植物園二題:Botanical garden two themes


In late March, I had the opportunity to visit two botanical gardens in Queens and Brooklyn. One is the Queen’s Botanical Garden. Cherry blossom viewing at S-chan’s memorial tree. Although the garden was muddy everywhere due to the heavy rain the day before, the beautiful flowers blooming on the dignified branches are just like S-chan when she was alive. Apparently it’s a species called Somei-yoshino, and it blooms early in the spring.


植物たちと久しぶりに会話を楽しんだ。まあ、あたしの一方的な思い込みかもだけど、こちらに話しかけてくるのね。『あ、気がついた?!』とか『みんなが喜んでくれるからもっと咲いちゃう』とか (にっこり)。

The other is the Brooklyn Botanical Garden. Two couples of friends each invited me and told me that the tulips would bloom and/or the magnolias would be in full bloom and it would be wonderful. Due to time constraints and work commitments, I wasn’t able to meet up with all my friends, but I felt very grateful to be able to relax on the grass in the warm sunshine, walk around the garden, and sunbathing.

I enjoyed talking with the grasses/trees/ flowers for the first time in a while. Well, maybe it’s just my one-sided imagination, but it seems like they’re talking to me. “Ah, did you notice? ! ” or “Everyone is happy, so I will bloom even more” (smile) etc.

ワーセンター、第25回サロンショー開催:The 25th Anual Salon Exhibition at WAH/ Williamsburg Art & Historical Center, Brooklyn NYC

今年度はワー・サロンショーの創設以来、25周年記念回ということで、当初より設立に関わってきたメアリー・ウエストリング と、オリン・バック、館長のご好意で彼ら二人のアート作品も特別展示される運びになった。25という数字のみを語るなら、オリンの旅立った日付けでもある。しかも、会期中の2月25日はオリンの一周忌でもあり、この不思議な一致とも思える流れには感謝し尽くせない。

This year marks the 25th anniversary since the founding of Wah Salon Show. Mary Westling and Orin Buck, both of two has been involved in the establishment from the beginning so in curator’s favor, their artworks are also on special display. If we are talking about the number 25 alone, it is also the date of Orin’s departure. Moreover, on February 25th, during the exhibition period, also marks the first anniversary of Orin’s death, and I cannot express my gratitude enough for this meaningful coincidence.

wahcenter.net <– click. Founder Yuko Nii <– click

オリンの作品がかかっているコーナー:Corner where Orin’s artworks are hanging
オリンの最後の作品とドローイング:Orin’s last works and drawings

1月も、気付けば色々と満載:In January, I noticed that I was doing a lot of things.


I attended Frank’s art and music class for the first time in a while. Background music was the Motown sound, it was fun.


お友達の滞在していたホテル窓越しから。アッパーマンハッタンはこの日も小雨混じりだった:Through the window of the hotel where my friends were staying. It was a light rainy day in Upper Manhattan.


Since J-chan is moving, his ventriloquist puppet will be evacuating with me for a while. This doll’s name is apparently Charlie. While I’m with him, I call him “Ojiya/Grandpa" or “Ossan”. Orin might be smiling bitterly.

号外!『多文化都市ニューヨークを生きる』出版記念講演会のビデオ編集が終了!: Video editing for the publication commemorative lecture has been completed!

神舘美会子さんと和田良三さん、お二人の楽しくも深い話は何度聞いても笑いを誘われ、同時に考えさせられる。今年中に編集をなんとか終了させました!皆様のお時間のおありの時、訪問してくださるととってもうれしいです。こちらです。 『多文化都市ニューヨークを生きる』 <—ここをクリックしてご覧ください。ありがとうございます。 *this video is only in Japanese.

再び、我が街フラットブッシュ:Once again, my town Brooklyn/Flatbush


My area is a little far from the hot spots in Brooklyn, and it looks like an ordinary town, but as for me, the smell of the soil from when it was once a farmland, the feel of the sea breeze from the Coney Island, the sweat, dust, laughter, crying babies, and songs, that I sense some kind of Akashic records strangely.

お気に入りの眺め:my favorite view

11月半ばまで:Until mid-November

ハロウイーン明けの上旬、近所の大学生たちがD Jと共に、カボチャ投げイベント開催。このままコンポストに蘇れば良いのだけど、、何だかな〜:After a several days of Halloween, local college students(with DJ) hold a pumpkin-throwing event. It would be nice if it could be revived as they are in the compost, but somehow…

大切なお友達Y Hさんを訪ねた。彼女は記憶の途切れた時間軸の世界にいる。あたしは、あたしの心の記憶に住む彼女に話しかける。彼女は笑う。友情を確認できるありがたさ。。

I visited my dear friend Y.H far from Manhattan. She is in a world where her memories are cut off. I talk to her who lives in the memories of my heart. I say somethings, she laughs. I’m grateful to be able to confirm our friendship.

写真は口程にものを云う:The photo speaks as much as a mouth

日系人会主催の敬老会。その日担当のエイドさんの代理で、Kさんをお連れした。昼食弁当は特別に著名なシェフが作られたそうで味はピカイチ。やん、食べるのが勿体ない。こうした視覚的にも芸術の域に匹敵する繊細さは、あたしたちの誇るべき食文化なんですね。さて、雨上がりの夕方、お友達のカップルと共に近所のブルックリンカレッジのキャンパスの散策。由緒あるカレッジ図書館にも入って、その充実ぶりに堪能した。そういえば、所用で思わず、生前のオリンが足繁く通ったガン病院の前を通った。何とも言えない想い、、ジワーって涙が出たよ。 さて、イーストビレッジの病院に入院されているKさんの部屋の窓から、素晴らしい虹を見た。帰りがけ、幾人もの人から、あのでっかい虹を見たか?って呼び止められた。虹の良いところは、こんな風に人々の顔を上に向けさせてくれることだね. (微笑)

The lunch box at the Respect for the Aged Party hosted by “JAA/Japanese American Association of New York” was amazing! I thought, “Ah, what a waste” to eat it. Japanese food culture is simply delicate & artistic. Well, one early evening after the rain, I & friends couple went for a walk around the nearby Brooklyn College campus. The inside of the historic college library was once again well-stocked. By the way, the other day, I passed by the New York University Cancer Center, where Orin attended before his death, for the first time in a while. Tears welled up a little. . Now, I went to visit K at the hospital in East Village. We could see a wonderful rainbow from her hospital room. On the way home, I was stopped by several people asked me, “Did you see that amazing rainbow earlier?” The good thing about rainbows is that it makes people look up. (smile)

10月13日は, 神舘美会子(みたち・みえこ)さんとリョウ和田さんの出版記念講演会がJAAで開催された。(このブログでも紹介したお二人共著の『多文化都市ニューヨークを生きる』)たくさん素敵な人々が集まってくださり、異なる視座からの奥の深いスピーチ、同時に視聴者からの質問で時間はあっという間に過ぎていった。ビデオアップまで少々お待ちください。

On October 13th, a publication commemorative lecture by Mieko Mitachi and Ryo wada was held at JAA. (“Living in a Multicultural City of New York” co-authored by the two, which was introduced on this blog) A lot of nice people came together, and the time passed quickly with deep speeches from different perspectives and questions from the audience. Please wait a moment until the video is uploaded.

8月下旬からこっちを、写真日記風にしてみた:From the end of August until now, I made this a photo diary style  

我がフラットブッシュ通り:My Flatbush Avenue

友人の F.C が ミッドタウン・イーストマンハッタンのシニアセンターでアート・ヒストリーのクラスを持っており、興味深いので時々参加している。シニアセンターなんだけれど、モロ現役のアーティストさん方が集い、内容の濃い学びになっている。来週の講義はニューヨーク市内の歴史的建築物の話も含むので、そういえば、フラットブッシュ通りも結構、面白い建物があるよな、と思い立ち、家から歩ける距離の通り沿いで、気になっているいくつかの建造物を撮りに出かけた。こんなもんじゃない、ゾロゾロ出て来るのですよ。フラットブッシュの景観をビデオにしたいって思ううちに8月もサヨナラー!

F.C, a friend of me & Orin, has an art history class at the Senior Center in Midtown East Manhattan, so I attend it from time to time. It’s a senior center, but active artists gather, each one has their own interesting experiences of art. Next week’s lecture will include a talk about historic buildings in New York City, so I thought that I would introduce some unique buildings on Flatbush Avenue. I went out to take pictures of some of the buildings in the area. They’re not only like this, more and more jumping into your eyes! I really wanted to make a video of the scenery of Flatbush, however I should say goodbye to August! Time flies.

”フラットブッシュ、アフリカ人の墓地”。 にも出かけることができた。規模はマンハッタンの墓地とは比べられないが、ブルックリンが、あるいはフラットブッシュが当時、一大農園地帯として栄華を極めたその背景の、奴隷として連れて来られ働かされた人々の、異国での終の住処、、忘却の彼方に消し潰されそうなこの史実を、地元のグループがしっかり管理し支援している。

“Flatbush, African burial ground”. (<–click ) I was able to go visit. The scale cannot be compared with Manhattan’s African burial ground. But the fact is as same as heavy with any burial ground. Once upon a time, it is the background of Kings county/Flatbush prosperity as a large plantation area at that time, where people brought and forced to work as slaves, then without returned to their mother country they passed away in foreign place. A local group firmly manages and supports this historical fact that is about to be erased into oblivion.

Union Square Greenmarket : ユニオン・スクエア のグリーンマーケット

1976年、数名の農家が農作物の販売をユニオンスクエアパークでスタート。今や、世界に誇る『グリーンマーケット』 <–(クリック)として、観光のメッカにもなってきている。あたしなどは相変わらず『ファーマーズ・マーケット』と認識していたんだけど、そんなのは昔語り。昨年の夏は、あたしとオリンはまだニューバーグに居て、セッセと借りていたガーデンロットに通い、トマトやナスタシウムやケールやブロッコリやカラーグリーンを世話したっけね。。目の前に積まれているヒビ割れてたり、黄や緑や朱の段だら模様で不揃いの、そうです!これがトマトなのよ!

In 1976, a few farmers started selling their agricultural products in Union Square Park. Today, it has become a mecca for tourism as a world-class “green market”. (<–click) I used to recognize it as a “farmer’s market” as usual, but that’s an old story. Last summer, Orin and I were still in the city of Newburgh, going to the garden lot we were renting, tending tomatoes, nasturtiums, kale, broccoli and coloured greens. Well, there are cracks piled up in front of me, and yellow, green, and vermilion tiered patterns and unevenness, that’s right! This is a tomato!


Hey, Orin!!,,, that was fun~ Let’s resume gardening when we meet again. I suddenly remembered that a long time ago (at a cafe in Kunitachi City, Tokyo), a strange lady approached me and predicted, ” You will one day become the owner of a large plantation.” . Well, it doesn’t’ matter to me, but, it would be nice if I could obtain a certain amount of forest and become a planner for tree funerals.