ホスピス、オリンちゃんの22回目の月命日など:Hospice, Orin-chan’s 22nd monthly anniversary of death, etc.


My dear friend Y-san’s hospital room has recently been turned into a hospice. I hear that her situation is not fatal, but she is quietly and silently approaching the end of her life. For a brief moment, I share her whole world by staying close to her.

Yさんと手繋ぎ:Holding hand with Y
いつ頃だったろう、この写真。オリンとバンド仲間。ありがたい事に、今もあたしは皆さんに良くしていただいてます:I wonder when this photo was taken. Orin and his bandmates (F.o.K/Fist of Kindness) at Eonta Art Space, NJ. Thankfully, everyone is still treating me so well.
オリンちゃんの遺灰ネックレスを少し手直しした:I made some rework to Orin’s ashes necklace.