2025年, 元日.『笑う門には福来たる』:2025, New Year’s Day. “Fortune comes in at the merry gate”

やーい、年明け初日は祥子マッサージを受けました。身体意識を尊重し傾聴し仲良くして、後どのくらいの余生かも分からんのですが、生かされていることに感謝。次いで128画廊オーナーに新年のご挨拶をMさんと共に。メールやテキスト、カードあれこれが飛び交い祝い合い、無事や近況を尋ね合い、こうした年明けの交流はアタシを奮い立たせ、心地良く暖かい波動で包んでくれる。 久々にKさんとCさんカップルが訪ねてくださったり。 Jさんの指導でカリンバの練習。ありがたき新年の幕開けです。

Yay, on the first day of the new year I received Shoko massage. I would like to listen carefully what my body consciousness says, although I don’t know how much longer I have left to live, but always respect and to have consideration to my body. M-san and I visited New Year’s greetings to the owner of 128 Gallery. Emails, texts, and cards were flying back and forth, congratulating each other, asking about safety and the latest developments, and these exchanges at the start of the new year inspire me and envelop me in comfortable. K-san & C-san, came to visit me for the first time in a while, and I practiced the kalimba under J’s guidance. A wonderful start to the new year.

お正月のお飾り”千両”、写真はSちゃんからです:New Year’s decoration “Senryo”, photo by S-chan