7月下旬を写真日記風にしてみた:I made the end of July like a photo diary




SHINKO TAGUCHI Ume Extract : 田口 伸子 展 ウメエキス                 


My longtime friend Shinko Taguchi will hold a solo exhibition from July 10th.
Her new work conveys how she builds her career with her own breathing and her steps.
It’s a heartwarming title, but it’s also a concept that condenses her view of the world.

6月下旬を写真日記風にしてみた:I made the end of June like a photo diary.

with Satoko-chan

“1st COSMIC GOSPEL” by Fist of Kindness : フィスト・オブ・カインドネス ”第一回 コズミックゴスペル”

オリンと知り合った2007年、彼は既にミュージックバンドを結成していた。その名を”フィスト・オブ・カインドネス(優しさのゲンコツ)” という。カントリーロックのスタイルを取り入れ演奏活動に明け暮れていた。あの頃のオリンは本当に生き生きしていたし、それなりにまだ体力もあったアタシは、オリンの重たいベースを担いではポートオーソリティに近いミュージックスタジオでのリハに参加したっけな。この期間に何度かメンバーは入れ替わったが、2016年主要メンバーの二人がノースキャロライナに引っ越すことになり、それは事実上のグループ解散でもあった。



今回、ゲイリーとマーク の編集を元に、これまでの集大成と言える一枚のCDが完成した。ありがとうございました。

When I met Orin in 2007, he had already formed a music band. It’s called “Fist of Kindness”. They adopted the style of country rock and devoted themselves to performance activities. At that time, Orin was really lively, and I still had some physical strength, so I carried Orin’s heavy bass and participated in rehearsals at a music studio near Port Authority Bus Terminal. The members changed several times during this period, but in 2016, two of the main members moved to North Carolina, which was also the de facto dissolution of the group.

I think this fact was hard for Orin. He really loved the group, playing and recording.

Orin resumed his art activities to fill the void. For the next 6-7 years, we moved between Arizona and Upstate New York while returning to music with himself. We should move to New York City first, and then do more music collabs with everyone! Orin was so excited that he was going to do his best in art too.

This time, based on the editing of Gary Heidt and Mark Tulk, a single CD that can be said to be the culmination of the past has been completed. thank you very much.

group show “I See Summer” @ gallery onetwentyeight : 128画廊でのグループ展


I picked up the one of Orin’s old drawings for participating him to the Group show. He drew this one was his age 15 years old, he had to be in Michigan/Ann Arbor. The scene at that time comes to mind. At the same time, Orin really has left! The fact makes me cry.

I SEE SUMMER @ gallery onetwentyeight <— click more detail / 128画廊詳細はこちらです。

大気汚染真っ只中:air pollution amidst


Wildfires in Canada are devastating. The smoke has almost flowed into the state of New York, and since the early hours of June 7, New York City has been covered in smoke. The familiar smog in New Delhi (I remembered). Or the 911 from 21 years ago. At that time, the World Trade Center collapsed, but the chemical smell from the building fire did not go away even after several months. . A volcanic eruption will eventually cover the earth with smoke, war or whatever, in other words, man-made or natural disasters will always come.

秋山祥子マッサージセラピースタジオ、しばし続行 : Shoko Akiyama massage therapy studio, continue for a while





オリンからの通信:Communication from Orin


最近、不要のレギンスをいただいて、これを改造してスカートにしようって何気にメーカーのタグを見る。あれれ? “アイ・キャンディ??” (目の保養)これって、かつてオリンが自分のアートプロジェクトをこう呼んでたのね。オリンのアートは、確かに皆さんの目に愛らしく映っただろうし、甘〜く魅了したよね。


The same spider that appeared at the edge of the kitchen sink for just one day, and disappeared suddenly that night, appears again! No matter how it look like, it doesn’t look like it’s nesting, and it’s hanging like Spider-Man? This time, diagonally above Orin’s shelf. A few days later, when I returned, it was nowhere to be found.

Recently, I received a leggings a kind of 2nd hands, and I casually looked at the maker’s tag, ( thinking of remodeling this leggings into a skirt). Is that it? “eye candy? ” This is what Orin used to call his art project like this. Orin’s art must have looked adorable in everyone’s eyes, and they were sweetly fascinated in everyone.

Orin is worried about me from somewhere, and he’s telling me like this, ‘Grandma/ ba~ya Sanae~, I / ji~ya am/is here, we’re together~’. But maybe it’s all just a fancy fantasy of mine. What I do know is that little by little, many things are peeling off, and “I pray for all happiness and gratitude for being able to fully live here and now.”

5月下旬を写真日記風にしてみた:I made the end of May like a photo diary.

エリック からは、彼の作品をいただいたり, J. I ちゃんもチャイニーズフーズ持参で訪ねてくれたし、(アリゾナトリップの話が面白かった)E.K.Pさん、Micaちゃん、もう、皆さんが気にしてくれてテキストをくださったり。トキちゃんもゆかちゃんもありがとう。

Eric gave me his work, J.I. visited me with Chinese food (with interesting stories of their trip to Tucson/AZ). E.K.P. , Mica, toki, Yuka, and many sent me greeting by text message.


At Shoko Therapy Studio, I was able to meet Y.B, a mutual friend of mine. Her husband, M, gave me homemade soap and a cream! It’s nice to receive it, it’s a great thing with love. On this day, E.T and her husband Y.T helped me with my online account creation and address change, and it was a truly special day. Full of happiness.

マットとリズのシェアハウスで美味しい食事。A delicious meal at Matt and Liz’s share house.


And when it’s 11:00 at night, I can’t stay awake anymore. Every night I say, “Good night. O-san! ’ and woke up before 6:00 the next morning. Every morning, I change the water in Orin and chant the Heart Sutra whenever I feel like it. This is for everyone who passed away in my memory. I wish you all the best and happiness. Let’s live together with everyone today.