オリンちゃんが他界して、この日で丸々2年経ちました。やっと!ここまで来れたという感慨深い想いに身を置いています。中心核を飛び越えた奈落の底の底、、もう今となっては明るい諦め、そして妄想に追随しないって誓ってからの、あらゆるご加護、そしてサポートをひとまとめに受け取ったのでしょうか? ありがた過ぎます。
It’s been exactly two years since Orin-chan passed away. At last! I find myself overwhelmed with emotion at having come this far. I jumped into the depths of the abyss… then, slowly I’ve given up any hope and then since I swore not to follow delusions, but only acceptance. Perhaps I’ve received all the blessings and support I could ever ask for? I’m so grateful.
I really felt the deep love that my sisters-in-law, Tina and Greta, have for their brother Orin. Thank you so much for your wonderful messages. And the kindness of B, J, and Y-chan brings me to tears.
ハーレムに引っ越しました、悲願だったの。ガーデニングやカリンバ、書き物や活動全てに100%を投じて行ける ”spring board” ですね。そして、数年先は飛んでってるよ。この流れに感謝。ひたすら全てへの感謝。
I moved to Harlem, which was my desire. It’s my “spring board” where I can give 100% to gardening, kalimba, writing, and all my activities. And I’ll have flown ahead in a few years. I’m grateful for this flow. I’m just grateful for everything.

ハーレムに落ち着いたオリンちゃん。今後ともよろしく〜。:Orin has settled into the harlem. I look forward to working with you in the future.