このところ最も多忙な日々:The busiest days so far



旧友G Jが今はニュージャージーのかなり遠い病院に移り、彼のジャージーシティのスタジオの片付けやらあれこれを、皆と行っている。88歳というのは普通なのか高齢なのか地球年齢なのかマヤカシなのか。彼は今も病室でドローイングに余念がない。

I went to visit S-chan’s community garden in Harlem. I could feel the commitment of the garden members to the global environment. Like I (& Orin) was in Bisbee and Newberg, respect for the environment surrounding plants and making compost as a source of nutrients for plants are essential. I’m learning a lot of deep things that will help me with my own “tree funeral project.”

I had a pleasant chat with K.H-san, and decided to walk along the Chelsea High Line (a skyscraper garden in New York) for the first time in a while. There was greenery, greenery, flowers, plants and trees. Everyone was walking and laughing happily. That was good, everything was good.

My old friend G.J has now moved to a hospital in a rather faraway part of New Jersey, and we’re helping him tidy up his Jersey City studio and other things. Is 88 years old a normal age, an old age, an age of the earth, or an illusion? He’s still busy drawing in his hospital room.

ただ、感服:just admiration

オリンの重くて複雑なコンピューター一式を設置していたスチールの棚の行き先は、本当にラッキーなことに E.BさんとM.M氏のカップルが引き取ってくださった。Eさん、彼女の天性の資質は植物(に限らずだけど)を育てることなのだと思う。わたしの母や、オリンの母、ニューバーグの大家さんもそうだったし、オリンだってそうだったのね。良い状況に向かって本当に嬉しい。

Luckily! the steel shelves that Orin had been using with heavy and complex computer system in many years, went to our good friend E & M’ house. Ms.E, I think her natural talent is to grow plants (and not only for the plants ). So did my mother, Orin’s mother, our previous landlady of Newburgh, and so was Orin. I’m really happy that things are going wonderful direction.

photo by Liz

借りているガーデンの片付け, あれこれ:Cleaning up the rented garden bed, etc

急に冷えてきて、私たちの借りているガーデンベッドの最後の植物たちも、凍ったり立ち枯れてしまって先日お掃除に出かけた。ここ ニューバーグ・コミュニティガーデン (← クリック) はこの数年使わせていただき、メンバーの皆さんからたくさん学ぶことができた。感謝のみ。



It suddenly got cold and the last plants in our rented garden bed were frozen and withered, so the other day we went out to clean them up. We have been using The Newburgh Community Garden (←click) for the past few years and have learned a lot from the members. Lots of Thanks.

The basics of growing plants cannot begin without considering our food and living environment. Many children visit during the garden hours, and are getting a good education. Maybe next year we will be gardening in Brooklyn? It would be nice to be able to rent a large lot.

In a few days, Orin will have his first hospital checkup in a while. Six weeks passed in the blink of an eye, and we spent these days peacefully. I am deeply grateful for that.

記録的な干ばつがここニューヨークエリアでも : Record drought here in New York area



時々覗く、”たまちゃんの暇つぶし” というブログに世界的な異常気象の写真や記事が羅列されているのでシェアしたいと思います。 ここをクリック ーー> タマちゃんの暇つぶし

First, we have almost no rain since July, and even thunderclouds disappear suddenly! Well, I think there’s a lot of rain north of Newburgh, so I guess it’s from Newburgh to the south to New York City area so affected.

The community garden plot we rent is dry, and the gardeners says that the growth is sluggish, more often attacked by insects than usual. It gets devoured by the Groundhog. Even though we don’t want to use obscure pesticides, Yes, we set traps to catch groundhogs, but we let them escape far into the hills. Everyone is desperate to live, and everyone’s life is precious.

Here is a Japanese blogger “Tama-chan no hima-tubushi”, shows the world unusual weather photos.

ギター店も花火もトカゲも:Guitar stores, fireworks, lizards and so on

最初の角で後輪タイアのパンク。それこれで遠出はまたの機会に延期。ポーキプシーに近い町ラッピンガーの ギター店 にて、レスポールに似せたデザインのエレキを受け取りに出かけた。店は ギターのビンテージ店 につながっていて年代物のギターがズラッと掲げてある。ハドソン川一帯は ピート・シガー のゆかりの地, ギターを中心のミュージッシャンたちのイベントはいつも盛んである。

Rear tire went flat at the first corner. So the outing is postponed to another day. At a guitar shop Lotz of Guitars in Wappingers Falls, a town near Poughkeepsie, we went to pick up Orin’s De Armond electric guitar (a design similar to Les Paul). The store is connected to AxeShop where there are a lot of vintage guitars. The Hudson River area is related to Pete Seeger , events for musicians, mainly guitars, are always thriving.

ビスビーでは、岩山の真向かいの小学校庭だかで花火を見たな、、それ以来の3年ぶりの花火。今年はニューバーグ。一日繰り上げでハドソン河畔でのお祝い花火。(気持ちとしては独記念日 は好きで無い)

In Bisbee, we saw fireworks in the elementary school garden directly opposite the rocky mountain … this is the first time in 3 years since then. This year is in Newburgh. Celebration of fireworks on the banks of the Hudson River one day ahead. (however I have mixed feelings about Independence Day


On the way back from the community garden, we found a rare lizard. I wondered if it was someone’s pet, and they were very friendly and smiled at me.

ガーデンまっ盛り : The Garden is in full green

この数日で急成長している ケール、カラーグリーン、日本のカボチャ、ナスターシウム、グリンピー、ポーセリン、トマト、バジル、ペッパー、レタス、マスタードグリーン わーい!ありがとう〜。

Kale, collards, Japanese pumpkin, nasturtium, green pea, purslane, tomato, basil, pepper, lettuce, mustard green that have grown rapidly in the last few days. Wow! Thank you~.

Flower Power, Power Flower: 花の力

Stevie wonder が、”植物の隠れた命”という1979年のドキュメンタリー全編に、彼のサウンドトラックを散りばめている、またとない名盤。ニューバーグはランダー通り、私たちの界隈も花いっぱい。それはもちろん、ガーデニングに決して手を休めない大家さんや、お隣りのおかげでもある。



いま、大至急20年前の紙芝居をビデオにしているところ。これは、”花” をテーマのおとぎ話。

Stevie Wonder made a beautiful soundtrack for the 1979 documentary “The Secret Life of Plants”. On Lander Street in Newburgh, our neighborhood is full of flowers. Of course, thanks to our landlady and our neighbors who never rest their hands from gardening.

Especially the direct planting flowers seem to have their network. Insects, small animals and birds come there, and a big social network is completed. Naturally, the flowers compete, but also help each other, grow while wrapping around, mimic, attract, and are like a model of the human world. Flowers/plants also carry poison to protect and propagate. Now that the number of bees has been decreased, it seems that SOS of the flower’s network can be heard.

Originally, in the world of flowers grows in harmony with the environment, however there are also invader plants that come from nowhere and settle down and continue to breed. I learned when I was in Arizona about this matter. They also spread among the plants that grow naturally in the desert, destroying the original native plants and expanding their territory. The rotating grass, tumbleweed, which is familiar in the western drama and rushes toward the car while spinning in the wind, is also an invasive species, calls Russian thistle that originally was pretty flowers.

Right now, I’m making a video from my picture-story that made of 20 years ago. This is a fairy tale with the theme of “flowers”.

Natural Farming: 自然農法

先だって探し物があり、ビスビー(アリゾナ)時代の写真をアレコレ検討していて、整頓されていない写真はあらゆるファイルの中に散らばっていることに気付き、ちょっとお手上げ。。同時に、ことに農作業中の写真、あの日々は私に深く刻印されているせいか、一枚の写真からその日の情景が蘇る。あまりの懐かしさに呼吸が止まった、っていう初体験をした! 農婦への道、その最初の一歩が凍結したまま、事情から再びイーストコーストに戻ったとはいえ、私の終のゴール『農婦』への道は細々と続いている。今は、大家さんの庭、それとコミュニティガーデンでまだまだ修行中。

The other day I needed to find some photos from Bisbee/AZ period however all AZ photos are disorganizing everywhere within any computer files, so I had to give up looking for them. At the same time, especially the photos of farm work, probably because those days are deeply impressed on me, the scene of the day revives from one photo. I had my first experience of stopping breathing because of so much nostalgia! Although on the way to being a farmer, the first step was stopped some reason, and we returned to the East Coast again, but my final goal, “being farmer”, still continues with slow steps. Currently, I am still training in the landlady’s yard and the community garden.

自然農法実践家 福岡正信 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBwJPOzTwyQ 福岡正信/Masanobu Fukuoka https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masanobu_Fukuoka そうだ、人間をやめよう:うむ農園 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9DHvEbzqco

Today we hunted Maitake mushrooms :今日、舞茸狩りをしました。


In New Jersey, West Orange where our friend lives, said that wild Maitake mushrooms grow naturally near her house and she planned a Maitake mushroom tour. It was my first experience! we had a very good time.

17 October, Sunday 2021 舞茸とは・What Maitake is; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grifola_frondosa

I would like to share my tiny video of “Fun day” https://youtu.be/4e96CYoC3gA