On the way to Sweet North Carolina @ Greensboro, however— :ノースキャロライナはグリーンズボロに向かう途中の椿事

We had planned to visit our musician/artist friends in NC. On 2 Nov 2021 we were booked for Orin’s and my solfeggio Hz sound video and my performance. However as we got near Harrisburg, PA, our car suddenly stoped working. Before this happened, we wanted to buy coffee and even though unnecessary refill gas, then, just as we entered into busy speedway(!!) I only tell you “We’re lucky”. At our discretion, no car was involved and there was no damage other than ours. As you see these stuffed animal, one is gorilla and another one is fox. The night before we left, I talked to them as usual (probably you may think of me like a strange person, hahaha) and told them that you must stay here and house-watching several days. OMG! Gori-san (I named this gorilla) started cry. Surely this phenomena was within my eyesight. I could see these vision within my mind. Why you’re crying, Gori? and he replied because I will never see you again. Mmmmmmm, he felt lonely? so I put them into my bag.

Anyway, just before our car broke, during at the gas station I pulled them from my bag because they wanna enjoy this scenery (I know such so strange idea came to me). Then, it came. While we were waiting for tow truck comes I noticed how unbelievably messy Gori-san’s hair was!! Probably he tried to protect us using all of his power(??) Well…




Lander Street’ Halloween block party!!ランダー通りのハロウイーンブロックパーティ!

31 Oct, today was our Lander St’s Halloween block party in the light rain. It was much fun and a big event especially for kids. Since Orin and I moved here (it was late Nov, 2019), our street is being developed so much now. Just one block between South St and Farrington St, a few houses are renovated, and several big condo will be open soon.

African-American, Jamaican, Dominican, Indian, Mexican, some European, and 1 Asian(me). Such so soulful, Motown music, Jamaican music, R&B, Techno, Noise etc. Can you imagine? only 1 block shows us a crucible of music. Yes, inside of our house Orin’s bass and guitar sound, and me, jazz, bossa nova, classic rock, and oldies Japanese hit songs. LoL.




My father-in law was born today, 25 Oct. He passed away peacefully in 2019, his age was 93.

For the last 10 years until he passed away, he had been dedicating his time to write about his family history including organizing a lot of photos, and his eternal soulmate and wife Margaret’s family history, too. When he was a kid, some accident happened and since then his left leg was no longer smooth working. Now I am using his cane! He was so charming, also somehow his face and Orin’s seemed twin or brothers. Whenever we visited him, everyone said that to Orin (smile). In Arizona, I have 2 sister-in-law, and 1 brother-in-law there. I don’t have a family anymore, so this kind of family love is very significant. Viva Family!

亡くなるまでの10年間、ことに最愛の妻を亡くしてから、義父は昼夜を問わず彼の、そして妻の家族史を書き始めた。写真家でもあったので膨大な量の古い写真も数多く、それ自体が一つのアメリカ史のようでもあった。ことに、妻(義母)はネイティブ、ヨーロッパ、アフリカ、との混血でもありそれはそれはエキゾティックなオーラで覆われていた。義父は子供のころある事故により、生涯、左足の不具合に悩まされた。今、義父の愛用していた杖を私が使っている。どうかすると置き忘れるのだが、その都度、戻ってくる不思議。オリンは父親そっくりで、見舞いに行くたびに、皆から驚かれたものです。また、私にはアリゾナに2人の義理妹たちと、そのパートナーさんがいます。 私にはすでに家族はいないので、こうした家族愛はすごく意義がある。家族万歳!

If I would like to write about one more topic today, Yes, the quite unique and genuine bassist Jack Bruce passed away 25 October, 2014. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZF1HrWKi68

2014年10月25日、かつて一世風靡したBritish rock band ”Cream”の、ベーシスト、ジャック・ブルースが他界した日でもある。

Today we hunted Maitake mushrooms :今日、舞茸狩りをしました。


In New Jersey, West Orange where our friend lives, said that wild Maitake mushrooms grow naturally near her house and she planned a Maitake mushroom tour. It was my first experience! we had a very good time.

17 October, Sunday 2021 舞茸とは・What Maitake is; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grifola_frondosa

I would like to share my tiny video of “Fun day” https://youtu.be/4e96CYoC3gA

雨の中のインディアンポイント: Indian Point in the rain

2019 late November we moved to Newburgh, NY. Soon after, because of the covid-19 issue, our bus to NYC had stopped running so we sometimes had to use Hudson Line train to Grand Central, NYC. Water water, and water. This is exactly the scenery Orin and I were missing while we were in Bisbee/AZ. Now, we are missing the amazing, spectacular scenery in AZ!! Well, people including me showed our policy “Stop! Indian Point now!” Yes, our desire comes true. Still thinking about what is the best energy instead of electricity.

Indian point energy center https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Point_Energy_Center


Woodstock Museum : ウッドストック美術館

Today, 7 October, we went to Woodstock, NY with our friend who was selected for a 22nd annual film festival sponsored by Woodstock Museum, Inc. I am very grateful that Woodstock has continued to exist in this way even after the hippie movement, the enthusiastic movement of young people in the United States in 1969.



metamorphosis vol. 2 / 2017, summer, NYC(遊真あつこ+タカ+バックさなえ)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_ZAzRkjNC0

Walkway over the Hudson / 歩こう、ハドソン川を越えて。歩こう、林の中を。


October 3rd, 10 years ago, finally we decided to go New York City clerk for registered marriage license. so because of our anniversary we wanted to do something interesting however I did my own walking exercise. Feels good to get back my walking speed. Thank you very much for many of our friends to cheers for us!

Solfeggio healing tone/ソルフェジオ周波数によるヒーリングトーン

Lightdreams Solfeggio 1. Direct tones for your Pineal Gland // ライトドリーム ソルフェジオ1        松果体に働きかける


Light Dreams Solfeggio Computer Art by Orin Buck / コンピューターアート;オリン・バック                       Sound Design by Sanae M. Buck /サウンドデザイン;バック早苗

The computer art is randomly generated by the Light Dreams artMachine titled: Dot Spacescape Views from a distant universe where dots float like moons and planets in a subtle, placid ether.               私(オリン)のコンピュータアートはLight Dreams artMachineと呼び、無作為に表象が生成されます。このソルフェジオビデオのタイトルは「ドット・スペース スケープ」です。ドットが月や惑星のように微妙で穏やかなエーテルに浮かんでいる、遠くの宇宙からの眺めのようでもあります。

More info: https://orinbuck.com/2014/artmachine-…                          See all the Light Dreams artMachines at https://lightdreams.tv/

We combined the following 4 hertz: 以下の4種類の周波数を組み合わせました。

285 Hz, restructure damaged organs/tissue. 損傷した臓器・組織を再構築する              396 Hz, liberating guilt and fear. 罪悪感と恐怖の解放                          417 Hz, undoing situations & facilitating change. マイナス思考からの解放と変容を促す          963 Hz, awakening intuition & activating Pineal Grand. 松果体を活性化し直感をめざませる

姉の命日 : Today is the anniversary of my sister’s death

2004年、9月17日に私の姉は他界した。富士山の麓の温暖な区域、ちょうど半年前に母も一足早く他界している。今更ながら、わたしには家族というものがなくなった。もう、何もかもが灰色に沈み、日本帰国を決意した。そんなある日、「早苗さん」と、声が聞こえた。「何、みっちゃん?」いや、おかしい、姉はこの世に居無いはず。。。「早苗さん、わたしの名を語らないでくれる? 姉も死んで何もかもいやになったから日本に帰る?」




My sister passed away on September 17, 2004. She had been living in a warm area at the foot of Mt. Fuji. Just half a year before, my mother passed away too. Even now, I no longer have a family. Everything had immediately sunk in gray and I decided to return to Japan. One day, I heard a voice saying, “Sanae-san,” “What, Micchan?” No, it’s funny, my sister shouldn’t be in this world…. “Sanae-san, don’t you use my name! My sister died and I lost motivation, everything was empty, so I will go back to Japan? ”

It’s true that I was telling everyone, “My mother and sister have passed away, and I have no family when I return home, but I’m not motivated to do anything in New York anymore.”

As if my sister was next to me, her clear and strong voice echoed directly in my head. “I promised to you that I will come and see you in NYC again, even though in a wheelchair or crawling.” I still believe she corrected my weakness.

Sometime I will share the mysterious experience of my family, and more.

Today, 11 Sep. 20 years ago and then~

10 September, 2001, around 9 or 10 pm, I gave a final greeting to the World Trade Center, which I can see through the window. Loft owner Gerald Jackson loses the trial and must evict tomorrow. For some reason, I stayed here for a while and made art works together.

Well, very next day, Gerald woke me up in a fuss. “Watch TV! It’s going to be wrong! World Trade Center is burning!” Well, I saw a live, but it’s faster to climb the roof and look at it. Yes, in front of me I saw some funny thing flying. Without eyeglass I thought that such huge dragon fly is flying but where is it heading?

Oh, No! this object suddenly touched another building and blew the fire quickly. Both were collapsed at once. The people in the neighborhood screamed all at once, all screaming and crying. The skyscraper, a symbol of immigrant dreams, has collapsed, very easily.

I will not be able to see the trade center from this window again, because I will stand up tomorrow, and the farewell greeting became a reality the next day. Not just for me, but for everyone.

Without waiting a few hours, the news was repeated, saying that this was a terrible terrorist attack and therefore we had to stand up and retaliate. It was as quick as everything was already in place. The vast majority of the common people are always sacrificed, without being asked why. Rest in peace.


翌朝、ジェラルドが大騒ぎで私を起こした。”テレビをみろ!大変なことになっている!” ライブ中継で見慣れたトレードセンターが火を吹いている。まてよ、、炎上中のトレードセンターなら屋上に登って確認したほうが早い。目の前になんだか得体の知れないものがヨロヨロ飛んできた。眼鏡なしに見たそれは巨大なトンボみたいで、方向を見失っているようだった。



数時間を待たずして、これは大変なテロであり、ゆえに我々は立ち上がり報復せねばならない、とニュースが繰り返された。なんだか全てがすでに仕組まれているような迅速さだった。いつだって大多数の庶民が犠牲になる、理由を聞かされることもなく。 合掌