植物さんの世話、画廊でビデオ撮り、詩のクラスやお見舞いなど:Taking care of plants, taking video at the gallery, poetry class, visiting friend in the hospital, etc


Since plants don’t move around themselves, perhaps they use the animals and creatures(human) around them as extensions of themselves? For the past month and a half, I have been taking care of the plants on behalf of my friend. Yes, they are the main characters, so I humbly listen to their requests. Sunlight, direction, watering, care. At first, both of us were nervous (?), but we soon got comfortable with each other and it’s now fun to take care of them.


The other day, I went to visit my dear friend Y with kalimba. I played Japanese children’s songs and sang them in her ears. The forest outside the window was still a remnant of summer before the leaves turned red. The warm sunlight wrapped her.

フランクの”作詩”クラスに誘われた。皆が俳句に興味を持っていることが面白いなって思った。:I was invited to Frank’s “Poetry” class. It was nice that everyone there was interested in “haiku”.