借りているガーデンの片付け, あれこれ:Cleaning up the rented garden bed, etc

急に冷えてきて、私たちの借りているガーデンベッドの最後の植物たちも、凍ったり立ち枯れてしまって先日お掃除に出かけた。ここ ニューバーグ・コミュニティガーデン (← クリック) はこの数年使わせていただき、メンバーの皆さんからたくさん学ぶことができた。感謝のみ。



It suddenly got cold and the last plants in our rented garden bed were frozen and withered, so the other day we went out to clean them up. We have been using The Newburgh Community Garden (←click) for the past few years and have learned a lot from the members. Lots of Thanks.

The basics of growing plants cannot begin without considering our food and living environment. Many children visit during the garden hours, and are getting a good education. Maybe next year we will be gardening in Brooklyn? It would be nice to be able to rent a large lot.

In a few days, Orin will have his first hospital checkup in a while. Six weeks passed in the blink of an eye, and we spent these days peacefully. I am deeply grateful for that.

父の事と般若心経:My father and the Heart Sutra






 仏説 摩訶般若波羅蜜多心経

観自在菩薩 行深般若波羅蜜多時(かんじーざいぼーさー ぎょうじんはんにゃーはーらーみーたーじー)照見五蘊皆空 度一切苦厄(しょうけんごーおんかいくう どいっさいくーやく) 舎利子 色不異空 空不異色(しゃーりーし しきふーいーくう くうふーいーしき) 色即是空 空即是色(しきそくぜーくう くうそくぜーしき) 受想行識 亦復如是(じゅそうぎょうしき やくぶーにょーぜー) 舎利子 是諸法空相(しゃーりーし ぜーしょーほうくうそう) 不生不滅 不垢不浄 不増不減(ふーしょうふーめつ ふーくーふーじょう ふーぞうーふーげん) 是故空中 無色 無受想行識(ぜーこーくうちゅう むーしき むーじゅーそうぎょうしき) 無眼耳鼻舌身意 無色声香味触法(むーげんにーびーぜっしんにー むーしきしょうこうみーそくほう) 無眼界乃至無意識界(むーげんかいないしーむーいーしきかい) 無無明 亦無無明尽(むーむーみょう やくむーむーみょうじん) 乃至無老死 亦無老死尽(ないしーむーろうしー やくむーろうしーじん) 無苦集滅道 無智亦無得 以無所得故むーくーしゅうめつどう むーちーやくむーとく いーむーしょとくこー) 菩提薩埵 依般若波羅蜜多故ぼーだいさったー えーはんにゃはーらーみーたーこー) 心無罣礙 無罣礙故 無有恐怖(しんむーけいげ むーけいげーこー むーうーくーふー) 遠離一切顚倒夢想 究竟涅槃(おんりーいっさいてんどうむーそう くーぎょうねーはん) 三世諸仏 依般若波羅蜜多故 得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提(さんぜーしょぶつ えーはんにゃはーらーみーたーこー とくあーのくたーらーさんみゃくさんぼーだい) 故知 般若波羅蜜多 (こーちー はんにゃはーらーみーたー) 是大神咒 是大明咒 是無上咒 是無等等咒(ぜーだいじんしゅー ぜーだいみょうしゅー ぜーむーじょうしゅー ぜーむーとうどうしゅー) 能除一切苦 真実不虚(のうじょいっさいくー しんじつふーこー) 故説般若波羅蜜多咒 即説咒曰(こーせつはんにゃはーらーみーたーしゅー そくせつしゅーわっ) 羯諦羯諦 波羅羯諦 波羅僧羯諦 菩提薩婆訶ぎゃーていぎゃーてい はーらーぎゃーてい はらそうぎゃーてい ぼーじーそわかー)


Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva when practicing deeply the Prajna Paramita perceives that all five skandhas are empty and is saved from all suffering and distress. Shariputra, form does not differ from emptiness, emptiness does not differ from form. That which is form is emptiness, that which is emptiness form. The same is true of feelings, perceptions, impulses, consciousness. Shariputra, all dharmas are marked with emptiness; they do not appear or disappear, are not tainted or pure, do not increase or decrease. Therefore, in emptiness no form, no feelings, perceptions, impulses, consciousness. No eyes, no ears, no nose, no tongue, no body, no mind; no color, no sound, no smell, no taste, no touch, no object of mind; no realm of eyes and so forth until no realm of mind consciousness. No ignorance and also no extinction of it, and so forth until no old age and death and also no extinction of them. No suffering, no origination, no stopping, no path, no cognition, also no attainment with nothing to attain. The Bodhisattva depends on Prajna Paramita and the mind is no hindrance; without any hindrance no fears exist. Far apart from every perverted view one dwells in Nirvana. In the three worlds all Buddhas depend on Prajna Paramita and attain Anuttara Samyak Sambodhi. Therefore know that Prajna Paramita is the great transcendent mantra, is the great bright mantra, is the utmost mantra, is the supreme mantra which is able to relieve all suffering and is true, not false. So proclaim the Prajna Paramita mantra, proclaim the mantra which says: gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha. Chanting the Heart Sutra by Thich Nhat Hanh <– click

影山留都 散詩集 ”コトノハヅル” から二篇。


六月の雨に どんな傘を差そうか 静かな雨なら 一食の傘で 暗い空なら 水玉や花模様 天気雨の時は 真珠をのせた里芋の葉の傘もいい 大粒の雨には 番傘もよかった

一番強力なのは 核の傘さ 冗談めかして言う声がする

六月の雨に それを差すの? 非核の傘や 反核の傘 平和の傘だって あるじゃない 軽い口調で応えてみる

小さかったり 穴あきだったり 透明で見えない傘もあるけれど 蕗の葉の下からコロポックルがのぞいたり オウムの顔の柄が しゃべりかけてきたら 初めて自分の傘を持った子供のように スキップしたくなるかもしれない

嵐の時は傘をすぼめたほうが 歩きやすい 核の傘をたためば 六月の雨に たくさんの傘の あじさい模様 雲が切れるのを待てば 地球の差している 二重の虹の 傘が見える



身支度 やっぱり 間違ったんじゃない? 水の作業に行くのに ミリタリー・ルックで気取るなんて

水色のストライプじゃ単純すぎる 水玉模様じゃ子供っぽいって

それならば 伝統的なファッションさまざま 波に千鳥の粋な染め いなせな漁師の渋い縮み 井桁模様の藍の絣か いっそ 流水落花の綾錦

水はこの星そのもの 蜃気楼にうつる山々と 砂漠の底を穿ち流れる川とに 祈りの無いまま 迷彩服で出かけてゆくと 流れは涸れ 水は淀んで あとはたちまち 瓦礫と泥沼

『やってみるしかない』ユダヤ遺産博物館でのボリス・ルリエ展 : “Nothing to do but to try” Boris Lurie Exhibition at Museum of Jewish Heritage

オリンが長く関わっているボリス・ルリエ財団 (← クリック)での展覧会が ユダヤ遺産博物館(← クリック)であった。初恋の女性も、実母も姉妹もホロコーストで失くし、使い勝手の良い男という理由で、ボリスと実父は終戦までの年月をキャンプで働かされた。自由を得てニューヨークに渡る。日々襲ってくる筆舌し難い辛酸をなめた過酷な体験、それらを覚えている限り 描ききってやる、表現してやる、との固い決意がボリスを終生のアート活動に向かわせた。

博物館は、”ホロコースト;憎しみができること” と ”ホロコーストから生還した人々の顔;写真展” の三つのセクションに分かれており、涙無しには全てを見きれなかった。すべて、この地球上のものは繋がっているのに、どうしてこんなに易々と殺戮できるのだろう。(核の脅威も生物兵器も勿論)

帰りに、スミソニアン国立アメリカインディアン博物館 (← クリック)にも立ち寄ることができた。もともとこの大陸に居た先住者達の歴史を見ることができる。ボリス・ルリエ展もこちらの展観も実に重く深く考えさせられる。

The exhibition from Boris Lurie Art Foundation (← click) where Orin has been involved for a long time, was held at The Museum of Jewish Heritage (← click). Boris lost his childhood lover, mother and sisters in the Holocaust, however he and his father were selected by nazis to work in camps until the end of the war because they had good skills for work. Boris, then got free and moved to New York. Since then, his life was extremely hard and bitter, these harsh experiences that attacked him every day were too difficult to put into words.『As long as I can remember them, I will draw them out, express them! 』This determination pushed Boris towards his lifelong artistic career and activities.

The museum currently has three exhibitions, including “Nothing to do but to try” Boris Lorie, “Survivors: Faces of Life after the Holocaust by Martin Schoeller” and “The HOLOCAUST; what hate can do”. I couldn’t see them all without tears. Everything on this earth is connected, so how can it be so easy to slaughter? (Nuclear threats and/or biological weapons, of course)

On the way back, Orin and I were able to stop by the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian (← click). You can see the history of the original inhabitants of this continent. Both the Boris Lurie exhibition and this exhibition are really heavy and make me think deeply.





This is the title of poetry book published by a friend (poet) in Tokyo on this fall. She sent it to me as a surprise, but apparently she accidentally sent it to my old address four years ago (Queens, Ridgewood). The address itself is correct, so there is a high chance that it will arrive, but if someone received it, of course I don’t live there and it would have been returned as the recipient unknown.

Fortunately, like a miracle, the landlord at the time found this collection of poems?? package?? that had been thrown away! It seems that no one was there because the house was being repaired, and the person who delivered it left it as it was. It could be a coincidence, or it could be a common occurrence. At the same time, my friend informed me that she was sorry that it did not arrive, and so she sent it to me again!

I’ve been feeling a lot of anxiety lately, so it was a very happy event.

彼女は素敵な素描も同封してくださった。She also enclosed nice drawings too.


From the top, going left to right: cherry blossoms, hawthorn, wild grapes, thoroughwort, toad-lily, spotted bellflower, fringed pink, burnet, and liverwort.

気を良くして次は乳酸発酵キャベツを : I’m feeling better so the next will be a sauerkraut,



Fermented cabbage was actually traumatic to me. In early February 2021, which I will never forget, my heartfelt hand-made fermented cabbage failed! Reluctantly composted. I went out to the garden before it got dark, saying that I should throw away things during the daytime the next day. (very strange feeling “must do now! hurry!) Remove the snow and compost the smelly cabbage. And I flipped over. **Emergency transport and femoral head replacement surgery.

One year and nine months has left. Encouraged by the great success of brown rice lactic acid bacteria, I tried to make fermented cabbage again. Well, let’s increase mitochondria with a fun life and delicious ingredients.


ホンタ、遅々として進まず:Honta, slow progress




Time flies since the rear-end collision the other day. The rear-end accident report at the police station has not been completed at all, and it is still waiting because it cannot be repaired without permission.

As for Honta, he was relaxing in our landlady’s garden as usual, and his body wrapped with the dead leaves all over him. Now all leaves flew away so that he shows his shining roof. Appears to be dozing off.

It’s like an old guard dog that I’ve lived with for a long time, a kind of lovable feeling I have now. We are so sorry, Honta got hurt. We occasionally fights over the idea that Orin won’t need a car when we move to New York. Well,,,

玄米乳酸菌 その後.:brown rice lactic acid bacteria and then.





10月22日の下ごしらえからちょうど 7日たった。飲み頃でしょうかね?

  1. Lightly wash one cup of brown rice. Put the brown rice and half a liter of water in a container and leave it in the sun for a day. 2. The next day, add 1.5 liters of water and 15 grams of salt into “1”. Leave in a sunny place for a day. 3. Add 45 grams of sugar to “2” and wait 3-5 days for fermentation to complete. That’s it.

** Shake well once a day to stir, then open the lid and let air in.

When the liquid has decreased by about half, add the same amount of water used to soak the rice, add about 1% of salt and about 3% of sugar, and continue culturing in the same way. However, if it smells putrid, unfortunately it has been mixed with various bacteria, so say goodbye and start over. If things goes well, you can culture one after another based on the first lactic acid bacteria solution. (Sure, up to you)

There are many recipes and many ways to make it, but I chose this simple method. For water, I used filter water, pink salt, and organic sugarcane for sugar. Brown rice is ordinary rice that you can buy normally.

Just 7 days have passed since the preparations on October 22nd. Is it time to drink?

玄米乳酸菌:brown rice lactic acid bacteria




I have heard about the wonderful effects of malted rice and lactobacilli for a long time, and my friends have been making healthy foods using them with their own ideas. Miso and soy sauce, of course.

Over the past few years, I have heard a lot about the experiences of people who have had severe side effects after getting a corona vaccine, starting with a high fever. I think detox is finally becoming an urgent issue. Matsuba (pine tree leaf) tea, which has been loved since ancient times, is one of them.

Unexpectedly, I wanted to support Orin’s detox and intermittent fasting, so after a long time (!!) I decided to make brown rice lactic acid bacteria drink.