Earthquake in Noto Peninsula, one week has passed.
As the shaking continues and the fires have not stopped, snowfall, bitter cold, and infrastructure shutdowns, how can we be close to those who have passed away, those who are missing, and all those affected by the disaster?
Until late February, the first anniversary of Orin’s death, I divided it into four parts and applied it. Really! Right now, it’s absolutely the “conclusion” period! Superconsciousness = Love = Light, Gratitude and Blessings.
This year 2023, has flown by like never before. And from the very beginning, they kicked me and slammed me down. And in this years end, I am gradually becoming aware of the “light, love, and superconsciousness” called “ORIN” with gratitude. No more to delay. (of course no excuse) There are things to do, and let me do them one by one. After I’ll be done, let me quickly leave. Until the first one year anniversary of Orin’s death must be a tough climb, so I came here determined to do my best. First of all, my first step has begun.
I don’t know how long I’ll be in New York City, so I have to start filming my Flatbush Avenue.
My image of the rest of my life is riding a merry-go-round, scattering blessings and good fortune with big smile. I pray for the happiness and Blessing of all living things and the gratitude of being kept alive. thank you very much.
我が家の玄関:entrance of our houseお友達の家のクリスマスツリー:Christmas tree at a friend’s house桑の葉茶は凄いって:White mulberry leaf tea is amazingご馳走になりました!面白いお話もたくさんきくことができた:With a great foods I was able to hear many interesting stories from friends.
神舘美会子さんと和田良三さん、お二人の楽しくも深い話は何度聞いても笑いを誘われ、同時に考えさせられる。今年中に編集をなんとか終了させました!皆様のお時間のおありの時、訪問してくださるととってもうれしいです。こちらです。 『多文化都市ニューヨークを生きる』 <—ここをクリックしてご覧ください。ありがとうございます。 *this video is only in Japanese.
My area is a little far from the hot spots in Brooklyn, and it looks like an ordinary town, but as for me, the smell of the soil from when it was once a farmland, the feel of the sea breeze from the Coney Island, the sweat, dust, laughter, crying babies, and songs, that I sense some kind of Akashic records strangely.
チャーチとフラットブッシュコーナーの、サンタと記念撮影イベント:Photo event with Santa, at Church & Flatbush Ave corner人毛のヘアピース、色の自然さはさすが:Humanhair hairpiece, amazingly looks naturalエラスムス高校:Erasmus Hall High School that attended many famous peopleお気に入りの眺め:my favorite view
On Thanksgiving, I, with Y-chan who came from Las Vegas and T-chan to visit K-san in the hospital. Afterwards, we unexpectedly had a delicious dinner party at the loft of jewelry designer S-san. We talked about cooking(S-san is also a master of creative cooking person ever!), the history of tea ceremony, environmental issues, old days and nowadays NYC, a world problems/phenomena and more..
オリンちゃんに、と、YちゃんTちゃんから頂いた可愛いお花たち:Cute flowers I received from Y-chan and T-chan to offer to Orin-chan.Yちゃん紹介の本当の椎茸のスナック:Real shiitake mushroom snack introduced by Y-chanSちゃんにお借りした。もちろん、月命日は彼女のマッサージを受けました:I borrowed it from S-chan. Of course, I got a massage from her on the anniversary of O’s death.Sちゃんお友達作成の”福助”バッジ。すごいご利益!帽子に付けた。改めて福助のことは書きます:”Fukusuke” badge created by S-chan’s friend. Great benefit! I put it on my hat. I will write about Fukusuke later
I have already written about her on this blog, so I will refrain from repeating it, but Ms. Ohashi suddenly passed away on November 9th (Japan time) due to recurrence of esophageal cancer. I have two e-mail exchanges in my possession. At the time, Orin and I were living in the suburbs of New York, and we were renting a spacious floor, so if Ms. Ohashi ever came to New York, we thought we’d let her stay at our house. I was just spinning my dreams.
Ms. Ohashi and Elis Regina, also Frida Kahlo, Ana Mendieta, and Lou Andreas-Salome, all are overlap. They are truly charming, absolutely smart, and has the ability to strive for personal growth, challenge herself to surpass her limits, and has the flexibility and straightness of steel to laugh away at sadness. And Billie Holiday wraps them in her arms and singing a lullaby. I can see that kind of scenery.
That is to say. Ms. Ohashi had everything in common with them. I pray that my favorite diva will have a peaceful journey. Thank you, blessings and prayers.
ハロウイーン明けの上旬、近所の大学生たちがD Jと共に、カボチャ投げイベント開催。このままコンポストに蘇れば良いのだけど、、何だかな〜:After a several days of Halloween, local college students(with DJ) hold a pumpkin-throwing event. It would be nice if it could be revived as they are in the compost, but somehow…カシャとブルックリン植物園に行った:I went to the Brooklyn Botanical Garden with Kasia.植物園内の銀杏並木:Ginkgo trees in the botanical garden.美会子さんから頂いた、あたしの軽食。お気に入りの人形ゴリンと:My snack that I received from Mieko. With my favorite doll Gorin.
I visited my dear friend Y.H far from Manhattan. She is in a world where her memories are cut off. I talk to her who lives in the memories of my heart. I say somethings, she laughs. I’m grateful to be able to confirm our friendship.
Plans to move to Kew Gardens/Queens, fall through. However, I believe that sooner or later a good development will occur, so I will accelerate the cleaning process. I’m also considering moving to another state. I have no attachment to anything other than Orin’s art and computer-related things, and my writings. As I feel refreshed, gratitude and appreciation arise throughout this house.