Mother’s day/thought of mother: 母の日に

私は、へその緒が切れてないのか、今世での最愛の人, 母親でもあるトリさんが他界して18年になるというのにいよいよ恋しさが募る。小学生の頃, 掘りごたつに潜って眠りこけた時の鮮明な夢(過去夢?) なんと, 私とトリさんはかつて夫婦で, トリさんは私の夫だった(変に納得)。買い物帰りのトリさんに, この奇想天外な夢の話をしたら驚きもせず,『どうも、あんたとはえらく気が合うと思った』との返事。

どうなんだろう、私は確かに宇宙船から私(胎児)を選んで,それで今世に来たんだけれど, しかも, かつてはアフリカの若い母親で4人の子供(皆、男児)を海で失っている, のも知っているし。大体が, 私の日々時々刻々は通常域を外れてるので,もう自らの起源を探る試みも、自己分析も止めた。

〜〜 海よ、僕らの使ふ文字では、お前の中に母がゐる。そして、母よ、仏蘭西人の言葉では、あなたの中に海がある。 三好達治 「郷愁」


Perhaps my umbilical cord hasn’t broken, and it’s been 18 years since my beloved mother, Tori-san, passed away, and I’m still feeling in love with her. When I was in elementary school I had such a vivid dream (past dream?) when I fell asleep in a hori-gotatsu/digger/japanese style of heater, dream was this, surprisingly: I and Tori-san were once a couple, and Tori-san was my husband (strangely convincing). When she came home from shopping I told her about this strange dream, however she wasn’t surprised; “Oh, really? that is why you very good to me”.

I wonder why, I certainly chose me (fetus) from the spaceship, so I came to this world, and moreover, I know that once (past life? or somehow someone/my soul input these memories?) I was a young African mother who lost four children (all boys) at sea. Most of the time, my days are out of the ordinary, so I stopped trying to find my origin and self-analysis.

~~ Sea, in our messenger character, there is a mother in you. And, Mother, in French words, there is a sea in you. — Tatsuji Miyoshi :”Nostalgia”

Japanese kan-ji character; sea/海 mother/母 French words; mer (sea) mere (mother)

3月17日、トリさんの命日、歌姫エリスレジーナの生誕日: March 17, the anniversary of Tori-san’s death, and the birthday of the diva Elis Regina

じとじとして微妙に暖かい今日、私の愛すべき母親、トリさんの18回目の命日。霧がかり靄ったハドソン川は “ミステリアス/トラベラー”(ジャズグループのウエザーリポートアルバム)を何ら脈絡なく思い出す。また、この日は私の大好きなブラジルの歌姫、エリス・レジーナの生まれた日でもある。

Today, which is slightly warm and humid, the 18th anniversary of my beloved mother, Tori-san’s passing. The foggy Hudson River reminds me of “Mysterious Traveler” (a jazz group’s Weather Report album), without any connection. It’s also the day when my favorite Brazilian diva, Elis Regina was born.

トリさんとは何だ?: What is Tori-san?

トリさんとは誰だ? 私の母、かけがえのない人、終生の心のパートナー。トリさんは2004年に他界するまでの83年間、平坦であるべき道を、なんの理由か ”英孝”と呼ばれる、この重い荷物を背負い込んで歩いてきたような人生。








Who is Tori-san? My mother, an irreplaceable person, a lifelong heart partner. For 83 years until her death in 2004, Tori-san could be walking on a flat road, but she had been carrying heavy baggage, called “Hidetaka” for some reason.

Tori-san’s belongings were threads, a foot-operated sewing machine, yarns, and knitting sticks. There were countless materials for ribbon flowers, Japanese paper for shredded pictures, many potted orchids, her favorite books, parakeets and even lizards. Sweaters & clothings she didn’t wear, accessories that she didn’t put on, and a kimono set that she didn’t wear often.

To keep her life undisturbed, Tori-san tried to protect her 3 children and tried to escape from the unworthy man, but Hidetaka, who sits scratching his crossed legs and looks at the horse racing newspaper, chases the women’s hips, smokes cigarettes, using all the money and threatens us with violence. He was Tori-san’s husband and my biological father.

Still, what I can accept about Hidetaka is that he was an anarchist and taught me what society is all about. I understand that because of his own unbearable trauma he could not learn what family love is, and his utmost instinct was to attract someone to spoil and never reject him, an eternal mother and goddess for him, Tori-san.

Tori-san stayed with such a companion for half a century, and she took care of Hidetaka. Ten years after taking care of everything, Tori-san, who had a strong and indomitable spirit and was good at business, was exhausted and died.

Even though it was a desired marriage, there would have been a wise choice of divorce, but “I was envious of everyone because I married into a wealthy family, I was in a good mood. It was my mistake, so I have to accept my thoughtless decision for the rest of my life. It’s my responsibility. ” This her funny excuse was all about codependency, some kind of love, attachment, typical domestic violence pattern, her regret for a wrong marriage, or their past life promises. Maybe all came together, I mean. They were like ZAMPANO & GELSOMINA (La Strada), but of course Tori-san wasn’t like Gelsomina’s personality, Tori-san was very a powerful and strong minded woman, anyway.

I still have dreams about Tori-san constantly. She jumped like a ninja on the roof of an old mansion and runs away, crying and hating, “no way that is my life! I want to die!” or, Tori-san and Hidetaka live together over the sea, and invited me to come and visit. This one isn’t a dream, it’s a reality: when I couldn’t move because of a herniated disc, they both appeared in front of me and encouraged me to get back my health.(Yes, ghost?)

I am grateful and accepting of my parents, but “I wonder what it is”. On the other hand, how much have I learned from them (like bad/good example)?