Walk of Fame at the Apollo Theater: アポロ劇場前の、スターの歩道


By counting, there were 27 nameplates of musicians embedded on the street, including James Brown, who thrilled the audience, a string of jazz musicians, Stevie Wonder, Prince, and Michael Jackson more.

やっぱりハーレム、されどハーレム。絶対に住んでやるって誓って半世紀以上経っちゃったけど、今ここが全て。 ずっと意地悪な底冷えで散歩は限界があるけど、後少しだね、ハーレム界隈のビデオを撮ったり、パークで思う存分カリンバを弾くのだ。

It’s Harlem after all, but it’s Harlem at all/anyway. Over half a century has passed since I swore I’d definitely live there, but for now, this is everything and just good timing. The perpetually bitterly cold weather limits my ability to take walks, but I’m not far off, so I’ll be taking videos of the Harlem area and playing the kalimba to my heart’s content in the park.

面白いのは、道ゆく人がネームプレートを踏まない様、ケアフルに通り過ぎていること:What’s interesting is that people passing by are careful not to step on the nameplate.