年末はどう?:How about the end of the year?

活元(整体)の今年最後のクラスに参加。もう引っ越しを考えてるのに部屋の模様替え。居る間はあたしが気分よく過ごしたいものね。多分この疲れ?でどうも風邪をひいたらしい。38.5度C、低体温のあたしにはありがたきショック療法、身体の全細胞を活性化→免疫力を蘇らせ→(ま、伏せっていたのですが)新年を迎えようって魂胆。そうだ、Tちゃんと スミさんの 突飛スタジオ(<-クリック) に出かけ、素敵な腕輪を購入。(溶岩が素材なので、何か地球と交信しているよう)Jにカリンバを教わったり、マットとリズのクリスマスディナーパーティに参加。

I attended the last class of the year at Katsugen (chiropractic). I’m thinking of moving, but I’m redecorating my room. I want to feel good while I’m here, anyway. Maybe it’s because of this fatigue? I caught a cold. My temperature was 38.5C degrees, and I was hypothermic, so this was a welcome shock therapy for me, activating all the cells in my body → reviving my immune system → (well, I’d been keeping it a secret laying down) my intention to welcome the new year. Oh, by the way, I went to Sumi-san’s Toppi Studio (<-click) with T-chan, and bought a nice bracelet. (It’s made of lava, so it seems to be communicating with the earth somehow.) I learned how to play the kalimba from J, and also attended Matt and Liz’s Christmas dinner party.

溶岩の腕輪。すごくマジカル:Lava bracelet. So magical
フランク、似顔絵に興じている:Frank is having fun drawing portrait.
Jからカリンバを譲ってもらった。こちらは軽量で響きも綺麗:J gave me a kalimba. It’s lightweight and has a beautiful sound.
クリスマスディナー。マットとリズ、ありがとう:Christmas dinner. Thank you Matt and Liz.