Kenji Miyazawa was born, 27 August, 1896 :1896年8月27日、宮沢賢治誕生.

Kenji Miyazawa. An extraordinary sensibility and an embody of animism. An eternal teacher who will continue to give a clear light in my life. Also Y.N who is my soul savior. They both have the same birthday, it means a lot to me.

宮沢賢治。類いまれな感性とアニミズムの具現者。私の生涯で、ひときわ澄み切った光を与え続けてくれる、永遠の師。また Y.N, わたしの魂の救済者。どちらも同じ誕生日というだけでも、私にはとてつもなく大きな意味を持つ。

Today I had a checkup of my hip replacement

I will take an X-ray again in half a year. I will do my best to do my daily exercise. Thank you very much to everyone at the hospital, clinic, physical therapy, Orin, and my friends, many of you who supported me during the most difficult times.



Today was my first time:今日は私の最初の、

Since I had hip partial replacement surgery in this Feb, I’ve had many days of depression, but I haven’t missed walking training every day, and today, for the first time, I walked back and forth to physical therapy without using a car and cane! (On the way, I was encouraged while talking with Y-chan in cellular)


Today is the day I started my blog! : 今日、私はブログを始めました。

Such long years left since my husband Orin created this page, it was 2011, August I guess.

OnsaPlanet/音叉プラネット first, “onsa” means tuning fork. In this 3rd dimensional world, every phenomenon is composed of each energy frequency and materialized. Moreover each phenomenon of the Earth, all living organisms resonate with each other.

Also this blog is a reminder to myself, and at the same time, I’m going to write about the paranormal and mysterious life.


