Japan Day Parade 2024 & Strawberry Fields : ジャパンデー行進とか、ストロベリー・フィールドの会合

花々が咲き誇る中、または雨模様のちょっとつまらない日もアタシのお出かけは続く。フリッジアートは大成功。皆さん、お疲れ様でした!祥子マッサージは、彼女の帰国を待って今回は約2ヶ月ぶり。身体状況は時々刻々変化しているので、メインテナンスは欠かせない。身体を冷やさないことや, 仏陀の教え “五戒” の日々精進あれこれ語り合う。なんだかアタシの心のマッサージをしていただいたのかしら。楽しく弾む、こうでなきゃね!


Even when the flowers are in full bloom or it’s a boring day with rain, I continue to go out. Fridge art fair was a great success. You guys have been worked hard! THANK YOU. Yey, Shoko came back from Japan. This is my first time I took her massage therapy in a couple of months. Body Maintenance is essential because your physical condition is constantly changing. The golden rule is not to cool your body. We discussed about the daily dedication of Buddha’s teachings, the “Five Precepts(5 commandments)”. And I heard many interesting talk. I felt somehow I got my soul maintenance too.

This year as well as last year, I was participating in the Japan Day Parade. The old ventriloquist puppet (with me) was a big success. The weather was also great. The crowd on the street cheered us and it was a great success. Afterwards, I met up with my fellow at Strawberry Field. I’m grateful for my friends. It ended up being written like a memo.