In late March, I had the opportunity to visit two botanical gardens in Queens and Brooklyn. One is the Queen’s Botanical Garden. Cherry blossom viewing at S-chan’s memorial tree. Although the garden was muddy everywhere due to the heavy rain the day before, the beautiful flowers blooming on the dignified branches are just like S-chan when she was alive. Apparently it’s a species called Somei-yoshino, and it blooms early in the spring.

植物たちと久しぶりに会話を楽しんだ。まあ、あたしの一方的な思い込みかもだけど、こちらに話しかけてくるのね。『あ、気がついた?!』とか『みんなが喜んでくれるからもっと咲いちゃう』とか (にっこり)。
The other is the Brooklyn Botanical Garden. Two couples of friends each invited me and told me that the tulips would bloom and/or the magnolias would be in full bloom and it would be wonderful. Due to time constraints and work commitments, I wasn’t able to meet up with all my friends, but I felt very grateful to be able to relax on the grass in the warm sunshine, walk around the garden, and sunbathing.
I enjoyed talking with the grasses/trees/ flowers for the first time in a while. Well, maybe it’s just my one-sided imagination, but it seems like they’re talking to me. “Ah, did you notice? ! ” or “Everyone is happy, so I will bloom even more” (smile) etc.