My dear friend Y-san’s hospital room has recently been turned into a hospice. I hear that her situation is not fatal, but she is quietly and silently approaching the end of her life. For a brief moment, I share her whole world by staying close to her.
Yさんと手繋ぎ:Holding hand with Yいつ頃だったろう、この写真。オリンとバンド仲間。ありがたい事に、今もあたしは皆さんに良くしていただいてます:I wonder when this photo was taken. Orin and his bandmates (F.o.K/Fist of Kindness) at Eonta Art Space, NJ. Thankfully, everyone is still treating me so well.オリンちゃんの遺灰ネックレスを少し手直しした:I made some rework to Orin’s ashes necklace.
I visited to Judi’s art studio. Last year, I asked her to spread some of Orin’s ashes in her bee garden in Italy. She kindly agreed and spread them at the base of a pomegranate tree. This year, the area around the pomegranate tree was full of blooming with many flowers. She showed many nice photos! Bees are flying around, A garden of peace and love. Orin has gone somewhere (and maybe he’s returned to superconsciousness, not individuality anymore), but I’m sure he’s happy. That’s what I feel.
Bee Garden in Murano/Italy. photo by Judi Harvest At her studio. photo by Judi Harvest
October 25th is the 20th months of Orin’s death and his father’s biological birthday. I wonder if they’re getting along well? Also, I wonder if they’re being reborn as a family. In the evening, I went to a kalimba gathering and had a meaningful time. Also, on the 27th, I went to the opening of the WAH Center for the first time in a while. I dressed up a little like a Halloween costume.
October 3rd is my wedding anniversary with Orin-chan. To celebrate, I’m offering him some bitter red wine, which was his favorite taste. Also I met a friend the day before, and was given great natural salt as a gift, so I made a proper offering here. Really good feeling! rest in peace, love, light, and happiness
M-san came to visit with eel seaweed rolls, corn croquettes, and other things. When Orin was alive, he loved M-san’s cooking and would eat it all up in an instant. Since he was like that, of course we shared some foods with Orin first. When we glanced at the photo, Orin-chan was already full of smiles. No matter how you look at it, his face is flushed red and he is smiling?! Thank you very much, M-san. Gasshou/Rest in peace *I guess the monthly anniversary of his death came forward*
オリンちゃんの月命日に召し上がれ、ってスイーツ満載フォトが届いたよ。 有難う、Kさん!:I received a photo full of sweets to enjoy on the monthly anniversary of Orin-chan’s death. Thank you, K-san!
何て有り難きこと。見事な仏花をオリンにシェアして下さったSちゃん。これも大切なご縁なのですね:What a blessing. S-chan shared her beautiful flowers with Orin. This is also a precious spiritual connection. photo by S.T
Yuma-san requested that she needs to get a video of her performance that I made. I checked out this video for the first time in a while. Ah, how nostalgic! In particular, Orin’s piano soundtrack has been revived after seven years. No, let’s remove the concept of time and space. We are here now, experiencing the “Naka-Ima/just here & now” through video. metamorphosis vol. 2 <– click
A Distant Place *from the poetry collection “Hadaka” by Shuntaro Tanikawa
I think I have come farther than Yotchan, father than Tadashi. I think ever farther than Goro, my dog, and farther than mom. And possibly farther than both my dad and great grandpa. Goro left home one Wednesday and came home late the next Sunday night. He was thin and all covered with mud and kept on lapping up water for a long time. No one knows where he was.
If I keep on walking like this where will I end up? Will I wake up and find myself an old woman? Will I have forgotten all about today and be shipping tea in some place even farther off than here? If so, I hope there’s at least be one person with me I could love. It doesn’t matter even if he’s dead. I only wish I would have an unforgettable memory of him. The smell of the sea comes in from somewhere, but I’m sure I can go farther than the sea.
17年前の冬、アタシたちはこの遊具のところでウオッカを飲んだっけ:17 years ago in the winter, we drank vodka at this playground.波のビデオを撮ってきた、ブライトンビーチにて:I took some video of the waves at Brighton Beach.
Something really strange happened early in the morning. If I hadn’t registered it, Notice, which had never existed before, suddenly entered my cell. It said, “Today is Orin’s birthday”. Not too kind? Of course, it a special day that I’ll never forget, and at the same time, Orin was completely indifferent to his own birthday when he was alive, and now he’s asking me from another dimension, ”What day is it today?” There is no way you could ask someone to do something like this. On this particular day, his website mysteriously froze. M.B-san fixed it without any difficulty. Appreciation.
Anyway, it was a chilly day with a cold wind blowing, but the sun was shining so I headed out to Coney Island. The purpose was to buy him a local beer labeled “Coney Island”, which he loved. However, I couldn’t find any, so I took lots of pictures of the amusement park. It’s off season though.
Even on such a cold day, there are people walking along the boardwalk, and people relaxing on benches and looking out at the ocean. After all, the sea is nice. How grateful I was for the messages from my friends and sister-in-law. It was a day of gratitude that goes beyond words.
Sadly, this local beer factory “Coney Island Brewery” had already closed its operations last year. I’m sorry. However, they are still seen at restaurants and bars in the area. This is a image of its beer.
In keeping with Orin’s wishes when he was in this world, the first anniversary of his death was completed quite easily. I felt that the Williamsburg Art & Historical Center where his last small works were on display was appropriate. I brought a drawing of a geranium flower, which he loved while he was alive, and two stuffed animals that he always took with them on drives.
Early morning messages from my sisters-in-law who are far away in Texas and Arizona. Furthermore, I received many warm messages from friends. I was also able to say hello to Yuko, the founder of the WAH Center, and Terry, the director. Orin lives in the world of everyone’s hearts, or rather, he is being kept alive by them. What a blessing!
With everyone’s support, I was able to get through this past year. Beyond words, it seems that a real shift began in the rest of my life. . I’m deeply moved. Appreciation, thank you very much.
This year 2023, has flown by like never before. And from the very beginning, they kicked me and slammed me down. And in this years end, I am gradually becoming aware of the “light, love, and superconsciousness” called “ORIN” with gratitude. No more to delay. (of course no excuse) There are things to do, and let me do them one by one. After I’ll be done, let me quickly leave. Until the first one year anniversary of Orin’s death must be a tough climb, so I came here determined to do my best. First of all, my first step has begun.
I don’t know how long I’ll be in New York City, so I have to start filming my Flatbush Avenue.
My image of the rest of my life is riding a merry-go-round, scattering blessings and good fortune with big smile. I pray for the happiness and Blessing of all living things and the gratitude of being kept alive. thank you very much.
我が家の玄関:entrance of our houseお友達の家のクリスマスツリー:Christmas tree at a friend’s house桑の葉茶は凄いって:White mulberry leaf tea is amazingご馳走になりました!面白いお話もたくさんきくことができた:With a great foods I was able to hear many interesting stories from friends.