夏さん、どうぞ安らかにお眠りくださいね:Natsu-san, please return home in peace, with love and light



人を大気現象外に連れだす巫女、シャーマン?あたしらの情念を視覚化して、そして解体してゆく。未来、と呼ばれる概念が、今ここ、に時空方向を定める。夏さんは日本の雛祭りの日に旅立たれた。世界を人形のように抱きしめ、自ら、を限りなく手放し、ポツンと突っ立つ永遠の少女のようにも思えた彼女に、ふさわしい日ではなかったろうか。  ありがとうございました、そして 合掌

Nakajima-Natsu <–click  中嶋夏 _舞踏  <–クリック VangelineTheater <– click/クリック

Butoh dancer Natsu Nakajima. When she was alive, she said that everything changed when she met Tatsumi Hijikata, but for me, meeting Natsu-san changed everything. A wonderful encounter that took place over 30 years ago. Of course, it is true that my orbital axis has gradually become realize, deep, and clearer due to various encounters and events at important points in my world before and after that. However, I am extremely happy to have met Natsu-san in this life.

Until then, there was a stereotype that Butoh was a male dancer, but she became the first woman to dance in public. Her accomplishments are immeasurable, as she has spread Butoh not only around the world, but also taught it at the same time.

A shaman, a shrine maiden who takes people out of the atmosphere? Visualizing our passions and then dismantling them. A concept called the future determines the direction of space and time in the here and now. Natsu-san departed on the day of Japan’s Doll’s Festival (Hina-matsuri). Wasn’t this the perfect day for her, who seemed like an eternal girl who held the world like a doll, let go of herself, and stood alone forever? Thank you very much.    rest in peace