NYジャパンソサエティで4月29日スタート、宮本和子展: Kazuko Miyamoto: To Perform a Line

Japan Society ; https://www.japansociety.org/arts-and-culture/exhibitions

Kazuko Miyamoto’ show overview ; https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=oD9dKy6CQW6&back=1


Kazuko Miyamoto, the owner of a long-established gallery in Lower Manhattan called Gallery onetwentyeight, is an artist and has an extraordinary generosity. She knew young Jimi Hendrix, also she has earned the most artworld credibility as an assistant to Sol LeWitt. At the same time Kazuko has continued to fascinate us with her extraordinary artistic versatility and musical talent. I’m/we’re so happy. Congratulations!

JAZZ: art of k&d/ April/2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVOtaMOim4o choujuugiga at gallery 128、March/2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igCIKdDhjII Kazuko’s closing performance by Yoshiko Chuma, March/2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2gdAkAPkoY Kazuko’s performance with Sanae December/2011 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVvsm2eRRbU Kazuko’s Umbrella Dance, https://youtu.be/-eQWQLYBCrA

4月26日、日本の唄姫大橋純子さん : Japanese diva JUNKO OHASHI

の、お誕生日です。おめでとうございます。大橋純子さんを、昨年末の『プリンスはハヌマンか?』のブログにサクッと書きました。類を見ない歌唱力、当時の日本の歌謡界という枠を超越していた圧倒的な存在感。折に触れ、彼女の響き渡る歌声が蘇ってくる。 大橋純子

It’s her birthday. Congratulations. At the end of last year, I mentioned her name a little on my blog “Is Prince a Hanuman?” Unparalleled singing ability, an overwhelming presence that transcended the boundaries of the Japanese song(entertainer) world at that time. Occasionally, her dignified singing voice revives.

4月21日、プリンスの命日 : Prince’s death anniversary


古くは、メイ・ウエストが銀幕の向こうで 二重の上げ底靴 を愛用していたように、プリンスもまたハイヒールを常に愛用しており、長年のステージパフォーマンスでの、ファンを魅惑する華麗な動きが、同時に身体の限界を極めず、磨耗させてしまったものか。

プリンスは、とびきりのエロスやミューズたちの媒体として、彼の日・月・年をほぼ24時間『プリンス』という現象に捧げてきたと思う。が、ある時期から彼は『プリンス』という人、等身大の彼に向かっていった。とはいえ、そのスケールは追随を許さないほどの存在感だったけど。 合掌。

My Prince Rogers Nelson’s brilliant life was ended in 2016 at his age of 57 with a mysterious death. It is said that his cause of death is a painkiller overdose, and was he aware of it(?) — a few days earlier, he told his fans that he would soon leave this world.

In the olden days, as Mae West loved to wear double decker highheels behind the silver screen, Prince always loved high heels, his splendid movement that fascinates the fans in his stage performance for many years, but at the same time, without reaching the limits of the body, is it worn out?

I think Prince has devoted his day, month, and year to the phenomenon of “Prince” for almost 24 hours as a medium for Eros and the Muses. However, from a certain time, he became a life-sized man named “Prince”. Even though his performances still had an unrivaled presence. *Rest in Peace*

Here are my especially special favorite his music video / 数かぎりない中で、ことに私の大好きなビデオを3つほど: “Play that funky Music” ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNrAFb3I2js “While my guitar gently weeps” ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SFNW5F8K9Y and “The Little Prince: Footage Unearthed Of Superstar At Age 11” ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQe0EoVoGqU

4月17日の復活祭のひよこたち:Easter Peeps

イエス・キリストが処刑されて、その3日後に再び復活したことを祝う大きなイベント、このお祭り日は、春がやってきた! との意味合いもあるようで、私のような門外漢も十分に楽しむことができる。『春分の日の後の最初の満月から数えて最初の日曜日』がイースターになり、よって毎年日にちは異なってくる。今年は4月17日とのこと。復活祭とくれば卵やウサギのデコレーションが主流で、その中の一つ、マシュマロで作られたヒヨコのお菓子(ピヨピヨ鳴くところから)をピープと呼ぶ。

かつて、一度だけピープを食べてその甘すぎ感にお手上げ。もう15年以上前かな。当時は黄色と青色のピープスが主流で、そのまま放っておいても一向に腐りもしなければカビも生えない。面白くなってショートヴィデオを作った。”お互い、粉々に砕けるまでずっと一緒にいようね” といったラブストーリー(笑)。これです; https://youtu.be/GvJOJ3N6q78


A big event celebrating the execution of Jesus Christ and its resurrection three days later, this festival seems to have a meaning that spring has come, and it is possible for outsiders like me can fully enjoy it. “The first Sunday counting from the first full moon after the vernal equinox” is Easter, so the day is different every year. This year is April 17th. When it comes to Easter, egg and rabbit decorations are the mainstream, and one of them, baby chick sweets made with marshmallows (from where they squeak) are called Peeps.

Well, I tried to eat Peeps only once and gave it up because its taste was too sweet. I think it was more than 15 years ago. At that time, yellow and blue Peeps were the mainstream, and even if they were left as they were, they would not rot at all and would not grow mold. It became interesting and I made a short video. A love story like “Let’s stay together until we break into pieces” (laughs). This one; https://youtu.be/GvJOJ3N6q78

Recently, when I glanced at them, they were quite dry and the color was fading. But maybe our Peeps live longer than us? I think that. The yellow one’s expiration date is December, 2011. and the blue one is June, 2011. so maybe it was made in 2010, I guess.

9 April, 2022. Reclining Liberty project : 自由の女神涅槃像プロジェクト

ハーレムはモーニングサイド公園。この一年間、アーティスト;Zaq Landsberg氏 作成の ”自由の女神涅槃像” が、この4月22日に1年を経て撤収される。わたし達有志で、取り払われる前にそれぞれの”自由とは?”を女神像の周りで表現しようよ!との康予ちゃんの発案が発端。踊り、祈り、唱和、音楽、パフォーマンス、朗読など、来られた人々と一体になって 自由そのものを体現しよう!、と発足。小さな紙の切り抜き天使像に思い思いの 『自由とは?』を書いていただきそれを樹木に吊るしたり。



Morningside Park in Harlem, NYC. For the past year, the “the Reclining Liberty,” created by artist Zaq Landsberg, will be withdrawn on 22 April, a year later. Let us each express “what is freedom?” around the “Reclining Liberty” before it is removed! Yasuyo’s idea was the beginning. Soon we had the idea that together with the people who came, such as dancing, prayer, singing, music, performance, and reading we could ask for each audience member’s thoughts about “Freedom,” and write it on a small paper angel, then hang them on a tree.

Everyone who joined, friends, family, artist Zaq, Morningside Park President Brad Taylor, Cynthia, Tony who created this wonderful flyer, Takashio who was also in charge of signage creation, Yasuyo and Leo who summarized all the complicated exchanges, Ayakoh and Resobox in charge of Zoom, all the participating artists and performers, Orin and Tony making the video, Noriko who participated with the poem from Tokyo, the media/organization that supported this event. I am grateful to everyone involved. Thank you so very much.

The event documentation video/editing was done by me. Please check it out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pY-4NWAb__8

FB event page/フェイスブックのイベントページです。http://Artist info. Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/706308580381296/?active_tab=discussion

『 Freely 』 What? When? Why? Where? Who? and How? ——— “Emancipate yourself from the mental slavery” by Bob Marley

『縦横無尽』 何? いつ? なぜ? どこ? 誰? そして、どういう風に? ーーーーー”精神の奴隷から、君自身を解放しようよ” ボブ・マーレイの歌詞

Queen of Bee Art, JUDI HARVEST : 蜜蜂アートの女王、ジュディ・ハーベスト



ジュディ・ハーベスト/Judi Harvest https://judiharvest.com/ https://www.stridearts.com/exhibition-nature

No matter what happens, her artistic activities/creativity and motivation to produce never stop. Judy’s art originates from nature and the environment. In Venice, there is a bee garden organized by her, and innumerable bees fly around during the Flowers season. Based in Italy, Florida, and New York, her solo exhibition (over 30-years artworks) is being held in Upper Manhattan “STRIDE ART” until April 8.

Also Judy has been a longtime friend of Orin, so she became my friend, too. This feeling always comes first. At the same time I have rediscovered Judy Harvest as a wonderful artist.

「12th, Anti-Nuke Power Art」video is now on : 第12回、反原発展のビデオをアップしました。

こちらです/ this is the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFaMGhXO-KI

糸を巻き巻き/ Itomaki by Sanae M. Buck


あの、愛らしい日本の子ども歌 ”糸まき” に合せてあなたは糸を巻く、ただ、あなた の手はすでに被爆し皮膚はただれ真っ赤になっている。どこまで巻き続けられるのか?

For a long time, I was wondering why sewing machine spools (bobbin) and radioactivity marks look similar.

Upon examination, the sewing machine thread was made to match the shape of the bobbin, and the mark of radioactivity was more than that. In 1941, the Berkeley Radiation Laboratory, California, USA (currently Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) invented in its basic design the three leaves protruding from the center. These three leaves represent α- rays, β-rays, and y-rays, respectively, and simply represent how each radiation is emitted from the central nucleus.

You wind the thread to the adorable Japanese children’s song “Itomaki”, but your hands have already been exposed and your skin is sore and red. How long will you continue to wind?

オリンの手のひら: Orin’s Palm


私たちが出会ったのは2007年のお友達のアートオープニングだった。彼の名前は共通するアートセンターの関係で知っていたが、なぜか ”おりん〜お鈴” と日本の女性名で変換していたものか、オリン=女性、と信じていたので目の前の男性が当の本人などとは思いもよらず、それまで何度か問い合わせのイーメイルしていたのに、Mr. と書かず, Mis. にしていたのですよ。


仲良くなりたての頃、手をつないだときの驚き!!これだ、これだ、あたしが長年探していたものは!! 物心つくあたりの不思議な懐かしい感触が蘇る。私が死ぬ時に ”誰か”の手を握って、”あー、面白い人生だった、ありがとね、じゃあ行くね” と。 その誰か, の掌の感触だったわけなんです、オリンの手のひらは!!


Due to the corona situation in the last few years, No! wait a minute, since June 2018, when we moved to Arizona, then we returned to the east coast again in the fall of 2019. We have settled in Newburgh and I have been spending time with Orin almost every day.

Is the 15-year period (almost 24hours stay together for the last three and a half years) short or just right? We have met each other since we were old, and the momentum of the sparks feelings of our hearts have been replaced by calmness, and Orin is no longer Orin. He is as if my father, mother, twins, best friend, soulmate, and fighting companion, etc. There are many conflicting ideas and opinions between us, so we are giving up on each other now (lol).

We met at a 2007 friend’s art opening. I knew his name because of the common art center, but for some reason I believed that it was converted to “Orin-Osuzu(bell)”, a Japanese female name, Orin must be a female. I didn’t think that the man in front of me is the person I had emailed inquiries several times before, I didn’t write to him Mr. but made it Miss.

Very beginning, I was surprised when I held his hands! !! This is, this is, what I’ve been looking for so many years! !! A mysterious and nostalgic feeling was revived. When I die, I will hold the hand of “someone” and say, “Oh, it was an interesting my life, thank you, let me go.” It was the feel of someone’s palm, the palm of Orin! !!

His tough body will surely recover from the critical condition. Let’s get along well with medicines and treatment, and at the same time strengthening our own self-healing power and immunity without relying on them. Orin, born in Pisces / Uncle / Grandpa / Old man / Dad / Mom, thank you very much for being with me. Here is a video of our hands dancing : https://orinbuck.com/video/hand-dance

3月17日、トリさんの命日、歌姫エリスレジーナの生誕日: March 17, the anniversary of Tori-san’s death, and the birthday of the diva Elis Regina

じとじとして微妙に暖かい今日、私の愛すべき母親、トリさんの18回目の命日。霧がかり靄ったハドソン川は “ミステリアス/トラベラー”(ジャズグループのウエザーリポートアルバム)を何ら脈絡なく思い出す。また、この日は私の大好きなブラジルの歌姫、エリス・レジーナの生まれた日でもある。

Today, which is slightly warm and humid, the 18th anniversary of my beloved mother, Tori-san’s passing. The foggy Hudson River reminds me of “Mysterious Traveler” (a jazz group’s Weather Report album), without any connection. It’s also the day when my favorite Brazilian diva, Elis Regina was born.

第12回「反原発展」: 12th “Anti-Nuke Power Art” Friday March 11 3pm -10pm @ 5C Cafe and Cultural Center

3月11日、前日も後日も雪の中、エアポケットのようにこの日は肌寒いものの、まずまずの上天気。今回は私たちの友人、アクティビストでジャズピアニストのトルディの店 (コロナ事情から外席コーナー)で1日だけの展覧会をしました。今、フォトビデオを作成中なので暫しお待ち下さいね。

Although it snowed before and after March 11th, it was chilly but the weather was fair, like a gift. At this time we had a one-day exhibition at our friend, activist and jazz pianist Trudy’s 5C Cafe & Cultural Center (outside corner due to corona circumstances).

I’m making a photo video right now, so please wait for a while.

flyer made by Orin F. Buck