Here is a video that musician & composer Benjamin Miller just posted his unique and artistic original handmade thumb piano(a kind of Kalimba) video. homemade thumb piano <– click
I play with the tip of my thumb, barely at the base of my fingernail, and I’m not used to it, so I get blood every time I play the metal keys/tines. J shows me the tip of his finger, a “callus” (!) and tells me to make one. For the time being, I’ve decided to practice the basics and be able to play “Clair de Lune” (Debussy’s piano piece), “Kimi ga Yo” (Japanese national anthem), and, greedily, “Sunayama” (nursery song).
I went to Saco’s music event for the first time in a while. The sound of spirit of her and everyone in the chorus permeated my whole body and soul, and I felt an irreplaceable and beautiful passage of time. That’s what resonance is all about. What a blessing.
ミシガンからオハイオ、そしてアップステートニューヨーク、ニューヨークシティさらにフィラデルフィアやワシントンDC, オハイオ経由でミシガン帰還、と4月7日〜4月22日までベン・ミラーのマルチフォニックギター演奏・ワークショップの旅は続行中。4月13日(@ the Millenium)と14日(@ Main Drag Music) はブルックリン。ただ一言。『とっても楽しかった。』 ベン・ミラー ← クリック
at Main Drag Music
Ben Miller’s multiphonic guitar performance and workshop tour continues from April 7th to April 22nd, started from Michigan to Ohio, then upstate New York, New York City, Philadelphia, Washington DC, and Ohio before returning to Michigan. During Brooklyn on April 13th (@ the Millenium) and 14th (@ Main Drag Music). Just one word, ” It was so much fun! ” Ben Miller <— click
It was November of the year before last, and we were still in upstate Newburgh. On a slightly warm late fall day, we walked along the promenade along the Hudson River, which was our usual route. If we move, we won’t be able to come here as much as we do now, so we naturally recorded these areas on video! We started taking pictures with each one’s cell phone. My shot was very blurry, but as expected, Orin’s shot was accurate. What was also interesting was that the setting sun made the shadow of Orin, who was taking the video, stand out, as if someone mysterious was walking along the riverbank. . This seemed to have an unexpected video scene effect on Orin as well.
Orin would be leaving a few months later…since then I almost didn’t get anything done, however in the late fall of last year, almost a year after that day, I finally…! I was able to finish editing. I asked Benjamin who is our friend and composer to create the soundtrack. He and Orin have often experimented with modern electronic music collaborations that are truly rich, delicate, dramatic, and sharp in video and sound. I’m proud of them both. Let me do uploading the video soon.
I have already written about her on this blog, so I will refrain from repeating it, but Ms. Ohashi suddenly passed away on November 9th (Japan time) due to recurrence of esophageal cancer. I have two e-mail exchanges in my possession. At the time, Orin and I were living in the suburbs of New York, and we were renting a spacious floor, so if Ms. Ohashi ever came to New York, we thought we’d let her stay at our house. I was just spinning my dreams.
Ms. Ohashi and Elis Regina, also Frida Kahlo, Ana Mendieta, and Lou Andreas-Salome, all are overlap. They are truly charming, absolutely smart, and has the ability to strive for personal growth, challenge herself to surpass her limits, and has the flexibility and straightness of steel to laugh away at sadness. And Billie Holiday wraps them in her arms and singing a lullaby. I can see that kind of scenery.
That is to say. Ms. Ohashi had everything in common with them. I pray that my favorite diva will have a peaceful journey. Thank you, blessings and prayers.
When I met Orin in 2007, he had already formed a music band. It’s called “Fist of Kindness”. They adopted the style of country rock and devoted themselves to performance activities. At that time, Orin was really lively, and I still had some physical strength, so I carried Orin’s heavy bass and participated in rehearsals at a music studio near Port Authority Bus Terminal. The members changed several times during this period, but in 2016, two of the main members moved to North Carolina, which was also the de facto dissolution of the group.
I think this fact was hard for Orin. He really loved the group, playing and recording.
Orin resumed his art activities to fill the void. For the next 6-7 years, we moved between Arizona and Upstate New York while returning to music with himself. We should move to New York City first, and then do more music collabs with everyone! Orin was so excited that he was going to do his best in art too.
This time, based on the editing of Gary Heidt and Mark Tulk, a single CD that can be said to be the culmination of the past has been completed. thank you very much.
Judith Hill. Prince’s final sweetheart, with Prince’s production of her, Judith will go forward super diva—that is what Prince promised to public, but his sudden passing brought that to an end. Recently, Prince appeared in my dream and said, ‘You should know a little more about her. Please support her.’
Judith also appeared in 2013’s “20 FEET FROM STARDOM” (she was introduced in this documentary film as one of the Backing Chorus Divas), so I was in a hurry to see this film. Her mother is Japanese, she has exotic features and wonderful singing ability. I didn’t know that she was active all this time just because I was ignorant. I would like to see her live performance someday.