ひびの / ロジャーに直行。ミュージックイベント:Music event @ RODGER/HIBINO day by day

ロジャーのオーナー、レオンさんの友人のミュージック・ギグが5月30日に行われた。毎月曜日のポップアップランチ(手毬おにぎり)シェフであるフィッシュさんの店も、やがて1年になり人々に定着してきている。アイディア ・イメージと情熱・努力と継続。これら意図するところは文句なくフィッシュさんそのものだと思う。

実験的な演奏と、独特な発声。木に囲まれたロジャーの屋外席は瞬く間の異次元サウンド空間に取って代わる. そしてとても面白く思ったのは、おにぎりメニューが実によく寄り添っていたということなんです!

Rodger‘s owner, Leon’s event was held 30 May/2022, in the afternoon. You know that every Monday there is the pop up lunch, “HIBINO day by day” — It’s been a year and it’s become established in people. Its Ideas, images, passions, efforts and continuations. This is the clear expression of Pop Up Lunch chef Fish herself.

There was an experimental music performance and unique vocalization. Rodger’s outdoor seats, surrounded by trees, quickly replace the extra-dimensional sound space. And what I found very interesting was that the rice ball menu was really fit to that space!

NYジャパンソサエティで4月29日スタート、宮本和子展: Kazuko Miyamoto: To Perform a Line

Japan Society ; https://www.japansociety.org/arts-and-culture/exhibitions

Kazuko Miyamoto’ show overview ; https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=oD9dKy6CQW6&back=1


Kazuko Miyamoto, the owner of a long-established gallery in Lower Manhattan called Gallery onetwentyeight, is an artist and has an extraordinary generosity. She knew young Jimi Hendrix, also she has earned the most artworld credibility as an assistant to Sol LeWitt. At the same time Kazuko has continued to fascinate us with her extraordinary artistic versatility and musical talent. I’m/we’re so happy. Congratulations!

JAZZ: art of k&d/ April/2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVOtaMOim4o choujuugiga at gallery 128、March/2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igCIKdDhjII Kazuko’s closing performance by Yoshiko Chuma, March/2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2gdAkAPkoY Kazuko’s performance with Sanae December/2011 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVvsm2eRRbU Kazuko’s Umbrella Dance, https://youtu.be/-eQWQLYBCrA

9 April, 2022. Reclining Liberty project : 自由の女神涅槃像プロジェクト

ハーレムはモーニングサイド公園。この一年間、アーティスト;Zaq Landsberg氏 作成の ”自由の女神涅槃像” が、この4月22日に1年を経て撤収される。わたし達有志で、取り払われる前にそれぞれの”自由とは?”を女神像の周りで表現しようよ!との康予ちゃんの発案が発端。踊り、祈り、唱和、音楽、パフォーマンス、朗読など、来られた人々と一体になって 自由そのものを体現しよう!、と発足。小さな紙の切り抜き天使像に思い思いの 『自由とは?』を書いていただきそれを樹木に吊るしたり。



Morningside Park in Harlem, NYC. For the past year, the “the Reclining Liberty,” created by artist Zaq Landsberg, will be withdrawn on 22 April, a year later. Let us each express “what is freedom?” around the “Reclining Liberty” before it is removed! Yasuyo’s idea was the beginning. Soon we had the idea that together with the people who came, such as dancing, prayer, singing, music, performance, and reading we could ask for each audience member’s thoughts about “Freedom,” and write it on a small paper angel, then hang them on a tree.

Everyone who joined, friends, family, artist Zaq, Morningside Park President Brad Taylor, Cynthia, Tony who created this wonderful flyer, Takashio who was also in charge of signage creation, Yasuyo and Leo who summarized all the complicated exchanges, Ayakoh and Resobox in charge of Zoom, all the participating artists and performers, Orin and Tony making the video, Noriko who participated with the poem from Tokyo, the media/organization that supported this event. I am grateful to everyone involved. Thank you so very much.

The event documentation video/editing was done by me. Please check it out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pY-4NWAb__8

FB event page/フェイスブックのイベントページです。http://Artist info. Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/706308580381296/?active_tab=discussion

『 Freely 』 What? When? Why? Where? Who? and How? ——— “Emancipate yourself from the mental slavery” by Bob Marley

『縦横無尽』 何? いつ? なぜ? どこ? 誰? そして、どういう風に? ーーーーー”精神の奴隷から、君自身を解放しようよ” ボブ・マーレイの歌詞

「12th, Anti-Nuke Power Art」video is now on : 第12回、反原発展のビデオをアップしました。

こちらです/ this is the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFaMGhXO-KI

糸を巻き巻き/ Itomaki by Sanae M. Buck


あの、愛らしい日本の子ども歌 ”糸まき” に合せてあなたは糸を巻く、ただ、あなた の手はすでに被爆し皮膚はただれ真っ赤になっている。どこまで巻き続けられるのか?

For a long time, I was wondering why sewing machine spools (bobbin) and radioactivity marks look similar.

Upon examination, the sewing machine thread was made to match the shape of the bobbin, and the mark of radioactivity was more than that. In 1941, the Berkeley Radiation Laboratory, California, USA (currently Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) invented in its basic design the three leaves protruding from the center. These three leaves represent α- rays, β-rays, and y-rays, respectively, and simply represent how each radiation is emitted from the central nucleus.

You wind the thread to the adorable Japanese children’s song “Itomaki”, but your hands have already been exposed and your skin is sore and red. How long will you continue to wind?

第12回「反原発展」: 12th “Anti-Nuke Power Art” Friday March 11 3pm -10pm @ 5C Cafe and Cultural Center

3月11日、前日も後日も雪の中、エアポケットのようにこの日は肌寒いものの、まずまずの上天気。今回は私たちの友人、アクティビストでジャズピアニストのトルディの店 (コロナ事情から外席コーナー)で1日だけの展覧会をしました。今、フォトビデオを作成中なので暫しお待ち下さいね。

Although it snowed before and after March 11th, it was chilly but the weather was fair, like a gift. At this time we had a one-day exhibition at our friend, activist and jazz pianist Trudy’s 5C Cafe & Cultural Center (outside corner due to corona circumstances).

I’m making a photo video right now, so please wait for a while.

flyer made by Orin F. Buck

Yoshiko Chuma, Head in the Sand Dec 25 2021 : 中馬芳子 ”ヘッド・イン・ザ・サンド, 25 Dec, 21”

2021年12月25日、中馬芳子さんのお誕生日であり、恒例のシリーズ ”Head in the Sand” オンエアの日でもあったんです。クリックして、この日の、そしてこれまでの斬新なビデオシリーズをご覧くださいね。

Yoshiko Chuma/中馬芳子 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoshiko_Chuma

25 Dec, 2021, was dancer, choreographer and director of the performance art group “The School of Hard Knocks” Yoshiko Chuma’s birthday. People aired a video celebrating Yoshiko’s birthday and showing their thoughts on Christmas.

This is the link https://vimeo.com/660092537 and/or https://vimeo.com/660105519

Today 18 August is Gilyak Amagasaki 91th Birthday / 今日8月18日は、大道芸人 ギリヤーク尼崎の91歳の誕生日です


東日本大震災の犠牲者追悼のため 最後の大道芸人、ギリヤーク尼ヶ崎が捧げた「祈りの踊り」https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23-LtrLFuhU

Japanese Last Street Performer, Gilyak Amagasaki performs “Dance of Requiem” for victims of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23-LtrLFuhU (click and watch)