最近の創作詩:recent creative poem #2 (topic/ no cellular phone today)


「ちょっと!なんでまだキープしてんの、僕のセルラー?」わたしの心の世界にすむあなたが尋ねる。    「だって、あんたが居なくなってしまったから、せめてあんたの分身だったセルラーを身近に持っていたいのよ。」                                                「僕が身体を持っていた時、」とあなたは話す、もちろんテレパシーで。 「僕はあらゆる I T機器使いまくりだったよ。仕事とは言え、、あの頃、きみはいつも『今日はセルラーは無しよ。せめて散歩中の時だけでも』って言ってたよね、『楽しいことをやろうよ』って言ってたよね、、」                       ふ〜む、 あなたの健康を守ろうと、小うるさく、電磁波機器から遠ざかれって言い続けたわたしも、もういない。  その代わり、中性子とか陽子とかクオークとか、そんなふうに量子に還元されたあなたの魂、宙空の電磁波交流、こうしたテレパシー的会話は、いささか奇想天外すぎるかも?

One of my grieving processes : Telepathy

“Hey! Why are you still keeping my cellular phone?” he asks, living in my mind. “Because you’re gone, I want to at least have your cell phone close by.”

“When I had a body,” he says telepathically, of course. “I used all kinds of IT devices. Even for work,” “You always told me『No celler today! Especially when we’re taking a walk 』”, he continues, “You always said『 Let’s do something fun! 』”.

Hmm, I’m no longer the person who nagged him to stay away from electromagnetic devices to protect his health.

Instead, having a telepathic conversations with his soul, reduced to quantum like neutrons, protons, and quarks, is just too fantastic…. Too out of the blue, right?


晩秋のブルックリン植物園をKと訪れた。ほぼ紅葉の始まった園内で、いく種類かのバラが陽光に顔を向け、健気に咲き揃っていたのが印象的だった。 先日は祥子マッサージ。本当にありがたい。砂糖断ちをしてからの心身の変化や近況報告などで楽しく会話が弾んだ。それとですね、思ったより長引いたが右肋骨の打撲もほぼ回復してきたし、久々に活元体操に出かけた。ほぼ3ヶ月、右側をかばってきたのでとてつもない歪みに我ながら驚きました。あ, それとですね、ドキュメンタリーフィルム・スクリーニング。残念ながらやんごとなき所用のため早めに失礼せざるを得ず、ミスしました。。

I visited the Brooklyn Botanical Garden with K in late autumn. In the garden, where the leaves have almost started to turn red, it was striking to see several kinds of roses blooming bravely, facing the sunlight. The other day, I had a massage therapy at Shoko’ studio. I’m really grateful. We had a fun conversation about the changes in my mind and body since I stopped eating sugar (or sugary snacks, sweets) and about recent updates. Also, although it took longer than I thought, the bruise on my right rib has almost healed, and I went out Katsugen exercises for the first time in a while. I had been protecting my right side for almost three months, so I was surprised at how much it was distorted. Oh, I missed to watch *the documentary film screening, hopefully I will be able to see it someday.


*”Pale Blue Dot When You Smile..” / This film explores the essence of life and soul through the reflection of water, borrowing insights from Shintoism and scientific studies.