プリンスとジュディス・ヒル:Prince & Judith Hill


ジュディスは2013年 ”バックコーラスの歌姫たち” (ドキュメント映画)にも出演しており、大急ぎでこのフィルムを見ることになった。母親を日本人に持つ彼女のエキゾティックな顔立ち、歌唱力の素晴らしさ。私が疎いだけで、彼女はずっと活躍していることを知った。いつか彼女の生のライブが見たいなあと思う。

Judith Hill. Prince’s final sweetheart, with Prince’s production of her, Judith will go forward super diva—that is what Prince promised to public, but his sudden passing brought that to an end. Recently, Prince appeared in my dream and said, ‘You should know a little more about her. Please support her.’

Judith also appeared in 2013’s “20 FEET FROM STARDOM” (she was introduced in this documentary film as one of the Backing Chorus Divas), so I was in a hurry to see this film. Her mother is Japanese, she has exotic features and wonderful singing ability. I didn’t know that she was active all this time just because I was ignorant. I would like to see her live performance someday.