借りているガーデンの片付け, あれこれ:Cleaning up the rented garden bed, etc

急に冷えてきて、私たちの借りているガーデンベッドの最後の植物たちも、凍ったり立ち枯れてしまって先日お掃除に出かけた。ここ ニューバーグ・コミュニティガーデン (← クリック) はこの数年使わせていただき、メンバーの皆さんからたくさん学ぶことができた。感謝のみ。



It suddenly got cold and the last plants in our rented garden bed were frozen and withered, so the other day we went out to clean them up. We have been using The Newburgh Community Garden (←click) for the past few years and have learned a lot from the members. Lots of Thanks.

The basics of growing plants cannot begin without considering our food and living environment. Many children visit during the garden hours, and are getting a good education. Maybe next year we will be gardening in Brooklyn? It would be nice to be able to rent a large lot.

In a few days, Orin will have his first hospital checkup in a while. Six weeks passed in the blink of an eye, and we spent these days peacefully. I am deeply grateful for that.

気を良くして次は乳酸発酵キャベツを : I’m feeling better so the next will be a sauerkraut,



Fermented cabbage was actually traumatic to me. In early February 2021, which I will never forget, my heartfelt hand-made fermented cabbage failed! Reluctantly composted. I went out to the garden before it got dark, saying that I should throw away things during the daytime the next day. (very strange feeling “must do now! hurry!) Remove the snow and compost the smelly cabbage. And I flipped over. **Emergency transport and femoral head replacement surgery.

One year and nine months has left. Encouraged by the great success of brown rice lactic acid bacteria, I tried to make fermented cabbage again. Well, let’s increase mitochondria with a fun life and delicious ingredients.


ホンタ、遅々として進まず:Honta, slow progress




Time flies since the rear-end collision the other day. The rear-end accident report at the police station has not been completed at all, and it is still waiting because it cannot be repaired without permission.

As for Honta, he was relaxing in our landlady’s garden as usual, and his body wrapped with the dead leaves all over him. Now all leaves flew away so that he shows his shining roof. Appears to be dozing off.

It’s like an old guard dog that I’ve lived with for a long time, a kind of lovable feeling I have now. We are so sorry, Honta got hurt. We occasionally fights over the idea that Orin won’t need a car when we move to New York. Well,,,

玄米乳酸菌 その後.:brown rice lactic acid bacteria and then.





10月22日の下ごしらえからちょうど 7日たった。飲み頃でしょうかね?

  1. Lightly wash one cup of brown rice. Put the brown rice and half a liter of water in a container and leave it in the sun for a day. 2. The next day, add 1.5 liters of water and 15 grams of salt into “1”. Leave in a sunny place for a day. 3. Add 45 grams of sugar to “2” and wait 3-5 days for fermentation to complete. That’s it.

** Shake well once a day to stir, then open the lid and let air in.

When the liquid has decreased by about half, add the same amount of water used to soak the rice, add about 1% of salt and about 3% of sugar, and continue culturing in the same way. However, if it smells putrid, unfortunately it has been mixed with various bacteria, so say goodbye and start over. If things goes well, you can culture one after another based on the first lactic acid bacteria solution. (Sure, up to you)

There are many recipes and many ways to make it, but I chose this simple method. For water, I used filter water, pink salt, and organic sugarcane for sugar. Brown rice is ordinary rice that you can buy normally.

Just 7 days have passed since the preparations on October 22nd. Is it time to drink?

玄米乳酸菌:brown rice lactic acid bacteria




I have heard about the wonderful effects of malted rice and lactobacilli for a long time, and my friends have been making healthy foods using them with their own ideas. Miso and soy sauce, of course.

Over the past few years, I have heard a lot about the experiences of people who have had severe side effects after getting a corona vaccine, starting with a high fever. I think detox is finally becoming an urgent issue. Matsuba (pine tree leaf) tea, which has been loved since ancient times, is one of them.

Unexpectedly, I wanted to support Orin’s detox and intermittent fasting, so after a long time (!!) I decided to make brown rice lactic acid bacteria drink.

ホンタ、追突の憂き目に!: Honta, suffering from a rear-end collision !







October 18th (Tuesday), was the day of Orin’s PET scan and MRI examination. The results of this day will determine the future treatment policy. He/We usually walk for 25 minutes, but this time, Orin drove our “Honta” to the bus stop for New York City. However, about an hour later, I received a phone call telling me that he had got rear-ended accident while turning left on the main street. (It’s too late, if he let me know earlier, I’ll have to report it to the police immediately) The reason for the delay in contacting me was that he had to be on time for the bus, and that he had to send a damage report to the insurance company first while on the bus.

To make a long story short, the other party were 3, a mother who was in a hurry to send her children to school. So Orin let them escape, deciding that if he called the police, he would miss the bus. Yes, surely, this mother did not submit a report to the police.

Anyway Orin has to be checked for whiplash, etc., so I waited for him to come home and asked him go to a nearby general hospital. He went to the ER late at night. No anomalies since then.

On the 19th, we went to the police station in Newburgh and handed over all the evidence and photographs for questioning. Our “Honta” (named like this) has a minimum insurance coverage, so any repair costs are not covered, and since the accident was originally a rear-end collision, we have no choice but to make a claim to the other party’s insurance. How many days will it take.

Orin is still a criticism of the car society. There are as many car deaths in a year as the total number of soldiers who died in the Vietnam War. Or the odds of dying from cancer are lower than car accidents. I don’t like to put statistics on paper. Whether by accident, war, natural death, or disease, the dignity of people and living things goes beyond the numbers/tricks of statistics to convince them.

But of course! It’s true that if I hadn’t had hip replacement surgery, I wouldn’t have had a reason to own a car.

ゴムの木 トミーの怪 :Rubber Tree Tommy’s Mystery

今年の初め、我が家のゴムの木のことを少しブログに書いた。それから8ヶ月を経てトミーに異変が起きたんですね。新しい葉が出てくるので当然その分は成長もし、背丈も伸びてるはずなのに、どうしたことか この異変に気がついたのは7月下旬頃かしら。何度も書いてしまうが、我が家の大家さんのご事情でこのビルディングが売りに出されてしまい、それでテナントでしかない私たちは引っ越さざるを得なくなったんだけど。

もし、半地下などに移った場合、トミーは天井に頭が届いてしまうだろう、いや、高すぎて入りきらないかも などと私とオリンは懸念したし、口に出してもいた。それをトミーは聞いていたんだろうか。



Earlier this year, I blogged a bit about our rubber tree named Tommy. Eight months later, something strange happened to Tommy. New leaves are coming out, so of course it should grow + grow taller, but for some reason we noticed this change around the end of July (?) I’ve written this many times, but due to the circumstances of our landlord, our apartment building is for sale, and we, who are only tenants, had no choice but to move.

If we moved to a semi-basement or something like that, Tommy’s head would reach the ceiling, or, he might be too high to fit in. Orin and I were worried, and we even discussed it. Did Tommy hear that?

Tommy thought it would be a problem if he was thrown away because of his height. One day, I’m pretty sure it’s probably sometime in August, the leaves are coming out as usual, but he doesn’t grow at all. In other words, Tommy’s growth seems to have stopped. So, we talked to Tommy; No matter where we move, you will be with us. Please don’t worry.

Is Tommy relieved to hear that? However, he never grows. “First of all, let me decide after we move. If you put me in a place with a high ceiling, that’s fine, and if that’s not the case, I am okay to keep myself as small as it is.” Because! ! Tommy has already shrunk more than ten centimeters. Surely, plants also have lives and emotions, and there is no doubt that we can interact with them, but I have never met a plant that shows its feelings so honestly. Well, what are our expectations for Tommy after moving?

O氏の治療歴, そして今これから。その24

8月16日、なんとか頑張りましてO氏のキモセラピーは一旦おしまい。翌週のスキャン、その結果でキモを続行するか終了するか、が、決定される。S君にしてみればキモは大概にしてほしい!それどころかずーっと服用している分子標的薬・ローブレナの減量を願っている。両足のくるぶしを中心のむくみはまずくない??むくみ防止の薬と、副作用で浮腫みの出る薬と、キモだ何だに拠る血栓予防の薬、、、O氏の左上腕には、この三回連続のキモセラピーによる副作用防止のため、お馴染のペグフィルグラスティム (損なわれた白血球を化学物質で取り戻す)の注射針設置の箱がくっついている。正確に翌日の午後6時半になると針が発動し(立ち上がり)自動ショットが なされる。

〜〜 さて、22日のスキャンとMRIの結果、頭の中は全く問題無し。がん細胞は相も変わらずそのままステイブルである、ちょっとは縮んだものも。肝臓の腫瘍はかなり落ち着いてはいるけれども ’肝硬変’ の疑い濃厚、数値が再び跳ね上がってしまっている。ってなわけですので肝臓専門の先生のアポも取ることやら、もう少しキモセラピー(タクソル)を続けましょう、とのお達し。来週からまた、3週連続のタクソル化学治療ですね。O氏のポヤポヤ頭は元々がウエービーヘアなので、見た目はキューピー人形のように可愛らしい。


先日出かけたスタンフォードでは、どでかい一軒家と(部屋数が多くて覚えきれない’ 笑)周囲ぐるりの庭付きで1200ドルという家賃。破格値といえばそうなのでしょう、。airB&Bでも合宿所でもアーティストの貸しスタジオでも、何でもビジネスは可能だろうね、もしここを終の棲み家に決めるなら。



大家さんのご都合で、S君O氏の住む建物は売りに出されていた(!)。ニューヨーク市内はどちらかといえば店子擁護法律かな(なので、店子の立ち退きが生じても解決するのは時間がかかる)、なんとなく郊外は、大家さん擁護の法律のように感じられる。『予期せぬ引越し』という機運。きっと知らない間に次に運ばれるための用意ができていたのかな。じゃあ安心して良い物件が転がってくるのを待ったほうがいいね。 〜〜〜〜 続く

ギター店も花火もトカゲも:Guitar stores, fireworks, lizards and so on

最初の角で後輪タイアのパンク。それこれで遠出はまたの機会に延期。ポーキプシーに近い町ラッピンガーの ギター店 にて、レスポールに似せたデザインのエレキを受け取りに出かけた。店は ギターのビンテージ店 につながっていて年代物のギターがズラッと掲げてある。ハドソン川一帯は ピート・シガー のゆかりの地, ギターを中心のミュージッシャンたちのイベントはいつも盛んである。

Rear tire went flat at the first corner. So the outing is postponed to another day. At a guitar shop Lotz of Guitars in Wappingers Falls, a town near Poughkeepsie, we went to pick up Orin’s De Armond electric guitar (a design similar to Les Paul). The store is connected to AxeShop where there are a lot of vintage guitars. The Hudson River area is related to Pete Seeger , events for musicians, mainly guitars, are always thriving.

ビスビーでは、岩山の真向かいの小学校庭だかで花火を見たな、、それ以来の3年ぶりの花火。今年はニューバーグ。一日繰り上げでハドソン河畔でのお祝い花火。(気持ちとしては独記念日 は好きで無い)

In Bisbee, we saw fireworks in the elementary school garden directly opposite the rocky mountain … this is the first time in 3 years since then. This year is in Newburgh. Celebration of fireworks on the banks of the Hudson River one day ahead. (however I have mixed feelings about Independence Day


On the way back from the community garden, we found a rare lizard. I wondered if it was someone’s pet, and they were very friendly and smiled at me.

オリンの手のひら: Orin’s Palm


私たちが出会ったのは2007年のお友達のアートオープニングだった。彼の名前は共通するアートセンターの関係で知っていたが、なぜか ”おりん〜お鈴” と日本の女性名で変換していたものか、オリン=女性、と信じていたので目の前の男性が当の本人などとは思いもよらず、それまで何度か問い合わせのイーメイルしていたのに、Mr. と書かず, Mis. にしていたのですよ。


仲良くなりたての頃、手をつないだときの驚き!!これだ、これだ、あたしが長年探していたものは!! 物心つくあたりの不思議な懐かしい感触が蘇る。私が死ぬ時に ”誰か”の手を握って、”あー、面白い人生だった、ありがとね、じゃあ行くね” と。 その誰か, の掌の感触だったわけなんです、オリンの手のひらは!!


Due to the corona situation in the last few years, No! wait a minute, since June 2018, when we moved to Arizona, then we returned to the east coast again in the fall of 2019. We have settled in Newburgh and I have been spending time with Orin almost every day.

Is the 15-year period (almost 24hours stay together for the last three and a half years) short or just right? We have met each other since we were old, and the momentum of the sparks feelings of our hearts have been replaced by calmness, and Orin is no longer Orin. He is as if my father, mother, twins, best friend, soulmate, and fighting companion, etc. There are many conflicting ideas and opinions between us, so we are giving up on each other now (lol).

We met at a 2007 friend’s art opening. I knew his name because of the common art center, but for some reason I believed that it was converted to “Orin-Osuzu(bell)”, a Japanese female name, Orin must be a female. I didn’t think that the man in front of me is the person I had emailed inquiries several times before, I didn’t write to him Mr. but made it Miss.

Very beginning, I was surprised when I held his hands! !! This is, this is, what I’ve been looking for so many years! !! A mysterious and nostalgic feeling was revived. When I die, I will hold the hand of “someone” and say, “Oh, it was an interesting my life, thank you, let me go.” It was the feel of someone’s palm, the palm of Orin! !!

His tough body will surely recover from the critical condition. Let’s get along well with medicines and treatment, and at the same time strengthening our own self-healing power and immunity without relying on them. Orin, born in Pisces / Uncle / Grandpa / Old man / Dad / Mom, thank you very much for being with me. Here is a video of our hands dancing : https://orinbuck.com/video/hand-dance