Shoko Akiyama Massage Therapy Studio : 秋山祥子マッサージセラピースタジオ




Last year, because of my broken bones and the treatment of side effects in Orin, it’s been a long time to get a massage, so we were happy to be able to go to Shoko’s massage therapy studio the other day. This time, Orin had lymphatic massage from her.

She spent many years studying body structure and how to encourage the natural healing power of all of us. Well, if our body is like architecture, it means knowing the basics of the house.

She clearly taught us how the interactions of bones, muscles, tendons, blood, lymph and various body tissues support the body. Thank you, Shoko-chan. website; Shoko Akiyama NYS Licensed Massage Therapist

ゴムの木, トミー : Rubber tree, Tommy

オリンがゴムの木を好きなのには理由がある。学生時代に受講した二つのアートクラスのみ、教師はバウハウスの教育メソッドを取り入れていた。とりわけ印象深いドローイングレッスンは、ゴムの木の素描だった。教師は言った、”ゴムの木を実際に見ることを学びなさい”。 それ以来、ゴムの木はオリンの心の特別な位置を占めるようになった。



There is a reason why Orin likes rubber trees. He had only two art classes in college, but both were under a teacher from the Bauhaus tradition. The most memorable drawing lesson was drawing a rubber plant, teacher said “learn to really see the rubber plant.” Ever since he has had a special place in his heart for the rubber plant.

From New York to Arizona and back to the upstate of New York, Tommy was just a small rubber plant, because Bisbee/Arizona period was struck by the intense sunshine, and Tommy’s roots were burnt more than once! Orin recovered one leaf,,, However, in two years in Newburgh, instead of literally breathing back, he is now overtaking Orin.

It grew so good that we somehow named it “Tommy” to respect it. I’m wondering if we should give it more mature name, but now we’re thinking of taking action before Tommy reaches the ceiling.

On the way to Sweet North Carolina @ Greensboro, however— :ノースキャロライナはグリーンズボロに向かう途中の椿事

We had planned to visit our musician/artist friends in NC. On 2 Nov 2021 we were booked for Orin’s and my solfeggio Hz sound video and my performance. However as we got near Harrisburg, PA, our car suddenly stoped working. Before this happened, we wanted to buy coffee and even though unnecessary refill gas, then, just as we entered into busy speedway(!!) I only tell you “We’re lucky”. At our discretion, no car was involved and there was no damage other than ours. As you see these stuffed animal, one is gorilla and another one is fox. The night before we left, I talked to them as usual (probably you may think of me like a strange person, hahaha) and told them that you must stay here and house-watching several days. OMG! Gori-san (I named this gorilla) started cry. Surely this phenomena was within my eyesight. I could see these vision within my mind. Why you’re crying, Gori? and he replied because I will never see you again. Mmmmmmm, he felt lonely? so I put them into my bag.

Anyway, just before our car broke, during at the gas station I pulled them from my bag because they wanna enjoy this scenery (I know such so strange idea came to me). Then, it came. While we were waiting for tow truck comes I noticed how unbelievably messy Gori-san’s hair was!! Probably he tried to protect us using all of his power(??) Well…




My father-in law was born today, 25 Oct. He passed away peacefully in 2019, his age was 93.

For the last 10 years until he passed away, he had been dedicating his time to write about his family history including organizing a lot of photos, and his eternal soulmate and wife Margaret’s family history, too. When he was a kid, some accident happened and since then his left leg was no longer smooth working. Now I am using his cane! He was so charming, also somehow his face and Orin’s seemed twin or brothers. Whenever we visited him, everyone said that to Orin (smile). In Arizona, I have 2 sister-in-law, and 1 brother-in-law there. I don’t have a family anymore, so this kind of family love is very significant. Viva Family!

亡くなるまでの10年間、ことに最愛の妻を亡くしてから、義父は昼夜を問わず彼の、そして妻の家族史を書き始めた。写真家でもあったので膨大な量の古い写真も数多く、それ自体が一つのアメリカ史のようでもあった。ことに、妻(義母)はネイティブ、ヨーロッパ、アフリカ、との混血でもありそれはそれはエキゾティックなオーラで覆われていた。義父は子供のころある事故により、生涯、左足の不具合に悩まされた。今、義父の愛用していた杖を私が使っている。どうかすると置き忘れるのだが、その都度、戻ってくる不思議。オリンは父親そっくりで、見舞いに行くたびに、皆から驚かれたものです。また、私にはアリゾナに2人の義理妹たちと、そのパートナーさんがいます。 私にはすでに家族はいないので、こうした家族愛はすごく意義がある。家族万歳!

If I would like to write about one more topic today, Yes, the quite unique and genuine bassist Jack Bruce passed away 25 October, 2014.

2014年10月25日、かつて一世風靡したBritish rock band ”Cream”の、ベーシスト、ジャック・ブルースが他界した日でもある。

Walkway over the Hudson / 歩こう、ハドソン川を越えて。歩こう、林の中を。


October 3rd, 10 years ago, finally we decided to go New York City clerk for registered marriage license. so because of our anniversary we wanted to do something interesting however I did my own walking exercise. Feels good to get back my walking speed. Thank you very much for many of our friends to cheers for us!