このところ最も多忙な日々:The busiest days so far



旧友G Jが今はニュージャージーのかなり遠い病院に移り、彼のジャージーシティのスタジオの片付けやらあれこれを、皆と行っている。88歳というのは普通なのか高齢なのか地球年齢なのかマヤカシなのか。彼は今も病室でドローイングに余念がない。

I went to visit S-chan’s community garden in Harlem. I could feel the commitment of the garden members to the global environment. Like I (& Orin) was in Bisbee and Newberg, respect for the environment surrounding plants and making compost as a source of nutrients for plants are essential. I’m learning a lot of deep things that will help me with my own “tree funeral project.”

I had a pleasant chat with K.H-san, and decided to walk along the Chelsea High Line (a skyscraper garden in New York) for the first time in a while. There was greenery, greenery, flowers, plants and trees. Everyone was walking and laughing happily. That was good, everything was good.

My old friend G.J has now moved to a hospital in a rather faraway part of New Jersey, and we’re helping him tidy up his Jersey City studio and other things. Is 88 years old a normal age, an old age, an age of the earth, or an illusion? He’s still busy drawing in his hospital room.