断捨離がここしばらく進まない。細々したものばかり残り、ひとまとめに、と思うけれどできない。数人のお友達いわく『後で必要なことも生じるから、少しの間は取っておいた方が良いじゃない』って。何やらOちゃんの口癖っぽいけど、もしかして乗り移って、皆にそう言わせたのかしらん? 先ほど、ゴロゴロいくつもあるアダプターに嫌気がさして、どうしようかね、サヨナラだよねってその中の一つを手に取る。表記では、引越しで見失ってしまった電子ピアノのアダプターに似ている、が、メーカーも違うし。。何度か以前試してもいたし。。もう一回、やってみますか、と, 取り付けると、え〜!?赤いライトが付いてオンの表示。怖々弾いてみる。ま、初心者ですがこんなふうに、音楽に戻れてすごく嬉しい。ありがとう、ありがとう。ピアノ、待機中。
The decluttering process has not progressed for a while. There are only small things left, and I wish I could put them (threw away) all together, but I can’t. A few of my friends said, “You may need them later, so it’s better to put them aside for a while.” It sounds like O-chan has a habit of saying it, so maybe he’s taken over and made everyone say that? Earlier, I got fed up with all the adapters lying around, so I decided to pick one up and decided to say goodbye. According to the description, it looks similar to the adapter for the electronic piano we lost when we moved, but it’s a different manufacturer. . I’ve tried it several times before. . I thought, “Would you like to try it again?” When I installed it, it was like, Wow! ? Displayed on with red light. I’m afraid to try playing it. Well, I’m a beginner, but I’m really happy to be able to get back into music like this. Thank you thank you. Piano standby.
It’s strange; I’ve tried this adapter before.