今年も恒例、SJAC (日本とアメリカの創造者協会) の、年次展が開催された。2017年に発足以来、あたし自身はダイレクターに名を連ねてはいるものの、初回以降、NYCにとんぼ返りでビデオインタビューや写真を撮ったより他、あまり貢献してなかった様な。。けれど勿論、その間にも様々な素晴らしいアーティスト・メンバーの発表の場として続行しており、SJACそのものもかなりニューヨークに浸透してきているのがとても嬉しい。
This year, the annual exhibition of SJAC/Society of Japanese and American Creators was held as usual. Although I have been one of the directors since the inception in 2017, I didn’t really contribute much beyond flying back to NYC to do some video interviews and take some photos. But of course, in the meantime, it continues to serve as a venue for many wonderful artists and members to showcase their work, and I’m very happy to see that SJAC itself has become well established in New York.