ギター店も花火もトカゲも:Guitar stores, fireworks, lizards and so on

最初の角で後輪タイアのパンク。それこれで遠出はまたの機会に延期。ポーキプシーに近い町ラッピンガーの ギター店 にて、レスポールに似せたデザインのエレキを受け取りに出かけた。店は ギターのビンテージ店 につながっていて年代物のギターがズラッと掲げてある。ハドソン川一帯は ピート・シガー のゆかりの地, ギターを中心のミュージッシャンたちのイベントはいつも盛んである。

Rear tire went flat at the first corner. So the outing is postponed to another day. At a guitar shop Lotz of Guitars in Wappingers Falls, a town near Poughkeepsie, we went to pick up Orin’s De Armond electric guitar (a design similar to Les Paul). The store is connected to AxeShop where there are a lot of vintage guitars. The Hudson River area is related to Pete Seeger , events for musicians, mainly guitars, are always thriving.

ビスビーでは、岩山の真向かいの小学校庭だかで花火を見たな、、それ以来の3年ぶりの花火。今年はニューバーグ。一日繰り上げでハドソン河畔でのお祝い花火。(気持ちとしては独記念日 は好きで無い)

In Bisbee, we saw fireworks in the elementary school garden directly opposite the rocky mountain … this is the first time in 3 years since then. This year is in Newburgh. Celebration of fireworks on the banks of the Hudson River one day ahead. (however I have mixed feelings about Independence Day


On the way back from the community garden, we found a rare lizard. I wondered if it was someone’s pet, and they were very friendly and smiled at me.

Prince Rogers Nelson was born 7 June, 1958: プリンスは 1958年 6月7日に 生まれました。


架空のお孫 『ばあちゃん、なんでばあちゃんは プリンス のことばっか言うの?』私 『良い歳になって初めて、本物を見つけたからだよ』お孫『何さ、本物って?』私『あたしを縦横無尽に、上下左右の内外宇宙に解放してくれるのさ』お孫『ばあちゃん、それってさ、ちょっとした宗教じゃん?プリンス教』私『いいんだよ、何だって。プリンスはあらゆる神話、古今東西の神々の象徴なのよ』お孫 『ふ〜ん?!』私『神話、というカラクリを優雅に示してくれているんだわさ』お孫 『ふ〜〜ん???』私『つまりはね、何もかもすべて夢幻(ユメマボロシ)っていう、このカラクリの時空を示唆してくれてんだよ、少なくともあたしに』お孫『、、、、、?』私『すべての根源は音とかアート、つまり、愛、ね。それを不純に変えちゃうのは何故か、ヒントをくれるんよ。』お孫『誰が変えちゃったの?』私『あたしたち、一人一人が、さ』

If I had a grandchild, maybe I could have a Great-grandchild too, however, Instead of being blessed with good friends and people in this life, I have almost no family ties. So this blog sometimes feels like a chat with my fictional kids and grandkid.

Fictitious grandson ;『Grandma, why do you just talk about Prince? 』
I ;『Because I found the real one only when I was of an old age』
Grandson ;『What is the real thing/one ?』
I ;『He will release me to the inner and outer universes in all directions, up, down, left and right, freely.』 Grandson ;『Grandma, that’s a kind of religion, isn’t it? Let me say Prince-kyo』
I ;『So what? Prince is a symbol of all myths, the gods of the east and west.』
Grandson ;『Hmm? !! 』 I ;『He is gracefully showing the myth,』 Grandson ;『Hmm? ?? ?? 』 I ;『In other words, he shows that everything is a dream (Yume-maboroshi/dreamy fantasy), dreams are the space-time of this world mechanism, at least to me.』
Grandson ;『,,,,,,,,, ? 』 I ;『All the energy of art, that is LOVE. He gives me a hint as to why it turns it impure. 』
Grandson ;『Who changed it? 』
I ;『Should be me, or we, each one. 』

Prince Rogers Nelson

13 May, Glenn Branca & Stevie Wonder: 5月13日、グレン・ブランカ と スティービー・ワンダー



Well, today is the birthday of Stevie (Steveland Hazaway Judkins) who I worshipped when I was young, and it is also the anniversary of Glenn Branca’s death, who only comes to mind as a prodigy or a genius. Both of them fill up the Internet, so just like my Prince Rogers Nelson, it’s just a brief introduction.

When I was young, I had a good memory of sending Stevie an enthusiastic fan letter in English Braille.

私は ブランカ を、オリンの友人 ベン・ミラー を通して知った。エレキギターだけのオーケストラで指揮をとるブランカ、仁王立で彼らに、『ラウド!ラウド!!』と。感覚的には、もっと最大限に最音量で演奏せよ!っていうことと理解する。君の音楽と一体化せよ、どこまでも真摯に、自己主張せよ!!という。

I got to know about Glenn Branca through Orin’s friend Ben Miller. Branca conducts with an orchestra consisting only of electric guitar, standing with all his energy, and screaming to players, “Louder! Louder! !! ” it probably meaning that play your music as much as your limit! loudest! . ” Integrate with your music, earnestly and assert yourself! !! ” That is what I am understanding.

5月1日、姉それにサヤ : 1 May, My elder sister and Saya.


Today is the birthday of my sister and the birthday of my dear friend Saya, who lives in France. From time to time, Saya wrote that she was/is playing harmonica to the calves on the ranch in the neighborhood: how she & Vivien discovered the old statue of Mary at the end of the weeds/bush; about their music composition activities and going out to the sea, etc. It’s as exciting as the long-awaited picture book.

京都,45年前. 翌日彼女はフランスに旅立った:45 years ago, Kyoto/Japan. the next day she flew to France


“Shabon-dama/Soap bubbles” … Saya plays harmonica in this song to the calves as a requiem for the ephemeral life of these children who will eventually be taken to the slaughterhouse. Of course, she mentioned that it also overlaps with the feelings of this children’s song writer, Noguchi Ujo, who lost his daughter at a young age.

サヤのハモニカの音色に走り寄ってくる仔牛たち:Calves running up to the tone of the harmonica


Saya and Vivien love the sea. Play as much as you can!

ジャック・タチゆかりの海岸:The coast associated with Jacques Tati

4月26日、日本の唄姫大橋純子さん : Japanese diva JUNKO OHASHI

の、お誕生日です。おめでとうございます。大橋純子さんを、昨年末の『プリンスはハヌマンか?』のブログにサクッと書きました。類を見ない歌唱力、当時の日本の歌謡界という枠を超越していた圧倒的な存在感。折に触れ、彼女の響き渡る歌声が蘇ってくる。 大橋純子

It’s her birthday. Congratulations. At the end of last year, I mentioned her name a little on my blog “Is Prince a Hanuman?” Unparalleled singing ability, an overwhelming presence that transcended the boundaries of the Japanese song(entertainer) world at that time. Occasionally, her dignified singing voice revives.

4月21日、プリンスの命日 : Prince’s death anniversary


古くは、メイ・ウエストが銀幕の向こうで 二重の上げ底靴 を愛用していたように、プリンスもまたハイヒールを常に愛用しており、長年のステージパフォーマンスでの、ファンを魅惑する華麗な動きが、同時に身体の限界を極めず、磨耗させてしまったものか。

プリンスは、とびきりのエロスやミューズたちの媒体として、彼の日・月・年をほぼ24時間『プリンス』という現象に捧げてきたと思う。が、ある時期から彼は『プリンス』という人、等身大の彼に向かっていった。とはいえ、そのスケールは追随を許さないほどの存在感だったけど。 合掌。

My Prince Rogers Nelson’s brilliant life was ended in 2016 at his age of 57 with a mysterious death. It is said that his cause of death is a painkiller overdose, and was he aware of it(?) — a few days earlier, he told his fans that he would soon leave this world.

In the olden days, as Mae West loved to wear double decker highheels behind the silver screen, Prince always loved high heels, his splendid movement that fascinates the fans in his stage performance for many years, but at the same time, without reaching the limits of the body, is it worn out?

I think Prince has devoted his day, month, and year to the phenomenon of “Prince” for almost 24 hours as a medium for Eros and the Muses. However, from a certain time, he became a life-sized man named “Prince”. Even though his performances still had an unrivaled presence. *Rest in Peace*

Here are my especially special favorite his music video / 数かぎりない中で、ことに私の大好きなビデオを3つほど: “Play that funky Music” ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNrAFb3I2js “While my guitar gently weeps” ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SFNW5F8K9Y and “The Little Prince: Footage Unearthed Of Superstar At Age 11” ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQe0EoVoGqU

3月17日、トリさんの命日、歌姫エリスレジーナの生誕日: March 17, the anniversary of Tori-san’s death, and the birthday of the diva Elis Regina

じとじとして微妙に暖かい今日、私の愛すべき母親、トリさんの18回目の命日。霧がかり靄ったハドソン川は “ミステリアス/トラベラー”(ジャズグループのウエザーリポートアルバム)を何ら脈絡なく思い出す。また、この日は私の大好きなブラジルの歌姫、エリス・レジーナの生まれた日でもある。

Today, which is slightly warm and humid, the 18th anniversary of my beloved mother, Tori-san’s passing. The foggy Hudson River reminds me of “Mysterious Traveler” (a jazz group’s Weather Report album), without any connection. It’s also the day when my favorite Brazilian diva, Elis Regina was born.

プリンスはハヌマンか?: Is Prince Hanuman?




プリンス/ Prince Rodgers Nelson  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_(musician)  ハヌマン/ Hanuman https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanuman

The Japanese musicians who I liked but suddenly became a fan of after decades were Hibari Misora, Shizuko Kasagi, Junko Ohashi and Shinji Harada. I was originally a Western enthusiast, so I love rock, soul, funk, avant-garde, noise and jazz. However, there was a “prince”…. I was avoiding him because at that time I thought he was too noisy and nasty. Recently, Orin asked me, “Haven’t you seen Purple Rain?”, so I reluctantly watched this legendary movie, and then I went straight to Prince. I wonder if I have been so crazy since Stevie Wonder when I was in my early twenties.

There is numerous information about Prince, so I don’t need to say much more about him.

In his later years, he was a charity activist, and he had a very sharp point of view, such as criticizing the chemtrails. For all his 57 years, he was an incarnation of something that transcends humans, he was a multimedia artist who maximized the visualization of all the beauty, ugliness, sexuality, and vibrations of these emotions in this three-dimensional world. When I thought he must be Saraswati, Bishnu, Krishna or Shiva, instantly I heard his (?) voice saying, “No, I’m Hanuman”.

Solfeggio healing tone/ソルフェジオ周波数によるヒーリングトーン

Lightdreams Solfeggio 1. Direct tones for your Pineal Gland // ライトドリーム ソルフェジオ1        松果体に働きかける


Light Dreams Solfeggio Computer Art by Orin Buck / コンピューターアート;オリン・バック                       Sound Design by Sanae M. Buck /サウンドデザイン;バック早苗

The computer art is randomly generated by the Light Dreams artMachine titled: Dot Spacescape Views from a distant universe where dots float like moons and planets in a subtle, placid ether.               私(オリン)のコンピュータアートはLight Dreams artMachineと呼び、無作為に表象が生成されます。このソルフェジオビデオのタイトルは「ドット・スペース スケープ」です。ドットが月や惑星のように微妙で穏やかなエーテルに浮かんでいる、遠くの宇宙からの眺めのようでもあります。

More info: https://orinbuck.com/2014/artmachine-…                          See all the Light Dreams artMachines at https://lightdreams.tv/

We combined the following 4 hertz: 以下の4種類の周波数を組み合わせました。

285 Hz, restructure damaged organs/tissue. 損傷した臓器・組織を再構築する              396 Hz, liberating guilt and fear. 罪悪感と恐怖の解放                          417 Hz, undoing situations & facilitating change. マイナス思考からの解放と変容を促す          963 Hz, awakening intuition & activating Pineal Grand. 松果体を活性化し直感をめざませる