Wildfires in Canada are devastating. The smoke has almost flowed into the state of New York, and since the early hours of June 7, New York City has been covered in smoke. The familiar smog in New Delhi (I remembered). Or the 911 from 21 years ago. At that time, the World Trade Center collapsed, but the chemical smell from the building fire did not go away even after several months. . A volcanic eruption will eventually cover the earth with smoke, war or whatever, in other words, man-made or natural disasters will always come.
The same spider that appeared at the edge of the kitchen sink for just one day, and disappeared suddenly that night, appears again! No matter how it look like, it doesn’t look like it’s nesting, and it’s hanging like Spider-Man? This time, diagonally above Orin’s shelf. A few days later, when I returned, it was nowhere to be found.
Recently, I received a leggings a kind of 2nd hands, and I casually looked at the maker’s tag, ( thinking of remodeling this leggings into a skirt). Is that it? “eye candy? ” This is what Orin used to call his art project like this. Orin’s art must have looked adorable in everyone’s eyes, and they were sweetly fascinated in everyone.
Orin is worried about me from somewhere, and he’s telling me like this, ‘Grandma/ ba~ya Sanae~, I / ji~ya am/is here, we’re together~’. But maybe it’s all just a fancy fantasy of mine. What I do know is that little by little, many things are peeling off, and “I pray for all happiness and gratitude for being able to fully live here and now.”
エリック からは、彼の作品をいただいたり, J. I ちゃんもチャイニーズフーズ持参で訪ねてくれたし、(アリゾナトリップの話が面白かった)E.K.Pさん、Micaちゃん、もう、皆さんが気にしてくれてテキストをくださったり。トキちゃんもゆかちゃんもありがとう。
Eric gave me his work, J.I. visited me with Chinese food (with interesting stories of their trip to Tucson/AZ). E.K.P. , Mica, toki, Yuka, and many sent me greeting by text message.
At Shoko Therapy Studio, I was able to meet Y.B, a mutual friend of mine. Her husband, M, gave me homemade soap and a cream! It’s nice to receive it, it’s a great thing with love. On this day, E.T and her husband Y.T helped me with my online account creation and address change, and it was a truly special day. Full of happiness.
マットとリズのシェアハウスで美味しい食事。A delicious meal at Matt and Liz’s share house.
And when it’s 11:00 at night, I can’t stay awake anymore. Every night I say, “Good night. O-san! ’ and woke up before 6:00 the next morning. Every morning, I change the water in Orin and chant the Heart Sutra whenever I feel like it. This is for everyone who passed away in my memory. I wish you all the best and happiness. Let’s live together with everyone today.
Brighton Beach. Was it seven or eight years ago when Orin and I came here, and on July 4th, did we shoot the fireworks video for Independence Day?
The first time I visited here was more than 35 years ago? In the chilly early spring, no one wanted to walk during the cloudy daytime, and the shops were closed. A pack of wild dogs was threatening me a little ahead. What is it, where does time set its direction?
Descending the rough boardwalk to the sandy beach. The sea breeze blows away the ashes even though I planned to draw using the ashes. Elderly couples relaxing, children and mothers, young people, someone walking along the waterfront, seagulls and seagulls. Where are they from and where are they going?
The waves erase the drawing. I can’t stop crying. The seagulls approached me with wondering faces. Head to the station again. I mutter to myself, like this; 『Jiiya/old man, I scattered your ashes on Brighton Beach today. I wanted to draw OS4ever look good, but it was a little different. I bought two types of pirozhki, cabbage and potatoes. However, actually did you want to eat meat pirozhki? 』
オリンが喜ぶのならなんでも参加しましょう!と言うか、まあ、”妻バカ” なんでしょうか。私は所属アーティストじゃなく一般関係者なので、アーティストの皆さんと同じパフォーマンスには加われない、その代わりに自由に”日本”を表現して行進するのはオーケーって言われた。(Japanese Artists Association of New York, INC./w sarAika Movement Collective ) Japan Day Parade <—- 詳細はこちら
〜〜 若生のりこさん、ご縁のある方でかつて彼女のドローイングを羽織り、マンハッタンの主だった場所で天女のパフォーマンスをした。私たちは, これを”羽衣/Ha Go Ro Mo” プロジェクトと名付けていた。もう18〜9年経っているかな。当時の恋人J.Mは既に亡く、今、最愛のオリンも時空外に旅立っている。
photo by Noriko Wakophoto by Noriko Wakophoto by Noriko Wako
Directly across from my small dining table, Orin is located slightly diagonally above. Well, he always looks down on me. Recently I felt like he was asking something (should fix for him). Just because there was a picture of him smiling and eating, I changed it to this one. That’s all.
After a long while, G.J suddenly called me and asked me to attend his old friend’s memorial. You know my position to G.J is just a pinch-hitter instead of R.A(lol). Such amazingly so much changed to WTC path train station area!!
Will 2001/911 remain in people’s remembrance, or will it fade into memories along with the truth? Later uber brought us to the upper Manhattan, Hudson River side area. New green, green, green, quite fresh leaves are appeared by their own natural instinct.
Keep remembrance the deceased. It imposes on itself this active act of having a subject. Inside the human brain, cells (small chambers) called the hippocampus are an orderly mixture of folders of amazing records and memories.
The other day, Mieko said “I try to remember the deceased close to me. Similarly, remembering people (and their histories) who died without being acknowledged by anyone, as if they had disappeared in accidents, incidents, wars, etc.” Mieko and I talked about the deep meaning of memories and remembrances. This deep meaning (also their differences) and consideration will be written another day.
こういう地域にあたしは住んでいる。多趣味だった我が夫オリンの、その一つは知る人ぞ知る『コミック狂』。先日、ノストランド通りにこの様なコミック・ストアを発見!「おーい、あんたの好きなコミック店見つけたよー」と小声を出す。看板には堂々と、”Brooklyn’s #1 Hobby Store ” って書かれてる。オリンと一緒に大笑いしたかもね。こんな場所にあたしは居る。
I live in an area like this. My husband Orin has many hobbies, one of which is known to those in the know as “comic fanatic”. The other day, I found a comic store on Nostrand Street! “Hey, I found your favorite store!” I whispered. The sign proudly says “Brooklyn’s #1 Hobby Store”. You might have had a good laugh with Orin. I live in a place like this.
(I know) the part of my body where the internal organs were gouged out is still bleeding, and it still won’t stop. People refer to this condition as “crying with tears”. Every day I chant forgiveness, gratitude and love. That’s where my own place.