最近の創作詩:recent creative poem (topic/ the New Year, 2025) 8 January/2025

New Year’s Day in the key to the year

People die twice. The first time is the literal death of the body. The second time is when the memory of your existence is erased from the hearts of your family, loved ones, and everyone else. So I will continue to live as consciously as possible, without forgetting those who have passed away. That’s what I decided on the first day of the new year.


ひとは2度 死にます。1度目は 文字通りの肉体の死。2度目はあなたの身内や親しいひと、皆の心のなかから あなたの存在していた記憶や思い出が 消え去ってしまったとき。だからアタシは限りなく意識的に 故人を忘れることなく生き続ける。そう決めた新年の初日。