11月半ばまで:Until mid-November 2023-11-132023-11-30Sanae Maeda BuckNew York City. NY, random post ハロウイーン明けの上旬、近所の大学生たちがD Jと共に、カボチャ投げイベント開催。このままコンポストに蘇れば良いのだけど、、何だかな〜:After a several days of Halloween, local college students(with DJ) hold a pumpkin-throwing event. It would be nice if it could be revived as they are in the compost, but somehow… カシャとブルックリン植物園に行った:I went to the Brooklyn Botanical Garden with Kasia. 植物園内の銀杏並木:Ginkgo trees in the botanical garden. 美会子さんから頂いた、あたしの軽食。お気に入りの人形ゴリンと:My snack that I received from Mieko. With my favorite doll Gorin. 大切なお友達Y Hさんを訪ねた。彼女は記憶の途切れた時間軸の世界にいる。あたしは、あたしの心の記憶に住む彼女に話しかける。彼女は笑う。友情を確認できるありがたさ。。 I visited my dear friend Y.H far from Manhattan. She is in a world where her memories are cut off. I talk to her who lives in the memories of my heart. I say somethings, she laughs. I’m grateful to be able to confirm our friendship.