貨物列車:Freight train

私のお気に入りは、ここ ニューバーグの図書館。ハドソン川に面して大きくクリアなガラスの窓が、差し渡し真横に伸び、快適な椅子に座ってラップトップを広げる。老眼なのに、対岸の電車;メトロノース・ハドソン線がビーコン駅を通過したり停車するのも見えるし、ビーコンの美術館 も見える。



銀河鉄道の夜/Milky Way Railroad 夜が明けたら/浅川マキ・Maki Asakawa Hear My Train A Comin’

Here Newburgh Free Library is one of my favorite places. A large, clear glass window facing the Hudson River stretches right in front of me, sitting in a comfortable chair and unfolding my laptop. Even though my old eyes, across the river I can see the Metro-North Railroad Hudson line passing and stopping at Beacon Station, also Dia Beacon (Art Foundation) too.

This side of the Hudson River, under my eyes freight trains come and go regularly. I hardly notice it, but in the middle of the night and at dawn, the distant horn jumps into my ear, I wonder what is the train running next to my house? Suddenly something difficult to explain with emotion shaking my soul and nostalgic feeling.

Railroads, trains, and night trains are classics in songs, poetry, literature, and movie/images with the addition of symbolic concepts such as the first station and the last station (life / death), passing stations, transfer stations, local trains, express trains, bullet train—I wonder if it is the speed of each life that people choose. Even now, in my way, a life that ran between stations (the highlights), the parts between stations are now a bit more important and getting acceptance and love.

ニューヨーク、ですね?:It’s New York, isn’t it ?


ニューヨークに出向くときは ”転ばぬ先の” 杖は離せない、とはいえ今回もレジに杖を置き去りにして、お客さんやレジの女性に『あんた〜!忘れてるよー』って杖を指さされた(笑)。何やら、とうの昔にニューヨークにいる緊張感・甘美な自己満足感は消え去り、日々の記憶と習慣、加えて、碁盤の目のように規則的に縦横を走っている通りにも助けられ、歌を歌い、ぼんやりと想念を追いかけ、汗をぬぐい、”年をとるってこういうことかな” となんだか面白くなってくる。大好きなお友達、皆に会いたいけど帰りのバスが待っている。

プリンス・ロジャー・ネルソンのことを考えていたら目の前が ”プリンス通り” だった。ハウストン通りとスタントン通り、リビントン通り、そして3番街。この一帯が当時の私の存在の証。

いっとき住んでいたバワリーのロフトは程なくピカピカな画廊になり、今日、久しぶりに通りかかると画廊は何処へやら? 全体が改装の真っ只中になっていた。

今は飛び切りに土地の高騰する一等地。美術館やレストランやマーケットが連なり、20年前の記憶と交差する。あの頃、ロフトの裏は広大な空き地に鬱蒼と灌木がかぶさり、野犬が群れなして吠えていたっけ。ロフトでは何度か妖精を見たよね。既に雨漏り激しく床も崩れる寸前の暗いロフト内で、私は蝶々が飛び交うのを見た。何??小さな妖精さんたちじゃないの!!?? 複数回みた。


It’s not important that I stay near the hospital, so I go to Chinatown alone under the hot blue sky. I’ve done some necessary shopping, but I still have plenty of time to meet Orin. While choosing the shadow of the building, I walk north on 3rd Avenue with a cane in one hand.

When I go to New York, I can’t let go of the cane that “doesn’t fall” however, this time as well, I left the cane at the cash register so was told by the customers and the cashier “Hey you! You forgot!”— they pointed at my cane (lol). Somehow, the tension and luscious self-satisfaction that I had in New York long ago disappeared already. As well as the streets that run regularly like grid, helped by my memories and habits. Singing songs, vaguely chasing thoughts, wiping sweat, and “I wonder if this is what it means to get older” becomes somewhat interesting. I want to meet my favorite friends, but the return bus is waiting.

When I was thinking about Prince Rogers Nelson, I saw “Prince Street” in front of me. Houston Street, Stanton Street, Rivington Street, and Third Avenue/Bowery. This area is a proof of my existence at that time.

The loft where I lived for awhile soon became a luxury gallery, and today I passed by after a long time, where did the gallery go? The whole building is in the middle of a renovations.

Now it is a prime location where the price is soaring. The museums, restaurants and markets are lined up, and intersect with the memories of 20 years ago. At that time, the back of the loft was covered with dense vacant lots and shrubs, and stray dogs were barking. I saw fairies several times in the loft. I thought butterflies flying in the dark loft, which was already leaking and the floor was about to collapse. What? Not the butterflies but they were little fairies! !! ?? I’ve seen it multiple times.

What I asked the fairies at that time, also all of my appreciation and feeling of gratitude to a person who was the loft owner at that time – I sewed several eccentric funny clothings for him. Now these old clothings have turned the loft owner into a Cinderella Boy. It’s like a strange novel, but it’s a real story.

抜歯考:Consideration of tooth extraction



22歳の『親知らず』は、そのまま22年間のニューヨーク・サバイバル人生を私と共に過ごし、楽しい時も悲しい時も常に私に寄り添って、苦楽を共にしてきた、、、感傷に浸っていてもどうにもならないのね, 歯の手入れを怠っていたのだから。

食物の消化を助ける最初の一歩、での、”咀嚼・そしゃく” ”嚥下・えんげ” は、歯無くして成り立たない。まばたきも呼吸も無意識の臓器活動も、全てが一人の人間を円滑に機能させるために絶妙なメカニズムで呼応し合っている。


High concentration salt water in a small pottery cup. Something is rolling to the bottom quite boldly. My “Oya-shirazu/wisdom tooth” that I pulled out earlier today.

Twenty-two years ago, the tooth next to the back tooth that had been unavoidably extracted was gaining momentum. Suddenly, “Unknown” wisdom tooth appeared! I think it came out because there were no obstacles. The “Oya-shirazu/wisdom tooth” has recently become inflamed, and had jumping pain continuously attacking the pain points in my brain so I didn’t sleep at all.

The 22-year-old “wisdom tooth” had spent 22 years in New York survival life with me. We’ve always been close to each other, having a hard time or joyful time together… It doesn’t matter if I am in sentimental regret of losing it, because I neglected to take care of my teeth.

The first step to help digest food, “chewing / biting” and “swallowing”, cannot be achieved without teeth. Blinking, breathing, and unconscious organ activity all respond to each other by an exquisite mechanism for the smooth functioning of a single person.

Should I chose to get an implant, or should the remaining teeth be used carefully while changing the diet to one that is more digestible and absorbable? I’m just staring at “wisdom tooth” which looks like it’s laughing.

オリンの手のひら: Orin’s Palm


私たちが出会ったのは2007年のお友達のアートオープニングだった。彼の名前は共通するアートセンターの関係で知っていたが、なぜか ”おりん〜お鈴” と日本の女性名で変換していたものか、オリン=女性、と信じていたので目の前の男性が当の本人などとは思いもよらず、それまで何度か問い合わせのイーメイルしていたのに、Mr. と書かず, Mis. にしていたのですよ。


仲良くなりたての頃、手をつないだときの驚き!!これだ、これだ、あたしが長年探していたものは!! 物心つくあたりの不思議な懐かしい感触が蘇る。私が死ぬ時に ”誰か”の手を握って、”あー、面白い人生だった、ありがとね、じゃあ行くね” と。 その誰か, の掌の感触だったわけなんです、オリンの手のひらは!!


Due to the corona situation in the last few years, No! wait a minute, since June 2018, when we moved to Arizona, then we returned to the east coast again in the fall of 2019. We have settled in Newburgh and I have been spending time with Orin almost every day.

Is the 15-year period (almost 24hours stay together for the last three and a half years) short or just right? We have met each other since we were old, and the momentum of the sparks feelings of our hearts have been replaced by calmness, and Orin is no longer Orin. He is as if my father, mother, twins, best friend, soulmate, and fighting companion, etc. There are many conflicting ideas and opinions between us, so we are giving up on each other now (lol).

We met at a 2007 friend’s art opening. I knew his name because of the common art center, but for some reason I believed that it was converted to “Orin-Osuzu(bell)”, a Japanese female name, Orin must be a female. I didn’t think that the man in front of me is the person I had emailed inquiries several times before, I didn’t write to him Mr. but made it Miss.

Very beginning, I was surprised when I held his hands! !! This is, this is, what I’ve been looking for so many years! !! A mysterious and nostalgic feeling was revived. When I die, I will hold the hand of “someone” and say, “Oh, it was an interesting my life, thank you, let me go.” It was the feel of someone’s palm, the palm of Orin! !!

His tough body will surely recover from the critical condition. Let’s get along well with medicines and treatment, and at the same time strengthening our own self-healing power and immunity without relying on them. Orin, born in Pisces / Uncle / Grandpa / Old man / Dad / Mom, thank you very much for being with me. Here is a video of our hands dancing : https://orinbuck.com/video/hand-dance

トリさんとは何だ?: What is Tori-san?

トリさんとは誰だ? 私の母、かけがえのない人、終生の心のパートナー。トリさんは2004年に他界するまでの83年間、平坦であるべき道を、なんの理由か ”英孝”と呼ばれる、この重い荷物を背負い込んで歩いてきたような人生。








Who is Tori-san? My mother, an irreplaceable person, a lifelong heart partner. For 83 years until her death in 2004, Tori-san could be walking on a flat road, but she had been carrying heavy baggage, called “Hidetaka” for some reason.

Tori-san’s belongings were threads, a foot-operated sewing machine, yarns, and knitting sticks. There were countless materials for ribbon flowers, Japanese paper for shredded pictures, many potted orchids, her favorite books, parakeets and even lizards. Sweaters & clothings she didn’t wear, accessories that she didn’t put on, and a kimono set that she didn’t wear often.

To keep her life undisturbed, Tori-san tried to protect her 3 children and tried to escape from the unworthy man, but Hidetaka, who sits scratching his crossed legs and looks at the horse racing newspaper, chases the women’s hips, smokes cigarettes, using all the money and threatens us with violence. He was Tori-san’s husband and my biological father.

Still, what I can accept about Hidetaka is that he was an anarchist and taught me what society is all about. I understand that because of his own unbearable trauma he could not learn what family love is, and his utmost instinct was to attract someone to spoil and never reject him, an eternal mother and goddess for him, Tori-san.

Tori-san stayed with such a companion for half a century, and she took care of Hidetaka. Ten years after taking care of everything, Tori-san, who had a strong and indomitable spirit and was good at business, was exhausted and died.

Even though it was a desired marriage, there would have been a wise choice of divorce, but “I was envious of everyone because I married into a wealthy family, I was in a good mood. It was my mistake, so I have to accept my thoughtless decision for the rest of my life. It’s my responsibility. ” This her funny excuse was all about codependency, some kind of love, attachment, typical domestic violence pattern, her regret for a wrong marriage, or their past life promises. Maybe all came together, I mean. They were like ZAMPANO & GELSOMINA (La Strada), but of course Tori-san wasn’t like Gelsomina’s personality, Tori-san was very a powerful and strong minded woman, anyway.

I still have dreams about Tori-san constantly. She jumped like a ninja on the roof of an old mansion and runs away, crying and hating, “no way that is my life! I want to die!” or, Tori-san and Hidetaka live together over the sea, and invited me to come and visit. This one isn’t a dream, it’s a reality: when I couldn’t move because of a herniated disc, they both appeared in front of me and encouraged me to get back my health.(Yes, ghost?)

I am grateful and accepting of my parents, but “I wonder what it is”. On the other hand, how much have I learned from them (like bad/good example)?

恐怖という想念の耐え難い重さ・The unbearable weight of the idea of fear





私たちが、”コロナという現象” から自由に、そして本来の個々人の免疫力を取り戻し、ワクチンを打った打たないというアパルトヘイトのような分断に翻弄されず、同時に個々人の生命を尊重し、個々人の愛と豊かさに戻るのは、まず、”恐怖” という想念の総体をじっくり考えるのが良いのかな。感染=恐怖=死 或いは、免疫力=健康=生、


At some point, I remembered my experience with my best friend in Sunnyside, Queens.

I and she had a short session (which I’ll write about later) and suddenly I fell asleep while chatting on that warm night. Then, whether it was a ridiculously large lump on the back of the eyelid, a swirl, or all of the energy, the tremendous lump seemed to come toward me, and I opened my eyes. She said, “Oh, sorry, Sanae-san. I thought you were starting to fall asleep, and I thought I’d be very careful and close the window behind you. Did I wake you up?”

Oh, Yes! The fact that people think about small things and move their actions in that direction means that invisible, incredible and tremendous energy is moving! !! She just thought she would close the window, and she just tried to do it very carefully. However even her tiny action/thoughts turned to absolutely unbelievably big energy!

People say, be careful of your thoughts and words. It will surely be realized in this three-dimensional world. From thoughts and words to anything, this world is made up of energetic waves. Therefore, by adding meaning and direction into your thoughts, tremendous power is created. The total energy creates a real object, means creates a robust wave body.

What can be done so that we are free from the “phenomenon of corona” and regain the original immunity of each individual, and are not at the mercy of apartheid-like divisions such as vaccination and non-vaccination, and at the same time respect the lives of individuals. To return to the love and abundance of our origin, it is better to think carefully about the whole idea of “fear”. Infection = fear = death, or, get back your immunity = get right back your health = get back your true life,

Whatever, and whichever our thoughts create reality. .. .. ..

臨死体験・My near death experience

昨年の2月ヒョイっと足を滑らせ、あろうことか、私の左足の大腿骨がめちゃめちゃに!手術前、激痛でモルヒネも効かず, 何とか全身麻酔から目覚めると、私は晴れてサイボーグになっていた。

手術を挟んだ1週間ほどは、ありとあらゆることが満載で、メモを読み返してもその順番がつかめない。ので、この臨死体験(なのか夢現つか)の日にちは不明ではあるが、確か, 病院から戻ったその夜だったかもしれない(?)。

— 私はどうも死んでいて、土の中に横たわっている。私の横も上も下も、ぎっしりと、私のようなたくさんの死体が積み重なっている。なんだか、こんな状況が面白くて居心地も良く、確か笑ったと思う。それを、もう一人の私が、至近距離から観察している。ほどなく、ブルドーザーがやってきて、私たちの身体を一気に攪拌し混ぜこぜにし始めた。そうだ、私たちはコンポストになるのだ!堆肥になるのね〜。

— 目が覚めてしばらくボーと、このなんとも形容できない嬉しさ, のようなものが終日続いた。オリンも私も、樹木葬を選んでおり、土に還るってこういう感覚と喜びなんだろうか、と思った。これまでも、このような臨死体験ぽいのやら幽体離脱やらを何度か体験しており、これからの残された時間で, 私なりにそれらの意味することを解明して行こう。

In February of last year, I slipped on the ice, and my left leg’s femur was broken! Before the operation, I was in severe pain and morphine did not work, and when I woke up from general anesthesia, I found I was a cyborg.

From the time of the accident, for about a week, everything in my head was so messy, and even if I read the memo again, I couldn’t figure out what is what. So, the date of this near-death experience (or a kind of dreaming) is unknown, but it may have been the night when I returned from the hospital (?).

— I’m dead and lying in the soil. A lot of corpses like me are piled up next to me, above and below. Somehow, this situation was interesting and comfortable, and I think I laughed. Another person/I, is observing it from a close distance. Soon, a bulldozer came and began to stir and mix our bodies all at once. Yes, we will be compost!

—, I woke up, for a while something like this indescribable joy continued all day long. Both Orin and I chose tree burial, and I wondered if returning to the soil would be such a nice feeling and joy. I have experienced such near-death experiences and out-of-body experiences several times, and in the remaining time, I will try to clarify what they mean.

私は私を選びました : I chose me




3回目、セラピストの誘導を待たずして、私は深い催眠状態に入った。見えているそして感じ取れるイメージが, 脳内スクリーンに映し出された。どうも、宇宙船の窓から私は一つの胎児を眺めている、胎児はちょうど6ヶ月あたりで、同時に温かさや子宮内の感覚や情景が蘇った、私はこの胎児を選ぶ理由があった、それは唯一、この胎児の父親にあたる一人の人間を癒すため。同時に、激しい衝撃に近い感情がやってきた、「なんてこっちゃ!私の父親を癒すため、私は私を選んだのか?癒すどころか、私自身が最大限の侮辱や苦しさを味わされたではないのか?」



このビジョンは私にはショックすぎた、人間がその現実から逃避するためには、脳はあらゆるトリックを使う。忘却させたり都合よくまとめたり、いわゆる病気にさせたり辻褄を合わせたり。でも、私は何か、そうじゃない、という確信があった。実のところ、今に至るまで、”助けなきゃ、助けたい” というエンパス志向、そうした傾向が当然のように付いて回ってきた。自分を放っておいても人を助けたい、という気持ちがずっとずっと続いていた。



For some reason, I went to a hypnotherapist. I needed a so-called past life regression therapist that was popular mainly in New Age at that time. The therapist immediately told me: “I am a Jungian hypnotherapist in the normal way and have nothing to do with the elucidation of your previous life. So, I can introduce you to New Age friends.”

In one word, I chose her. I instinctively thought she could be trusted. I was afraid that under the hypnosis, it would surely take me to my core, my feud with my father, that a big lump that I never looked back on, however this therapy would be heading there? In fact, she said to me, “First, let’s go deeper into you, and then you can find especially the cause of the stumbling block in your male relationships.”

For convenience, I had four sessions, and the second time I cursed my father and surely I cried a lot (because when I woke up, I was littered with tissue paper that seemed to have wiped a lot of tears and runny nose).

The third time, without waiting for the therapist’s guidance, I went into deep hypnosis. The visible and perceptible image was projected on the intracerebral screen. Apparently, I’m looking at a fetus through the window of a spaceship, the fetus was just around 6 months old, and at the same time I felt like I was back in my mother’s womb, and I had a reason to choose this fetus for this life, I have to heal one human being, the father of this fetus. At the same time, feelings close to violent shock came, “What a hell! Did I choose me to heal my father? Far from healing, I myself experienced the utmost insult and suffering by him. OMG!”

(To my understanding, I, who is inside the spaceship, chose I, who is just fetus and will be born on the earth, also will be named SANAE. Anyway I was born prematurely.)

Simultaneously I heard a voice from deep inside me that seemed to say, “Everything is absolutely perfect, there is nothing to heal nor help, everything is as it is, and I chose me to learn the ultimate in trust in phenomenon.”

After awakening, I clearly conveyed this vision to the therapist. She was completely silent, neither denying nor affirming, but she asked only one question, “What do you want to do? Do you want to continue the session?”

This vision was too shocking to me, the brain uses every trick to escape from that reality. Forgetting, summarizing conveniently, pretending so-called illness, and/or to adjust the story to fit the situation. But I was convinced that it wasn’t just a delusion, it was very real to me. As a matter of fact, until now, my very big desire to follow the empathic tendency of “I have to help, I want to help” has naturally obeyed. I’ve always wanted to help people even if I don’t help myself or make time for myself.

I wasn’t in time for my father’s death, only my mother rushed to the hospital. Unconscious for weeks, my father, who was connected to a number of tubes and curled up like a small fetus, passed away. My mother said, “Surprisingly, Oto-san (she called her husband this) suddenly started talking! He said ‘My entire life was neither good nor bad’.” My mother also had a pretty psychic side, so surely her spirit comes into contact with the truth of existence through him?

I’m thinking of writing about the background of my father, who was an anarchist and had a personality disorder, and about an episode that I will never forget.

そういえば、まさに俯瞰的な夢を、、: Come to think of it, I had a dream about bird’s-eye view ,,




At the end of last year, a friend checked my horoscope and said that I have a bird’s eye view of what is happening. For example, it seems that it has such a viewpoint that it looks at itself (or something in the world) from the air.

After the new year, my first dream was something fun, but I can’t remember. However, when I was in my thirties, I had a dream of this “overhead view” itself. This dream is very meaningful to me, and I think it’s the 4th best symbolic dream so far.

~ ~ I look down on two parallel roads from a considerable altitude. No matter how you look at the dark road, it is covered with bushes and a dark forest continues. The other parallel road is bright and warm, regardless of the reflection of the sun. You can see that it is straight, spacious comfortable and enjoyable to walk on towards the final goal. Moreover, since these two roads are next to each other, it doesn’t matter which one you change to, but what’s wrong? I’m walking along this dark thorny road. ~~, then I woke up, what the hell is that! More than 30 years have passed, whenever I remember this dream thinking that I should move to a bright and straight road (although it is a scene in a dream). This time I remembered the dream by chance. I didn’t forget it, but I didn’t do it, right? So, now I have switched to the bright road.

On the way to Sweet North Carolina @ Greensboro, however— :ノースキャロライナはグリーンズボロに向かう途中の椿事

We had planned to visit our musician/artist friends in NC. On 2 Nov 2021 we were booked for Orin’s and my solfeggio Hz sound video and my performance. However as we got near Harrisburg, PA, our car suddenly stoped working. Before this happened, we wanted to buy coffee and even though unnecessary refill gas, then, just as we entered into busy speedway(!!) I only tell you “We’re lucky”. At our discretion, no car was involved and there was no damage other than ours. As you see these stuffed animal, one is gorilla and another one is fox. The night before we left, I talked to them as usual (probably you may think of me like a strange person, hahaha) and told them that you must stay here and house-watching several days. OMG! Gori-san (I named this gorilla) started cry. Surely this phenomena was within my eyesight. I could see these vision within my mind. Why you’re crying, Gori? and he replied because I will never see you again. Mmmmmmm, he felt lonely? so I put them into my bag.

Anyway, just before our car broke, during at the gas station I pulled them from my bag because they wanna enjoy this scenery (I know such so strange idea came to me). Then, it came. While we were waiting for tow truck comes I noticed how unbelievably messy Gori-san’s hair was!! Probably he tried to protect us using all of his power(??) Well…


