My friend J.E. taught me the basics of how to playing the kalimba. The pleasant sound is similar to that of a music box. This simple instrument is also known as a “thumb piano.” Perhaps I was unconsciously searching for this sound vibration?! Last month, I attended Kevin’s kalimba meeting, and the moment I heard it, I thought, “That’s it! This tone and scale are essential for my ‘green funeral project’ !” I knew about the kalimba, but I never imagined it would be connected in this way.
Tさんトリオのガーデンイベント:T-san Trio’s garden event敬老会はウナギ弁当:Eel lunch box for the Respect for the Aged Day partyオリンの17回目の月命日、カリンバの上のオリンちゃん:On the day of the 17th monthly anniversary of Orin’s death, I put him on my kalimbaYちゃんの、ちぎり絵タイム、子供たちがたくさん集まって大盛況。Cちゃん、Yちゃんと共に:Y’s Paper-cutting time was a great success, with many children gathering. With C-chan and Y-chan.
Director Hideaki Ito comes a shocking documentary about the prevalence of radiation poisoning in the US—and the untold story of the mother who tried to expose it. In 1951, nuclear weapons testing began on the US mainland. Hundreds of miles away in St. Louis, Dr. Louise Reiss began collecting baby teeth from other mothers in her community. Through studying these teeth, Reiss found that American children—not just the so-called “Utah downwinders”—had been exposed to dangerous levels of radiation. Silent Fallout traces these stories and others, journeying from Salt Lake City, to Virginia, to Missouri, to the United Kingdom, and to Japan, exposing the government deception behind the bomb.
I inherited the scroll from J.I-chan by chance. Apparently it was a keepsake from his father’s family, who had been collecting calligraphy, paintings, and antiques for generations, but I thought I’d keep it forever. As I am currently(still) living in the basement, the ceiling is low, so the upper part had to be bent quite a bit to hang it. A fairly high ceiling is essential to hang a scroll of considerable length, and a large, sacred room/space where it can be hung comfortably is also a requirement. Is it really okay to just hang Amaterasu, the supreme deity of Japanese Shinto,(<- click) enshrined at Ise Grand Shrine and a symbol of the sun, light, love and truth, in this way?
The small space connected to the kitchen now feels like it has a different vibe. I’m really grateful.
In mid-July, Y.H-san’ family came to visit her in the hospital from Japan. I was worried that A.H-san would be surprised by the heat and humidity here in New York, but her family said that Japan (Kanto region) is still experiencing extremely hot weather. Everyone, including Y’s friends, gathered together and had dinner and chatted after the visit, which was very meaningful.