In keeping with Orin’s wishes when he was in this world, the first anniversary of his death was completed quite easily. I felt that the Williamsburg Art & Historical Center where his last small works were on display was appropriate. I brought a drawing of a geranium flower, which he loved while he was alive, and two stuffed animals that he always took with them on drives.
テキサスやアリゾナ, 遠く離れている義理の妹たちから早朝のメッセージ。さらには、お友達からの暖かいメッセージを何通もいただいた。アートセンター創設者のゆうこさん、館長のテリーさんにもご挨拶ができた。オリンは皆さんの心の世界に生きている、いや、生かしていただいている。何てありがたいことだろう。
Early morning messages from my sisters-in-law who are far away in Texas and Arizona. Furthermore, I received many warm messages from friends. I was also able to say hello to Yuko, the founder of the WAH Center, and Terry, the director. Orin lives in the world of everyone’s hearts, or rather, he is being kept alive by them. What a blessing!
With everyone’s support, I was able to get through this past year. Beyond words, it seems that a real shift began in the rest of my life. . I’m deeply moved. Appreciation, thank you very much.