト『陰り』に触発されて作った。



”シャドウズ;棚井文雄” <ーークリック   ”ハドソン河岸を歩く影” ←ークリック

Due to a combination of circumstances, I decided not to participate in a certain film festival, instead, the video has been uploaded to YouTube for many years. “Shadows: Fumio Tanai”, This was inspired by the photographer’s concept of “Kageri (kageri means also Shadow/Shade) “.

Recently, I’ve started thinking about moving, and trying to get rid of movie files, huge amounts of photos, and scattered texts, but once I start looking through them, it’s hard to stop. And I forget immediately to stay HERE & NOW/ a time present, as if I’m drawn to memories of the past. . . However, the things I have made, planned, and left behind have not only faded and weathered, but they are now showing me hints and ideas. This was a surprising discovery for me.

Then, the time I stayed and were nostalgic suddenly turns into creative energy for the future.

“Shadows: Fumio Tanai” <– click “Shadows Walking Along the Hudson River” <– click

photo by Fumio Tanai, 2014
from “Shadows: Fumio Tanai”
from “Shadows Walking Along the Hudson River”

“パレスチナに平和を”:”Peace to Palestine”


I received an email from my Japanese friend, the poet; Ruto Kageyama, with a handmade card attached. I would like to introduce her poem with a very cute picture of a donkey.

小さい白いロバ (ガザの小さいロバ)

小さい白いロバ オリーブの木陰で微睡むのが好き                             子供たちが花輪を編んで 頭に載せた                                 花輪が耳にくすぐったい                                        耳を揺すると 子供たちが笑う                                     笑って輪になり歌って踊る 

踊り疲れて 子どもたちは                                         ロバのたてがみ優しく撫でる                                                      小さい白いロバ 子供たちを背中に乗せて                                  夕日の道を ゆっくり歩く                         

小さい白いロバ 荷車引いた                                       乗るのは子供たち 背中にも一人                                     帰りの積荷は 花とオレンジ                                      子供たちが歌う                                             たてがみを撫でながら  

小さい白いロバ 迷子になった                                       オリーブの木陰は失われ                                          爆撃で抉られた大きな穴                                        子供たちが花を摘んだ道                                        キャタピラーの踏み跡 

小さい白いロバ トボトボ歩く                                          知らない場所を 荷車つけてトボトボ歩く                                 御者台には見知らぬ人                                          まわりは人混み 人々は逃げ惑う                                       小さなロバは どこに行けばいいのだろう 

小さい白いロバ                                              花輪を載せてくれた あの手はどこ?                                       競って背中に乗った 子供たちはどこ?                                  子供たちの家は瓦礫になり                                        笑い声は もう聞こえない 

小さい白いロバ                                                            夢見るのはオリーブの木陰                                        子供たちを背中に載せて                                          花咲く野原で遊ぶ夢