婆やは忙しい:Baya/Granny is busy

これまでになく今年2023年という1年は、怒涛の如く吹っ飛んで行った。それも、初っ端からアタシを蹴り上げ叩きつけて。そして僅かに残る今年のこの頃、”オリン” という “光・愛・超意識” というものを感謝とともに少しずつ実感している。ぐずぐずしている場合じゃないのよ、アタシは。やることが控えているし、第一、楽しくそれらをやり終えるのだよ。そして、とっとと去ろう。オリンの一周忌までが険しい登山だろうな、頑張ろうってやってきた。まずは最初のアタシにとっての一歩が始まっている。



This year 2023, has flown by like never before. And from the very beginning, they kicked me and slammed me down. And in this years end, I am gradually becoming aware of the “light, love, and superconsciousness” called “ORIN” with gratitude. No more to delay. (of course no excuse) There are things to do, and let me do them one by one. After I’ll be done, let me quickly leave. Until the first one year anniversary of Orin’s death must be a tough climb, so I came here determined to do my best. First of all, my first step has begun.

I don’t know how long I’ll be in New York City, so I have to start filming my Flatbush Avenue.

My image of the rest of my life is riding a merry-go-round, scattering blessings and good fortune with big smile. I pray for the happiness and Blessing of all living things and the gratitude of being kept alive.
thank you very much.

水瓶座のアタシの守護星、天王星:I’m an Aquarius ruled by Uranus