パペット”時空のおっさん”:Puppet “Time-Space Guy”

128画廊のグループ展 ”pop pop up” のオープニングに、お目汚しと言いますか, 腹話術人形を連れてパフォーマンスをしました。この人形は友人のJ.I ちゃんの都合でアタシが里親をしていて、名前は “オッサン” にしたのだけど、今風に流行り言葉?がいいかなって ”時空のおっさん”に決定。おっさんも、御多分に洩れず良い調子でアタシをこき使いますよ。

At the opening of the group exhibition “pop pop up” at Gallery OneTwentyEight, I performed with ventriloquist puppet. I am fostering this puppet from my friend J.I. I named it “Ossan” (middle aged man), but I thought it would be better to use a more modern, trendy word, so I decided on “Time and Space guy”. Like many other puppet, this Ossan uses me hard.

128画廊大賑わい: photo by Yupin
何とか終了(汗):somehow finished (sweat)
おっさんとアタシ:space-time guy & I

Ben’s Homemade Bobby Pin Thumb Piano : ベンの、手作りヘアピン親指ピアノ

Here is a video that musician & composer Benjamin Miller just posted his unique and artistic original handmade thumb piano(a kind of Kalimba) video. homemade thumb piano <– click

ベンが、かつて手作りしたと言う”カリンバ” の、ビデオリンクを送ってくれた。見てください〜。カリンバは、別名 ”親指ピアノ” って言われており、堂々たる楽器です。   親指ピアノ   ←ークリック


ちょっとドキドキ、カリンバ演奏:A little thrill, playing the kalimba @ gallery OneTwentyEight

いいえ、『演奏』なんて書いちゃいけません。お友達のアートオープニングで少し弾かさせていただいたの。初心者ですよ。教えを請うているJが都合で来られず、即興を含めて、”蝶々”、”ロンドン橋落ちた”、”ぶんぶんぶん蜂が飛ぶ”、”うさぎのダンス” 画廊オーナーの和子さんやYさんも歌って下さって、どうやら無事に過ぎました。この機会を与えて下さった全てに多大に感謝。

No, I shouldn’t write “performance”. I played a little at a friend’s art opening. I’m a beginner. J, who has been teaching kalimba to me, couldn’t come, so I improvised and played “Butterfly”, “London Bridge is Falling Down”, “The Bee Flies”, and “Dance of the Rabbit”. Kazuko, the owner of the gallery, and Y also sang, and it seems that the event went smoothly. I am so grateful to everyone for giving me this opportunity.

photo by S.O.G
こちらは、ユニオンスクエアでのイベント:the closing event for the LOV sculpture in Union SQ

Seventh Annual Exhibition SJAC 2024 : 2024年、第7回SJAC展

今年も恒例、SJAC (日本とアメリカの創造者協会) の、年次展が開催された。2017年に発足以来、あたし自身はダイレクターに名を連ねてはいるものの、初回以降、NYCにとんぼ返りでビデオインタビューや写真を撮ったより他、あまり貢献してなかった様な。。けれど勿論、その間にも様々な素晴らしいアーティスト・メンバーの発表の場として続行しており、SJACそのものもかなりニューヨークに浸透してきているのがとても嬉しい。

This year, the annual exhibition of SJAC/Society of Japanese and American Creators was held as usual. Although I have been one of the directors since the inception in 2017, I didn’t really contribute much beyond flying back to NYC to do some video interviews and take some photos. But of course, in the meantime, it continues to serve as a venue for many wonderful artists and members to showcase their work, and I’m very happy to see that SJAC itself has become well established in New York.

玉手箱奇談とかアートショーの搬入など:Tamatebako /small parcel strange story, and bringing artworks


On April 11th, I received a pleasant message from Saya from France saying that she had sent me a treasure box/tamatebako/small parcel. It’s an express delivery so it should arrive in about a week. That’s it. However, it became a lonely song of “Yoimachi-gusa/matsuyoi-gusa” saying something like no matter how much I wait, there is someone(small parcel) who never comes. Apparently, due to some mistake was occurred, my zip cord was incorrect, they say. (they changed 11210 to 11201 !) I simply thought that since the address and my name were correct, it should be forwarded to my zip# area. But sadly it turned out that there was no one matching the destination (wrong writing zip #), and a parcel was returned to France. . What is this? I’ll be leaving New York sooner or later, so maybe this happen was premonition to look ahead to the future?

今日は、エリック・ギンズバーグ (←詳細はこちら)主催の”フリッジアートショー”の搬入日。あたしはオブジェを2つと、3本のショートビデオを参加させた。(『無常』『ミミとルルの物語』『ハドソン川畔を歩く影』)会場は、シーポートエリアのホテル、明日から開催なので追ってまた。                             フリッジアートフェア・ビデオラウンジ ←参加者のビデオ作品が見れます。 

Today is the installation date for the Fridge Art Show hosted by Eric Ginsberg. (<– click to find its detail) I included two objects and three short videos. (“IMPERMANENCE” “A tale of Mimi and Lou-lou” and “Shadows Walking Along the Hudson River” ) The venue is a hotel in the Seaport area, and the event starts tomorrow, so check back soon.   Fridge Art Far Video Lounge <– you can watch participant’s videos

Fridge Art Fair logo by Eric Ginsberg

ジュディのアートショー:SPRING FEVER! The Art of Judi Harvest



Judi Harvest. I went to see an exhibition with friends of Judi’s recent works. Her keen eye consistently looks at the earth and the ecological environment, and she transforms fascinating subjects such as Buddha, bees, bats, plants, and fruits into canvases, glasswork, and sculptures. It takes us to the depths also giving us a deeper understanding.

Judy has built a bee garden in Murano (province of Venice/Italy), which is famous for its glass industry, and now bees are flying around among the flowers. Last summer, Orin’s ashes were scattered at the base of a large pomegranate tree in her garden. I’m very grateful.

with Judi
with T-chan & A.Y-san

311東日本大震災13周年メモリアル展覧会, 第14回「反原発展」: 14th Annual, ANTI NUCLEAR POWER ART SHOW

キュレーターは越光桂子さん、ポスター制作はトニー・サハラさん : Curated by Keiko Koshimitsu, Poster by Tony Sahara

“Untitled; the endless dance but hopefully not” by Orin Buck : 『無題;終わりの無いダンス、そうならないことを願うけど』 オリン・バック
“The City Lights or in the Starry Night” by Sanae M. Buck:『都会の燈、または星降る夜』 バック・早苗


All of us participating artists, who are thinking about our homeland, have finished hanging our hearts together. Thank you to Rabbit House for providing the venue and to Mr. Hanaoka from Japan. N.W-san, please join us next year.

ベン, どうもありがとう: Thank you very much, Ben


It was November of the year before last, and we were still in upstate Newburgh. On a slightly warm late fall day, we walked along the promenade along the Hudson River, which was our usual route. If we move, we won’t be able to come here as much as we do now, so we naturally recorded these areas on video! We started taking pictures with each one’s cell phone. My shot was very blurry, but as expected, Orin’s shot was accurate. What was also interesting was that the setting sun made the shadow of Orin, who was taking the video, stand out, as if someone mysterious was walking along the riverbank. . This seemed to have an unexpected video scene effect on Orin as well.


Orin would be leaving a few months later…since then I almost didn’t get anything done, however in the late fall of last year, almost a year after that day, I finally…! I was able to finish editing. I asked Benjamin who is our friend and composer to create the soundtrack. He and Orin have often experimented with modern electronic music collaborations that are truly rich, delicate, dramatic, and sharp in video and sound. I’m proud of them both. Let me do uploading the video soon.

ワーセンター、第25回サロンショー開催:The 25th Anual Salon Exhibition at WAH/ Williamsburg Art & Historical Center, Brooklyn NYC

今年度はワー・サロンショーの創設以来、25周年記念回ということで、当初より設立に関わってきたメアリー・ウエストリング と、オリン・バック、館長のご好意で彼ら二人のアート作品も特別展示される運びになった。25という数字のみを語るなら、オリンの旅立った日付けでもある。しかも、会期中の2月25日はオリンの一周忌でもあり、この不思議な一致とも思える流れには感謝し尽くせない。

This year marks the 25th anniversary since the founding of Wah Salon Show. Mary Westling and Orin Buck, both of two has been involved in the establishment from the beginning so in curator’s favor, their artworks are also on special display. If we are talking about the number 25 alone, it is also the date of Orin’s departure. Moreover, on February 25th, during the exhibition period, also marks the first anniversary of Orin’s death, and I cannot express my gratitude enough for this meaningful coincidence.

wahcenter.net <– click. Founder Yuko Nii <– click

オリンの作品がかかっているコーナー:Corner where Orin’s artworks are hanging
オリンの最後の作品とドローイング:Orin’s last works and drawings

101枚の絵画展:101 paintings: “101 Scenes from the Land of Color” by Orin Buck



101枚の絵画展 <—ここをクリック

Yesterday I was a little somber, talked a little with some friends, and celebrated my wedding anniversary by myself. We were also indifferent to the celebrations of the world, so we decided to celebrate by making any day we felt like a “birthday or something else”, so even when I look back on it, I only have a vague memory of it. There are no highlights (?!) that I have. However, the years of Newburgh is filled with memories that came with Orin’s battle with his illness, and I also remember buying wine and celebrating together.

Oh my God! In 2016, at the suggestion of the owner of a 128 gallery with whom we have a good relationship, even if it was just a few days, Orin held an exhibition of small art pieces. Moreover, the opening was October 4th! Now I think that it was the best gift for our one-day late wedding anniversary. Thank you thank you. Both I and Orin are truly blessed by people. Thanks again.

101 paintings <—- click