2024年6月25日, 16回目のオリンの月命日:June 25, 2024, The 16th Monthly Anniversary of Orin’s Death

       とおく   *谷川俊太郎 詩集『はだか』より

わたしはよっちゃんよりもとおくへきたとおもう ただしくんよりもとおくへきたとおもう ごろーよりもおかあさんよりもとおくへきたとおもう もしかするとおとうさんよりもひいおじいちゃんよりもとおくへきたとおもう ごろーはいつかすいようびにいえをでていって にちようびのよるおそくかえってきた やせこけてどろだらけで いつまでもぴちゃぴちゃみずをのんでいた ごろーがどこへいっていたのかだれにもわからない 

このままずうっとあるいていくとどこにでるのだろう しらないうちにわたしはおばあさんになるのかしら  きょうのこともわすれてしまっておちゃをのんでいるのかしら ここよりももっととおいところで  そのときひとりでいいからすきなひとがいるといいな そのひとはもうしんでてもいいから どうしてもわすれられないおもいでがあるといいな どこからかうみのにおいがしてくる  でもわたしはきっとうみよりももっととおくへいける 

   A Distant Place    *from the poetry collection “Hadaka” by Shuntaro Tanikawa

I think I have come farther than Yotchan, father than Tadashi. I think ever farther than Goro, my dog, and farther than mom. And possibly farther than both my dad and great grandpa. Goro left home one Wednesday and came home late the next Sunday night. He was thin and all covered with mud and kept on lapping up water for a long time. No one knows where he was.

If I keep on walking like this where will I end up? Will I wake up and find myself an old woman? Will I have forgotten all about today and be shipping tea in some place even farther off than here? If so, I hope there’s at least be one person with me I could love. It doesn’t matter even if he’s dead. I only wish I would have an unforgettable memory of him. The smell of the sea comes in from somewhere, but I’m sure I can go farther than the sea.

17年前の冬、アタシたちはこの遊具のところでウオッカを飲んだっけ:17 years ago in the winter, we drank vodka at this playground.
波のビデオを撮ってきた、ブライトンビーチにて:I took some video of the waves at Brighton Beach.

ちょっと古いけどシェアしたくなったビデオ “シャドウズ”と, オリンの遺作の影ビデオ: The video”Shadows : Fumio Tanai” which is a little old but I wanted to share, and Orin’s posthumous shadow video

いくつかの事情が重なり、某フィルムフェスティバルへの参加を見送って、その後YouTubeにはアップしておいたまま、何年も経ってしまったビデオ。 ”シャドウズ : 棚井文雄”, これは、写真家のコンセプト『陰り』に触発されて作った。



”シャドウズ;棚井文雄” <ーークリック   ”ハドソン河岸を歩く影” ←ークリック

Due to a combination of circumstances, I decided not to participate in a certain film festival, instead, the video has been uploaded to YouTube for many years. “Shadows: Fumio Tanai”, This was inspired by the photographer’s concept of “Kageri (kageri means also Shadow/Shade) “.

Recently, I’ve started thinking about moving, and trying to get rid of movie files, huge amounts of photos, and scattered texts, but once I start looking through them, it’s hard to stop. And I forget immediately to stay HERE & NOW/ a time present, as if I’m drawn to memories of the past. . . However, the things I have made, planned, and left behind have not only faded and weathered, but they are now showing me hints and ideas. This was a surprising discovery for me.

Then, the time I stayed and were nostalgic suddenly turns into creative energy for the future.

“Shadows: Fumio Tanai” <– click “Shadows Walking Along the Hudson River” <– click

photo by Fumio Tanai, 2014
from “Shadows: Fumio Tanai”
from “Shadows Walking Along the Hudson River”

緩和ケア、ホスピスケア:relief care, or hospice care





This may be a rough idea, but if I were to call all of New York my second hometown, the Lower East Side of Manhattan, many areas of Brooklyn, Ridgewood & Kew Gardens, Woodside and Sunnyside in Queens would definitely be a branch of my second hometown. A friend from Sunnyside is now preparing to depart.

What she most wanted to experience in the past several years was the chaos and falsehoods, fabrications and biased reporting, whether it was a pandemic or a conflict, I think. I know that she would have cut it with her sharp view point. However, by the time O and I headed to Arizona in 2018, she had already begun to remove the memory device in her brain.

For many years, we ran what we called “entity sessions” a long time ago. I am surprised to find that each session was similar to what we would now call quantum theory.

People who are heading out on the eternal journey seem to be very frank and independent. At the same time, none of the body’s cells go against the soul’s decisions. That clarity. Therefore, I will not let emotions control me and just say thank you to her. Thank you, your presence has been staying within my heart-world.

夏さん、どうぞ安らかにお眠りくださいね:Natsu-san, please return home in peace, with love and light



人を大気現象外に連れだす巫女、シャーマン?あたしらの情念を視覚化して、そして解体してゆく。未来、と呼ばれる概念が、今ここ、に時空方向を定める。夏さんは日本の雛祭りの日に旅立たれた。世界を人形のように抱きしめ、自ら、を限りなく手放し、ポツンと突っ立つ永遠の少女のようにも思えた彼女に、ふさわしい日ではなかったろうか。  ありがとうございました、そして 合掌

Nakajima-Natsu <–click  中嶋夏 _舞踏  <–クリック VangelineTheater <– click/クリック

Butoh dancer Natsu Nakajima. When she was alive, she said that everything changed when she met Tatsumi Hijikata, but for me, meeting Natsu-san changed everything. A wonderful encounter that took place over 30 years ago. Of course, it is true that my orbital axis has gradually become realize, deep, and clearer due to various encounters and events at important points in my world before and after that. However, I am extremely happy to have met Natsu-san in this life.

Until then, there was a stereotype that Butoh was a male dancer, but she became the first woman to dance in public. Her accomplishments are immeasurable, as she has spread Butoh not only around the world, but also taught it at the same time.

A shaman, a shrine maiden who takes people out of the atmosphere? Visualizing our passions and then dismantling them. A concept called the future determines the direction of space and time in the here and now. Natsu-san departed on the day of Japan’s Doll’s Festival (Hina-matsuri). Wasn’t this the perfect day for her, who seemed like an eternal girl who held the world like a doll, let go of herself, and stood alone forever? Thank you very much.    rest in peace



In keeping with Orin’s wishes when he was in this world, the first anniversary of his death was completed quite easily. I felt that the Williamsburg Art & Historical Center where his last small works were on display was appropriate. I brought a drawing of a geranium flower, which he loved while he was alive, and two stuffed animals that he always took with them on drives.

テキサスやアリゾナ, 遠く離れている義理の妹たちから早朝のメッセージ。さらには、お友達からの暖かいメッセージを何通もいただいた。アートセンター創設者のゆうこさん、館長のテリーさんにもご挨拶ができた。オリンは皆さんの心の世界に生きている、いや、生かしていただいている。何てありがたいことだろう。

Early morning messages from my sisters-in-law who are far away in Texas and Arizona. Furthermore, I received many warm messages from friends. I was also able to say hello to Yuko, the founder of the WAH Center, and Terry, the director. Orin lives in the world of everyone’s hearts, or rather, he is being kept alive by them. What a blessing!


With everyone’s support, I was able to get through this past year. Beyond words, it seems that a real shift began in the rest of my life. . I’m deeply moved. Appreciation, thank you very much.

起承転結 / き、しょう、てん、けつ:introduction, development, twist, and conclusion


まだ、たくさんの人々の中に出かけるには抵抗がある。それでいいよねって自分の有様を受け入れているし、分かり合える大好きなお友達への感謝とともに、さらに身軽にすべく拍車がかかる。根強いパターンでもある ”助けなきゃあ、助けてあげたい” を再認識するちょっとしたことが起こり、猛反省で幕開けの新年でもあった。おかげでさらに身軽さへ移行、、やる必要のないことは決してやらない。その場にいなくて良い。気づかされた。


オリンの一周忌(二回忌)の2月下旬までを4つに分けて当てはめてみた。そうか!今、まさに”結”なのねー。 超意識=愛=光、感謝と祝福。

Until late February, the first anniversary of Orin’s death, I divided it into four parts and applied it.
Really! Right now, it’s absolutely the “conclusion” period! Superconsciousness = Love = Light, Gratitude and Blessings.

“Beauty looking back” by Moronobu Hishikawa :”見返り美人 の図 ” 菱川師宣
She’s looking back, but her feet are facing forward. It symbolically represents who I am now : この図で、女性は後ろを振り返っているが彼女の両足は前を向いている。意味するところは、象徴的に今のあたしの心模様と立ち位置を表している。
“the love embrace of the universe the earth mexico myself diego and senor xolotl” by Frida Kahlo:”宇宙の愛の抱擁 地球 メキシコ 私自身 ディエゴとセニョール ショロートル”  フリーダ・カーロ画

婆やは忙しい:Baya/Granny is busy

これまでになく今年2023年という1年は、怒涛の如く吹っ飛んで行った。それも、初っ端からアタシを蹴り上げ叩きつけて。そして僅かに残る今年のこの頃、”オリン” という “光・愛・超意識” というものを感謝とともに少しずつ実感している。ぐずぐずしている場合じゃないのよ、アタシは。やることが控えているし、第一、楽しくそれらをやり終えるのだよ。そして、とっとと去ろう。オリンの一周忌までが険しい登山だろうな、頑張ろうってやってきた。まずは最初のアタシにとっての一歩が始まっている。



This year 2023, has flown by like never before. And from the very beginning, they kicked me and slammed me down. And in this years end, I am gradually becoming aware of the “light, love, and superconsciousness” called “ORIN” with gratitude. No more to delay. (of course no excuse) There are things to do, and let me do them one by one. After I’ll be done, let me quickly leave. Until the first one year anniversary of Orin’s death must be a tough climb, so I came here determined to do my best. First of all, my first step has begun.

I don’t know how long I’ll be in New York City, so I have to start filming my Flatbush Avenue.

My image of the rest of my life is riding a merry-go-round, scattering blessings and good fortune with big smile. I pray for the happiness and Blessing of all living things and the gratitude of being kept alive.
thank you very much.

水瓶座のアタシの守護星、天王星:I’m an Aquarius ruled by Uranus

月命日も10回目、クリスマスと重なった:10th month of anniversary of death. It was also Christmas day

ご馳走になりました!面白いお話もたくさんきくことができた:With a great foods I was able to hear many interesting stories from friends.

再び、我が街フラットブッシュ:Once again, my town Brooklyn/Flatbush


My area is a little far from the hot spots in Brooklyn, and it looks like an ordinary town, but as for me, the smell of the soil from when it was once a farmland, the feel of the sea breeze from the Coney Island, the sweat, dust, laughter, crying babies, and songs, that I sense some kind of Akashic records strangely.

お気に入りの眺め:my favorite view

整頓ブギ:tidy boogie woogie


Plans to move to Kew Gardens/Queens, fall through. However, I believe that sooner or later a good development will occur, so I will accelerate the cleaning process. I’m also considering moving to another state. I have no attachment to anything other than Orin’s art and computer-related things, and my writings. As I feel refreshed, gratitude and appreciation arise throughout this house.